
The Non Existent Extra

Life is unfair. That's something I figured out when I was young. It's not just life but the world itself is unfair. I was an orphan who joined a game design company trying to survive. But I was fired when the owner's son wanted the damn job. Thankfully I had backup plans. However, all those were thrown out the window when I was thrust into the world of one of the stories I created. My first story. And honestly, I felt...happy. This was a place where I could take advantage of everything! I could live a peaceful yet rich life! All I had to do was follow the story. There was one problem though. I was an extra. And to add to that I had no memory of who I was. ___________ Ok so just a little disclaimer this is obviously based on The Author's POV but I did also base it mostly on ORV as well as IOAMI

WorldEater_11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Evaluation (4)

Observing Elena who was wearing a bodysuit and had her black hair tied up I tilted my head "So are wegoing to start training or…?" I turned toward the practice dummy that was just shut off.

"Of course," after she finished stretching she turned toward me "However, before that, I want to see how you fight," Nodding I grabbed a sword from the weapon wrack, observing my sword I noticed that it was blunt but I then took my stance. The dummy that was slumped over turned back on and picked up a sword as well. 

Lightning crackled around me as I charged toward the dummy. Appearing in front of the dummy with inhuman speed I swung my sword down.


However, to my disappointment, the dummy had blocked the attack. Using as much force as I could I pushed the dummy back before I delivered a hard kick pushing it back. Stumbling back a bit the dummy tried to regain balance but I didn't let it. 

But then it blocked my attack. Pushing my sword back I was also forced back a little but suddenly the dummy started to slash toward me causing me to go on the defence. Gritting my teeth I tried to find a way to counter.

I hadn't yet reached the level where I could use electromagnetism but I had to rely on the basic version of the technique. Of course, I also couldn't use the full version of the technique unless I wanted a large target on my back. 

A person who could copy unique skills and has a grade 5 technique, which are extremely rare would probably cause the organizations that are with the Abyss to try and kill me. And while I'm sure the White Lotus guild wouldn't let me die that easily I didn't want to take that risk. Besides, there is no way Elena was or is going to let me go not when I copied a unique skill. Hers to be pacific.

The Dummy suddenly prepared for an overhead slash which gave me a chance. A slight white glow enveloped my body and the next second I appeared behind the dummy. I brought my sword down and the blade of my sword toward its back. But before my blade could land the dummy kicked my chest. However, before the kick landed I unconsciously moved my mana toward my chest


The blow was unexpected but despite that, it didn't hurt as much as I thought which was probably due to the mana and my Stamina stat. Wiping the drool from my lips I glared at it. 

"Alright, I think I've seen enough," Clapping her hands the dummy turned off. 

Elena then started to explain to me what she observed. "You don't seem to have much experience with the sword however, your mana control is extremely good and you have good instinct," She then started to move on to the plan "Alright so you'll have a sword sparring session with me, then we'll try to polish your mana control as much as we can," 

I then nodded "Alright,"

"Good," Taking a sword from the weapon rack she then waved her hand and the dummy floated and then was put in the storage which was a giant door near the entrance. 

"Right, before we begin what technique do you practice?"

"I don't practice any," I said "The lightning is something I picked up,"

"I see,"

This was something Alistair told me to say. In essence, he wanted to get a technique from here that would allow me to hide [Medici's Thunderdance]. Well, it wouldn't exactly allow me to use [Medici's Thunderdance] to its full capacity I could still loosen some of the bindings.

"Alright let's begin,"

When she said that I instantly charged toward her. The next hour or so consisted of Elena beating the ever-loving shit out of me.

When I swung my sword down she disappeared "too slow," 

Hearing the whisper next to me my heart sank which was followed by me being tossed to the other side of the room. Laying on the floor while groning Elena appeared above me "Come on now get up,"

"Easier said than done," I complained

Pushing myself off the floor another round of beatings happen to me. 

"Alright I think we should end the session here," Elena announced causing me to slump on the floor with a pool of sweat around me. 

Shaking her head Elena summoned a bottle of water from her dimension bracelet and tossed it toward me. Catching the water bottle I instantly started to drink it as if I hadn't had water in days.

"Five-minute break," Announcing that Elena left the room for a second causing me to let out a breath. 

"Ugh, my body hurts all over," rubbing my sore arms I couldn't help but smile. If this keeps up I could see myself being pretty strong and even keeping up with the main cast. However, I then noticed something strange.

"Hm," I had tried working out once and when I did my arms and legs hurt like hell. I only made it for a week before I quit. However, I still remember how my muscles felt after my first day of working out. But this soreness wasn't the same.

In fact, most of it was coming from the blunt sword that hit me a few hundred dozen times. 

Remembering my stats I immediately opened my status window.


Name: Arthur Irwin

Gift: The Lost Eye of Wisdom And Knowledge

Rank: 1 star {Mid} 


Strength: G+

Agility: G+

Intelligence: G+

Stamina: G+

Magic Power: G+

Preception: G+




{Grade 5} [Medici's Thunderdance]

{Grade 3} [Omni-Combat Mastery]


Everything in my status window was a G+. Now that wasn't common in fact it was pretty rare hell even the MC had to wait until he was in his second year in the academy where he maximized his stats so that all had plues.

Stats if I was being honest were a little harder to raise than your rank. With your rank, there were many ways for you to increase it while stats only had three ways. One way to raise your rank, two potions that increase your stats, and three working out. 

'Guess I have no choice but to go 'there' and ask for help' 

Asking the White Lotus guild for help was a no-go as I couldn't just explain why I needed that information. 

Suddenly the door opened and I saw Elena had returned "Alright break is over," 

I groaned which caused Elena to roll her eyes "Don't worry all you have to do is sit and follow my mana movement…for today anyways," 

Hearing that a shiver went up my spine 'Ah fuck'

Waving her hand the sweat around me disappeared as if it were never there and I was also pretty spotless. I then looked up to see the big bubble of water that was floating in the air. Suddenly it disappeared and turned into vapour. 


"Your mana control is pretty good do you have a teacher?" Elena asked however, Arthur shook his head.

If she was being honest this boy was surprising her. His mana control was almost perfect but it wasn't ecstasy a flow-level technique. 

To make your mana control a "flow" you had to make sure you fit the criteria. You were using less mana, you knew how to enhance your body with the maximum force you could and how fast the mana in your body could move. Now there were Pacific sets of numeric measurements they used to measure it.

However, the thing that was lacking was the boy's swordsmanship. But despite that, Elena could see that Arthur had a talent for the sword as he was improving extremely quickly. 

'Now this just makes me hope that he receives a high talent'


After being dragged out by Amanda from the training room she drove me home where I walked myself into my room.

It wasn't until a few seconds later Alistar walked in "Ruff day?"

"I think every bone in my body is broken," I whined

"Then may I recommend taking a hot bath?" 

Thinking about it for a minute I simply said "Tomorrow," 

Before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.