
5- Dropping Poverty

From the moment I could feel my chakra I was happy, but I also realized how weak my talent was,

Since I was not part of any Clan, I had no lineage and my parents were weak too I expected it, but it is revolting that my natural talent is worse than my father a mere low level chunin

I overcame that anger with determination, because I knew I could easily overcome it as soon as I grew up with specialized training to develop my faster chakra and fuinjutsus if necessary,

My dad stayed home with us just a week before returning to do some missions and as he was successful on the last mission that was rank B he got good money to help our family since since I was born the amount of money they had to spending increased a lot and things in the restaurant had gotten a little difficult

As a good son I noticed my mother's stress when my father left, sometimes we ran out of vegetables to make the restaurant dishes and that generated customer dissatisfaction and sales were falling.

I didn't want to show too much of my capabilities and speed up my plan for the restaurant but I saw that things were getting out of hand as the threat of a new war between the villages increased prices which only further hurt my restaurant. family that by the way was called Blue Sky because of the taste of the dishes that took him there

Or what it should be because when I tasted a little without my mom seeing it I realized it was nothing much, it didn't have many spices and it was very common

To save my family I took advantage of the mornings that the restaurant would not open and asked my mother to teach me how to cook, of course she took a joke at first and would not let me move anything, but after watching my mother making a sauce for the dish I said mom I'm sure it would look a lot tastier than it already is (son flattering mom) if you add diced onions along with that red fruit on the counter and some of those green leaves that are near the backyard gate

I already ate and it tastes very good

first my mother was shocked by what I said and then angry with me and especially Keiko-san who didn't keep an eye on me right

after venting it would ignore me and keep doing it the traditional way but i wouldn't let it i used my super power of unlimited cuteness combo along with the eternal boredom i was making crying face and repeating to my mother to do what i want until she surrenders

she put the tomato and onion but got a foot behind that piece of green leaf that I know as oregano

but with my combo she gave up and did what i said when i went to try she almost had a heart attack and scolded me again saying it was dangerous for the pups to stay near the fire

after my spurt she finally got up the courage and tasted it, just as the sauce came into her mouth and realized how delicious it was and the implications of it

As soon as she finishes savoring the sauce, my mother turns to me and asks, How did you know it would be nice if you put those extra ingredients in the sauce?

I said that because of the contrast in the flavors, I explained a bit by giving other examples of foods that could be changed for the better by adding richer or bitter tastes and I ended up teaching her how to make an X-Burguer.

Which made my mom almost have a stroke, after trying all the dishes I said she also started to come up with new ideas to put on the restaurant menu.

I also gave some marketing ideas, of course nothing very developed as I only have seven months which is already absurd but my mother was already used to it, I already designed an X-Burguer and showed it to her and said how an innocent child would be nice that everyone in the village could see our restaurant's snacks so they can see that mommy and the best cook in the world

I said I would draw all the plates on a small piece of paper and ask Keiko-chan to distribute to everyone in the village along with our restaurant location on a very rough map of the village.

My mother might not be strong but she was smart and realized that if she did that the number of clients would increase a lot and along with them our money

As she concentrated on this and how to make the flyers I had left the house and started running around the yard to improve my physique as much as possible at this age to improve my chakra levels.

Of course I was not alone in the physical since the chakra and the junction of physical and spiritual power which I would consider my mind if I heard it on earth but here there is really a spirit that can even survive outside the body but I don't know how to train my mind. spirit then I only meditate after my physical training.

It was an extremely hectic month, not for me but for my mother because the pamphlets worked so well and the people of the village were extremely curious about the X-Burghers they had never seen and experienced before.

In the beginning, it was only the civilians who already knew my family's Blue Sky restaurant and when they tried once they could no longer control themselves and asked more and more

Soon the news spread, along with the pamphlets our restaurant started to catch fire and even several ninjas started to eat here which caused a lot of pressure on my mother because although konoha is one of the best villages regarding the treatment between shinobi and civilians things were not so simple and there was a certain prejudice and arrogance of the shinobi and the civilians were a little afraid.

This problem always existed but it got worse when Nidaime put the Uchihas to do the internal security of the village and as they were very arrogant and always thought the strongest ended up pressing the ordinary civilians who did not belong to any clan.

But even with that, even the arrogant Uchihas and Hyugas surrendered to my mother and her X-Bourgeurs, who got better over time and shifted to various fillings.

In 2 months my mother could no longer make so many burgers and ended up having to hire 5 more cooks and 3 waiters this is including Keiko-san.

Near my 1 year birthday my family's restaurant had grown and there were almost no people in the village who had not eaten in it yet, this includes Hokage himself, the God Shinobi Sarutobi

It was about the fourth month since the burgers began and caused a tremendous upheaval, with shouts and buzzing from all kinds of shinobi people who didn't want the Hokage to see them eating like wild animals and ordinary folks they didn't even know well. how to behave and were even afraid to speak.

When that happened I heard the shouting and then just heard in unison welcome hokage-sama, I was crazy to go see too more my mom started locking me indoors since the restaurant started to fill and I was running around and she said doing it without control at my age is bad.

After everyone in the restaurant greeted the hokage they started running out of the restaurant as quickly as possible with their still unfinished Bacte in their mouth refusing to let go until they were all done.

In 2 minutes the restaurant was empty only with the anok hokage still hidden and my mother and the staff bent over without daring to get up

So Sandaime said with that peaceful and soothing voice can relax my children, although not yet very old at that time he was still the oldest in that environment

After saying that all the tension in the restaurant evaporated and all the staff said they would serve Sandaime as best they could, he calmly sat down at the counter and very calmly asked the X-Burguer my mother promised that the best she would come out immediately had already done

After 5 minutes it was ready and smelling great, so much so that even I was drooling, apparently my mom put her soul in this burger, and then the hokage tried and was shocked by the taste and then said she loved it and wanted one more to take away. back to the village center because he still had to work, so my mother finished 3 extra sandwiches for the hokage and did not charge anything for them, after which the hokage left quickly looking like it was running away.

While thinking about it Hakage was sweating cold because of the commotion it caused and also because all the customers left the restaurant making him embarrassed because it was causing injury and further said he noticed that some of those who left quickly did not pay, and all What the Hokage thought while tasting the delicious burger was: I have to get out before Emi Ao-Chan realizes how much damage I caused.


LucasRDLcreators' thoughts