
The Nine-Day Queen Reborn: Ascending the Heavens with a Royal System

In her final moments at the Tower of London, Lady Jane Grey, the Nine-Day Queen, lamented her brief and tragic life. But fate had other plans. Reborn in the mystical cultivation world of Tianxia, she awakens as Jian Yu, a young noblewoman from the fallen Jian Clan, destroyed by treacherous rivals. Upon awakening, Jane discovers she possesses a unique, ancient artifact: the Royal Ascension System. This mysterious system promises to help her reclaim her throne, restore her family's honor, and ascend to the peak of cultivation.

dizzydazewish · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Awakening in a New World

Jian Yu awoke to the sound of rustling leaves and birdsong, a stark contrast to the dark, cold Tower of London she last remembered. She sat up, blinking in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the dense canopy above. Her heart raced as she took in her surroundings—she was in a lush forest, surrounded by towering trees and vibrant flowers.

A strange sensation coursed through her body, and she realized she felt stronger, more alive than ever before. She looked down at her hands, smooth and unblemished, free from the marks of a hard and short life. Her clothes were luxurious, made from fine silk embroidered with intricate patterns, far grander than anything she had worn as a condemned queen.

"Where am I?" she wondered aloud, her voice steady despite the confusion swirling in her mind.

Suddenly, a soft chime echoed in her ears, and a golden screen materialized before her eyes, filled with unfamiliar symbols and text.

Royal Ascension System Activated. Welcome, Lady Jane Grey, now Jian Yu, to the world of Tianxia.

The words glowed with an ethereal light, captivating her attention. As she focused, more information flowed into her mind.

System Overview:

Royal Bloodline Power: Enhance your cultivation speed and unlock unique abilities.

Imperial Quests: Complete missions to earn rewards and gain power.

Court Intrigue Mode: Master the art of politics and influence to navigate this world's complex power structures.

Royal Guards Summon: Call forth loyal warriors to aid you in your journey.

"Royal Ascension System," she repeated, trying to make sense of it. "A system to help me... ascend?"

The interface shifted, showing her current status:

Name: Jian Yu

Age: 16

Cultivation Level: Qi Condensation Stage 1

Bloodline: Royal Bloodline (Grey)

Quests Available: 2

Before she could delve further, a sharp pain lanced through her head, bringing with it a flood of memories that weren't her own. She saw a noble family, proud and powerful, brought low by treachery and deceit. She saw herself—no, Jian Yu—fleeing for her life as her family's enemies hunted her down. The memories settled, leaving her gasping for breath.

"I am Jian Yu," she whispered, the reality of her new identity sinking in. "The last of the Jian Clan."

Determination hardened her resolve. She had been given a second chance, not just to live but to reclaim the honor of her new family and to rise to heights she had never imagined. The system would be her guide and weapon in this perilous world.

A new message flashed before her:

Quest 1: Reclaim the Ancestral Sword

Objective: Retrieve the Jian Clan's Ancestral Sword from the ruins of your family's estate.

Reward: 500 Experience Points, Beginner Cultivation Manual.

Quest 2: Establish a Safe Haven

Objective: Find a secure location to rebuild your strength and resources.

Reward: 300 Experience Points, Basic Shelter Blueprint.

Her first steps were clear. Jian Yu rose to her feet, her grip tightening on the resolve to succeed. She would start with the first quest—reclaiming the Ancestral Sword.

The journey to her family's estate was fraught with challenges. The once-grand manor was now in ruins, overgrown with vines and surrounded by a thick forest that had reclaimed the land. As she approached, Jian Yu's heart ached with the weight of the memories she now carried.

Moving cautiously, she entered the dilapidated main hall, the remnants of grandeur still visible in the crumbling walls and faded tapestries. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant calls of animals.

The system guided her with a glowing path, leading her deeper into the estate. In the heart of the ruins, she found a hidden chamber, its door ajar and half-buried under debris. With a deep breath, she pushed it open and stepped inside.

The chamber was dark, but a faint, otherworldly glow emanated from the center. There, resting on an ornate pedestal, was the Jian Clan's Ancestral Sword. The blade was magnificent, its surface etched with intricate runes that shimmered with a soft blue light.

Jian Yu approached reverently, reaching out to grasp the hilt. As her fingers closed around it, a surge of power flowed through her, the sword recognizing its rightful heir. The runes flared brightly, illuminating the chamber and dispelling the darkness.

Quest Completed: Reclaim the Ancestral Sword.

Reward: 500 Experience Points, Beginner Cultivation Manual.

A new screen appeared, showing her progress:

Experience Points: 500/1000

Cultivation Level: Qi Condensation Stage 1 (Progress: 50%)

With the sword in hand, Jian Yu felt a renewed sense of purpose. She had taken her first step towards reclaiming her family's honor. Now, she needed to find a place to rebuild, to establish a safe haven where she could grow stronger and plan her next moves.

As she left the chamber, Jian Yu vowed to herself: she would not be a pawn or a victim in this life. She would rise, reclaim her destiny, and carve her name into the annals of history.

The journey had just begun.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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