

charles_echeta · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Hi, my name is Mitch Reynolds, I'm a seventeen year old that just left junior school and is about to enter high school. I look like a normal kid, do normal things, eat normal food, but trust me, I'm far from normal.

"Dad I'm off for school. Don't wait for me today, we have orientation today so it might take a while for me to get back home. Keep my lunch in the fridge... I'll eat it when I get back" I told my dad and rush out of the house to get to the school bus.

I am going to be late on my first day of school. I must prevent that unless I'll be cursed with bad luck this semester. I need to hurry and get to school before 8:30am.

"Yo Mitch! Over here... I kept a seat for you. Hurry!! You are going to be late" My best friend, Maiki, yells out the window of the bus. I run as fast as I could in front of him but I still miss the bus.

"Oh well it can't be helped. I wonder how I'll get to school.. hmmm!! Speed or teleporation? Nahhh.. I don't want to damage my uniform. I'll teleport".

I snapped my fingers and I got to the school. I got there early with thirty minutes to spare.

" Wow.. I didn't think it would work. I thought one could only teleport to places he or she has been before. Maybe my case is special" I said to myself and try to find my way to the assembly hall.


Hi... my name is...We already did this so amma skip it. Like I said before, I am not normal. My parents never knew this but in an accident my mom had one time, she had a contact with a gene-mutating substance. It took some time before it could finally leave her system. Then, she was pregnant with me so it affected me the most. By the time she gave birth to my little brother it had almost left her system, that doesn't mean it didn't affect my brother. The only difference between us is that it affected my entire body system while the little in my mom affected his brain.

Long story short, I have superpowers, ALOT of them. My brother? Yeah, he has...but it's just one. He is a genius. I mean he is a GENIUS!!! Oh... he has telepathy and telekinesis. Oh.... that makes it three. My bad🙏!!

OK so my brother has powers related to using his brain. So it might me more than that, but he has only used three for now. He is fifteen so he still has time to explore his mind😏😏

As for me....I am.... Huh...I don't even know how to explain mine. All I know is that my powers are unlimited. I found out about my powers when I was three. I was playing my friend and he took my toy. I got mad and started crying. As I did that, he started floating like he was being lifted by an invisible hand. My parents saw it and took him down. They picked me and rushed into our house.

For two weeks straight they were scared of me. Eventually they got over it, even started exploiting my powers. Like WTH!!😤

Like one time when I was eight, my dad broke my mom's favorite mug. He begged me to fix it. I could have pieced it together to make it brand new but knowing my dad I had to waste my power, Omnificence, to create dozens of it.

I didn't mind doing it until he broke the new one moments after I had given it to him. "Really dad?😤".

OK....Let's go back to the present. We are done with the assembly and I was shown my classroom by our teacher, Mrs Simmons. She is a nice woman, but she sometimes act weird and refers to herself as a young girl...but she's thirty five🤔🤔🤔

Anyways, I get into the class and introduce myself to my new classmates. I promised I would keep my head low in high school and that's what I plan to do. "Hello, my name is Mitch Reynolds. It's a pleasure to be your classmate" I said this and bowed which was weird...that's something I saw in an anime. I guess I needed to be reminded that this is real life. Then again, I have powers so everything seems like a fantasy to me.

"Hahahahahaha. The dude bowed. That's weird....he is weird" said the dummy of the class.

I looked up to see who was talking and I saw a tall, dumb looking dude with a goofy face and a weird haircut. And he says I'm dumb. He looks like a freaking cartoon character.

I couldn't say that out though, I didn't want no trouble in my first day, also I needed to keep my head low.

I walk to my seat and drop my bag on my table. I sit down and bring out my notes and pen, then our literature teacher comes in and we start our first class.

Few hours later, it is time for lunch. I get to the cafeteria to get snacks and an apple. I didn't have anything to eat because I told my dad to leave it in the fridge so I would eat it later. I knew after the orientation I would get home tired, so it would help me a lot.

I grab my stuff and head for a free table. Someone rushes past me and hits my tray. My milk, cake and apple was about to hit the ground. I quickly slow down time and pick it before it does.

"Wheww!! That was close. I didn't bring much money with me so I wouldn't be able to buy another one". The guy who hit me turns and apologises " Oh, I'm sorry bro, didn't see you there" He continues running as he heads towards the eguess.

I quickly eat and was done before the next class was about to start.

Finally we were done with the day's class and it's time for the orientation. The orientation takes almost two hours. Once it was done they called out the representatives and gave them their badges. And the best new student gave her speech and we were done.

I check my wristwatch. Its 5:30pm. "That took a while. I'm too tired to trek and I don't want to use the bus" I said to myself. I step out and head to the toilet where I wouldn't be spotted and I teleport home.

I appear in front of my dad. " I see you are back. How was your first day of school?" He asks.

"Ummmmm....it was OK I guess. It was better than the last one so it's alright. I said and head to the kitchen to warm up my lunch.