
The Nine Chronicles Of Sovereignty

Aryan Reeves, a young, hardworking filial farmer boy, is crippled and left for dead with a kidnapped brother, dead parents and no hope.

Noma_Diciok · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Sovereignties Stances

EP = 9600/1310

Shield Of Perseverance = 1750EP

1st Layer - 70%

"Hoooh.", Aryan took a deep breath and prepared for a tough fight.

Deciding to take the lead in the fight, Aryan activated Surpassers Skin and decreased his weight by 8 times, and fired towards the Silver Monkey he first attacked deciding to kill it first as it was weakened, it attempted to block, but Aryan weaved behind its back increased his arms weight by 16 times and swung his hoe at the same location causing it to travel all the way through its neck and spine, beheading it swiftly, seeing there comrades head fall from its shoulders, the 4 remaining monkeys were furious, 2 attacked from Aryans front, while the other 2 circled behind. Making sure not to get trapped, Aryan quickly lightened his arms and charge forward to meet the 2 monkeys in front, as they jumped up to smash Aryan to a pulp, he slid underneath, while swinging the hoe at one of the monkey's ankles, severely injuring it, without giving them time to recover, he bounced of a tree, splintering it in the process and fired at the injured monkey, the injureds companion quickly retreated without realising, the other couldn't, leaving it alone to face Aryan without being able to move, using his momentum, Aryan swung the hoe at its head, easily slicing it apart. Although the momentum helped him kill the monkey it also caused him to fall right into the hands of the 2 monkeys that circled behind, without having time to get the hoe ready to swing again, Aryan decided to use the Shield of Perseverance, he created it to be roughly 4 metres wide, but as thin as possible, however with his current control that was about 3cms thick, but it was still extremely condensed, causing its strength to rise incredibly high, and as expected, the moment the shield collided with the monkeys they were torn in half, as the top half of the monkey carcusses flew above him and he shot over the bottom half, he felt the strength of the shield increase by about 10%. Now all that was left was a terrified, trembling, single monkey, Aryan quickly landed, bolstered his legs with 2000EP and jumped with full force, a shockwave shot out behind him destroying the landscape for the next 10 metres, however it seemed the dense Universal Energy strengthened the environment, causing the damage to not be as violent as he had assumed, however that did not mean it was little, a "BOOM!", awoke the shocked monkey, as Aryan shattered the sound barrier, he then lightened his right arm by 16 times and strengthened it with 1000EP, he then struck at the monkey's skull.

The monkey's head disappeared in an instant along with the area behind it, there was then a moment of silence, followed by 3 distinct cracks, 3 sonic booms. Aryan stood there in front of a cone shaped decimation, he felt he might have gone over the top but he just had to let off some steam, he then collected the headless corpse as well as the other carcusses and prepared for a meal, he started a fire and skinned the monkeys, when he came up with the idea of using the hide as clothes due to its soft texture, but high durability, he then dissected the monkeys to remove the Stones, which were about the size as the smallest wolfs, but were much denser with Universal Energy, he then swallowed them and began to digest them, a warm feeling arose in his stomach and swirled around his Sovereignty Seed before seeping into the first layer and congealing.

2 hours later, Aryan finally filled the first layer completely, the moment the last drop entered, Aryan felt a familiar feeling, his consciousness being dragged into his mind and into the familiar book, a new page had been unlocked which read:

"Congratulations for completing the first layer of the Sovereignty Seed, by doing so you have been given access to a set of moves I have created that utilises Spirit, the energy you have been collecting in your Seed, called the Sovereignties Stances. There are nine moves in the technique, with one being unlocked with every layer you complete, the first is named: "Come Forth."

Aryans consciousness was then removed from his mind, with the additional information describing the first stance, Come Forth, as the name implied, it had the ability to shift reality itself and bring an object towards him, and if he so wished he could then pull it further into itself, condensing it, however the power required to do so was extremely high, with larger objects and more Spirit dense objects being harder to bring to him, let alone condense, at his current level if he used all his Spirit he could translocate something about the size of a basketball with the same Spirit density as a rock were he is now, however even then it was still an extremely powerful ability, especially in the later stages. Aryan decided to try the technique that seemed as natural as eating and breathing, he lifted his hand and uttered. "Come Forth.", the air around Aryan was pulled towards his hand, at which point it began to condense until it was the size of a grape, with extremely high pressure, doing so used up about 30% of his Spirit, however once it was condensed it would stay like that without any effort until he willed it not too, the reason its consumption was so low, even though the amount of air moved and condensed was so great, was because air is easily manoeuvrable. Seeing what he could do with Come Forth, he had a new idea, so he quickly through the condensed air at a nearby tree and let it explode, the moment it come in contact with the tree, the orb of air pressure expanded instantly, shredding the tree apart and leaving a small crater, with a diameter of 1m, indented in the earth. "Ok, onto the next experiment.".