
Chapter 9 : Consequences

Although harboring doubts, Youta did not give up training. Moreover, he found that after eating the Swallow Fruit, his physique underwent a significant change. Although neither his strength nor speed increased on the surface, the Yang attribute of his chakra suddenly improved several times over! An increase in Yang attribute chakra leads to a substantial increase in the speed of bodily recovery. Similarly, if the body's vitality increases significantly, it will also cause the Yang attribute chakra to grow to a certain extent.

To confirm his speculation, Youta set aside chakra training for a few days and began to focus on physical training. Despite having the physique of a ten-year-old, which surpassed that of an ordinary Earthling thanks to the potential of the ninja world, without using chakra, he was only equivalent to an ordinary adult at best.

However, now he felt a significant increase in his strength after each workout, and no matter how intense the previous day's training was, after a good night's sleep, he could continue training vigorously without any lingering effects, confirming that his body had indeed changed.

The strength of his own body began to be slowly unleashed as he continuously challenged his physical limits. After throwing punches ten thousand times, the next ten thousand punches would be much easier. After running tens of thousands of meters, the next run would also be much easier. As long as he kept training and had enough energy, he could infinitely become stronger.

Of course, along with this increase, his appetite also grew. The food in the pirate world differed greatly from that in the ninja world, being nutritious, delicious, and containing a power almost akin to Yang attribute chakra.

Even before the Swallow Fruit altered his physique, Youta had already discovered the benefits of these foods. Relying on these dietary supplements, he even had confidence that he could double his chakra after reaching adulthood.

However, after eating the Swallow Fruit and approaching the physique of people in the pirate world, he truly realized that the food in the pirate world could only unleash its true potential when matched with their physique—simply because people in the pirate world had larger appetites!

Now, after each workout, his appetite was ten times larger than before, and it kept increasing. At the same time, his digestive ability was astonishingly strong. If he could extract 20% of the nutrients from food before, now he could extract over 90% from each serving.

Perhaps the Swallow Fruit played a role, but the physique of the pirate world undoubtedly also greatly assisted.

"Perhaps because Devil Fruits belong to a rule fragment of the pirate world, so after eating one, the physique also tends towards that of the Pirate King's world?" Youta could only make such a conjecture, but regardless, it was a good thing for him.

Especially since he found that the Swallow Fruit could absorb and store nutrients in large quantities, allowing him to eat food several times heavier than his own weight and then exercise again, significantly increasing his physique.

Of course, during the one time he experimented with the Swallow Fruit for a feast, he was the first to exhaust all three chefs in the restaurant. If not for him paying double the price, the restaurant would probably have considered him their least favorite customer from then on.


A week later, when Youta returned to the clinic, he saw Jack and Ruth packing their luggage.

"What's going on, Dr. Jack?" Youta looked at the two, somewhat puzzled.

Jack glanced at Youta and sighed. "You've come back just in time, apprentice. Pack your things and come with us."

"Master, are you crazy? The clinic is doing fine. Why leave?" Youta exclaimed.

Jack didn't answer, but Ruth's face twisted in anger. "It's all because of that new king! He actually issued some ridiculous law hunting down doctors! This blasted place of Magnetic Drum is no longer bearable!"

"I really want to pour some 'beeps' into his 'beep' brain, so his 'beep' brain becomes 'beep'..." Ruth cursed vehemently, almost cursing all eighteen generations of Valpo's ancestors. After a while, she calmed down.

Youta scratched his head, only then recalling the good deeds of Valpo in the original work.

"Oh, right, the old king has passed away! Now the king is that idiot. How could I forget about this?" Thinking of this, Youta frowned. "Teacher, I'm afraid I can't leave with you."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jack, tall and burly, frowned and glanced at Youta, then asked somewhat strangely, "It feels like you've grown taller after not seeing you for a few days."

Although it's only been a few days, under that kind of training, Youta's physical strength has almost doubled. Can his height not increase? Not to mention growing taller, if Youta were to take off his clothes, Jack would probably find that although he is still young, he already has a sleek and muscular body.

"I didn't say anything foolish," Youta shook his head, "and I think you teachers can stay for a few more days. I believe things will change soon."

Ruth paused for a moment, looking worriedly at Youta, and Jack immediately spoke up, "Young apprentice, don't do anything foolish."

Although they had only been together for a few months, Jack and Ruth also sensed that Youta's identity was probably not ordinary—doctors understand the human body most thoroughly, and the traces of training on Youta's body could not be concealed from a professional doctor.

For example, calluses on his hands, the distribution of muscles and tendons in his body, and some minor scars—all these signs revealed that although Youta was young, he was definitely not an ordinary person before.

In the eyes of Jack and Ruth, young Youta was probably either an assassin or a spy, likely a child who had escaped from some dark organization.

But they had to admit, these two's conjectures were really not wrong. In modern society, or even in the world of pirates, organizations like Konoha were probably considered dark organizations—In the world of pirates, allowing seven or eight-year-old children onto the battlefield would definitely classify as a dark organization.

And the nature of ninja work wasn't much different from that of assassins and spies.

Seeing the worry in the two's eyes, Youta felt both warm and helpless in his heart: "Don't worry, for me, this kind of thing is really not difficult. After all, Magnetic Drum Country is just an ordinary small country."

With that said, Jack and Ruth looked at each other in astonishment. Without saying anything more to them, Youta's figure flashed and disappeared in front of them, leaving the two stunned.