

''an ugly girl like her likes me.. doesn\'t she have a mirror in her house?'' cursed a man with mounting emotions when he received an unexpected letter from a girl who herself knew what the person really was like.. her name is Felicia Amora, a geeky girl who wears big and thick glasses.. her body is also fuller than girls in general who seem to always pay attention to the appearance of her body to keep it awake.. her clothes are also quite simple.. so that the girl often Once nicknamed a strange girl... Unfortunately, he, who is hated by everyone, had to suffer such an unlucky fate when the love letters he had always hidden so neatly for a man he had admired for years were exposed. what will happen next?? because even the head of the basketball team who he likes also hates him so much?

Daoists6RtXE · Teen
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5 Chs

watching the match

"Dev, come with me to watch the basketball game, OK?" he asked his best friend who was busy tidying up his books.

'' Surely this is because of Dilan right?'' Asked Devan in his lazy tone of voice.. Felicia smiled then nodded softly...

''Just a moment..after the match is over we will go home..I promise'' he said trying to convince him while giving his pinkie curry to devan...

''I'm not a child who needs to be like that.. just keep what you say,'' Felicia nodded several times very confidently.. before her hand moved to grab Devan's hand and asked him to get out of the classroom immediately.. the basketball match wasn't Felicia can see it every day because it sometimes conflicts with her schedule which also has to help her mother at the flower shop, and this time when there are no orders at the shop it's a chance for herself to see her idol playing in the field .. imagine how cool it is a dilan dribble the ball has even succeeded in making a smile appear on his thin lips..

''it's full, where do we want to watch it, come on, let's go home and rest and also work on unfinished tasks..'' said devan, very lazy, especially when he saw that all the benches were full..

''let's just stand here for a moment..'' Felicia replied with a focused gaze to the front where there was a man who really liked himself was playing very cool,, his basketball clothes were soaked with sweat, his hair... messy and also his face full of sweat,, for Felicia it was a very beautiful sight

''you're crazy, this game has only started for about fifteen minutes, if we stand up it will be about an hour and a half,.. it could be pins and needles or cramps later..'' devan shook his head, not understanding the thoughts of his best friend,,'' it won't even if later your feet get tingled then I will help you walk to the parking lot..'' said Felicia casually.. sometimes devan really hates things like this.. he hates it the most when his best friend has lost his logic when dealing with the figure of Dilan Alex ,, a man who according to him is very inappropriate to be chased or admired

Dilan clearly knows the shape of this man, a man who likes to change women once in a while, is crazy about the nightlife, often drinks and even reportedly has been involved in a drug case before.. devan doesn't need to explain this to Felicia,.. because that girl I also know but it's a shame that I close my eyes about this fact... I myself try to understand it because it's the same case that happens when someone is in love....

bugh.. felicia staggered backwards when a pretty heavy basketball hit her head just like that... the atmosphere on the field, which at first only focused on the game, now instead it moved towards felicia...

'' Can you all play..'' devan angered while pointing at several men in front of him who were walking closer..

'devan is dizzy..'' Felicia softly complained, her hand flew to touch her head...

'' What are you two doing standing on the sidelines??'' a reply that even seemed like he was blaming it made Devan's anger even higher,, you have to know who said that.. Dilan Alex, the team leader who is crazy about Felicia ...

''huft..'' a short breath full of anger came out of Devan's lips.. ''You don't even have a hint of guilt or just apologize and instead turn the facts around,,'' he said with a soft smile..

There's nothing to twist the facts, because it's obvious that you two are wrong here.. were there spectators who saw the show standing up, and when hit by the ball they blamed the players! blame completely.. felicia who heard the debate that was going on in front of her made her head even more dizzy.. her hands that were free from touching her head moved to reach for the hem of her best friend's clothes...'' devan..'' she called softly, made the person being called immediately turn his head, even though his mouth was about to curse again hearing a reply from Dilan immediately discouraged him.. the priority this time was his best friend..'' why?'' he asked in a voice full of worry, staring helplessly towards Felicia who is in pain..''

''want to go home..'' Felicia asked

''okay, let's go..'' Devan immediately complied, he helped his best friend to walk away from the basketball court area and the men were irresponsible and very difficult to apologize for. it was impossible to serve them while Felicia was distraught because of the pain from being hit by a basketball ball on her head.. ''we'll go to the uks first..'' the man offered while continuing to support.. a light shake was given by Felicia

''it's okay, let's just go home, I want to rest..'' the girl said, even though her heart actually hurt now when she heard Dilan's response, why should she be sad now... she shouldn't have to do anything that's right.. because Dilan's arrogant and stubborn nature is often seen by himself.. but in reality, like whatever Dilan is, he can't even have the slightest hatred in his heart..

''but you're still strong enough to walk to the parking lot, fortunately I didn't bring the motorbike earlier, so after arriving at the parking lot you can already lie down in my car..'' said devan again.. felicia doesn't have much energy even if it's just to respond a little,, so in the end he just gave a slight nod..

sometimes the closeness that occurs between devan and felicia is also the talk of people who see it,, their friendship really makes many people jealous,, not including some girls who also have an interest in devan himself.. Felicia's best friend is no less actually popular with Dilan, he is one of the top members of the student executive body, it's just that he is closed with an indifferent attitude and also the way he indirectly puts distance between himself and other women besides Felicia