
Ch.1 Beginning

Darkness cover the stayed until five beams of light appeared and if we focused more on them, we would find three of them gods, the other two, Dragons. While time itself shifted and moved endlessly until a bright light grew, giving way to a ball, that all five called earth.

Soon, as the gods of this universe, they created decendents, a mere consequence of heavenly enjoyment between the five of them, creating races,both pure and evil.

Of the first and second gods, they created the first offspring of humans,elves, and then angels, furthering their races to acend them, while the third god created goblins, dwarfs, and the Themm, a race that were magicians.

Of the dragons, they created animals that became food for the other gods' creatures.

Vallincoth. The great family that founded the metal era in 1100 year of their earth brought them to the pinnacle of greatness. Kings bowed to the famed family, asking or begging for the metals that they owned, treating all Vallincoth descendants as gods.

Until the year of 1400, when the great war began. Metal that had kept the Vallincoth family in power for three hundred years became nothing due to a new, more powerful threat; magic.

Of course, there were magicians, from the race of Themm, originally known as a dark and evil race due to how they burned human villages, which only a few had remained, although some had converted to helping other races, calling themselves White Thettians.

But alas, they were still grouped in with the race they tried so hard separate themselves from, still destroyed by those that they had helped!

Also, we must not forget the terrible strength of earth races, made up of the humans, a species that were gifted with potential. Although they could not wield any magic that elves, Themm,dwarfs, and goblins could, humans could create spell casting, which was somewhat similar to magic but very different. Next we're the elves, who were gifted with nature's magic. The dwarves, who with their great strength mined stone and gems; but lastly, goblins, the most brainless of all the races but the most experienced in breeding and some fighting.


The city of Drogion, a city on the western side of a country called Asillia that was ruled by the great family of Caysucus, bordered itself on the sea that had a shipping port that had a population of approximately two hundred thousand, not counting a mere fifty thousand travelers by day! Markets lined every road as squabbles, shouts, and voices laced them in great fashion. But in one of these poor sections of the city on a stained bed filled with hay is our character, Cayson Rausch.

Deep in slumber until a violent kick to his stomach wakes him up as the rays of the sun burn his eyes. Gasping for air, he looks up finding Leyla Mician, a beautiful black haired girl pouting at him. He blinks and then jumps up and grabbing her hand rushes them out and into the marketplace to find food for themselves.

A while later, they sit on top of a building, eating honey bread with butter with some apples as their dessert. Suddenly a white carriage interrupts their meal as it catches everyone's attention, for no nobility has ever came in the poor section of the city! Leyla's eyes shine at such a magical magnificent sight as her foot accidentally kicks an apple off the roof and onto the carriage, sending it to a halting stop as a tall man with red hair comes out with his eyes glaring at these peasants.

"A silver coin to anyone who knows who threw a disgusting fruit at my carriage!" He yells out, as he catches sight of Leyla whose face is bright red, and then after a moment of silence yells "Ten gold coins to the person who brings me that girl!" As he then points to Leyla as the crowd looks up at her as a silence fills the air for a moment.

Next an eruption of shouts and scrambling of the crowd erupt as they run after the two children as the red haired boy smiles with his eyes dancing with delight, while Cayson and Leyla run away with terror, leaving their once peaceful spot to eat as the crowd chases them.

Thirty minutes later as they were both out of breath stumbled onto the ground as the crowd caught them and separated the two friends leaving Cayson crieing on the ground as Leyla was carried away by the crowd, disappearing into the streets of the city.

Thrown to the ground by the men that had captured her in front of the red haired man who smirked as he handed thirty gold coins to the men as the crowd dispersed he crouched down as he grabbed her face.

"A spell binding woman you definitely are." He said as he smiles and attaches a neck collar on her, smiling as he stood up entering his carriage with her as the carriage then drove off.

A while later, Cayson woke up as the cold air assaulted his sad figure. His eyes looked around lazily as he stood up slowly, dragging his weighted feet across the ground for the very reason he had been happy had been taken away; by a royal noble that no one could ever bring justice too!

Coming to his place, a man stood by the door waiting. Adorned in grey robes the moon shone upon his silver white hair as he smiled sadly at Cayson. "Hello boy." He said as he stood in front of the boy, his hand grabbing the boy's chin.

"Tears shall do you no good! As for her, it is better to forget, for fate has never been kind but to a few." He said, smiling sadly as he looked toward the moon.

"Don't you dare say that of her! Leyla shall escape! She is better than those people!" Cayson screamed as tears seeped out of his eyes, falling to the ground as the grey haired magician put a sleeping spell upon him and bringing the boy inside the house, as the night turned even darker.