
The Nihility Chef

In a World of swords and magic, schemes and conspiracies and the looming threat of the fucking abyss can a chef truly survive and cook his way to the top? A young chef reincarnates into a fantasy world with his golden finger being his pseudo OP physique and bloodline. He strives to reach the peak of cooking and on his journey he becomes a legend, he becomes the strongest. In this world strength is all that matters. The strong rule and the weak serve. So tell me what are you, the strong or the weak? Will you control your own life or be at the mercy of others? Will you fight for your rights, for your freedom or will you surrender? I do not own the cover art :0

GluttonyAndGreed · Fantasy
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50 Chs


The group of five are currently walking towards the entrance of the pocket world, Feng Yutu and Xiao Ying are in the front as Yutu'er has been skipping ahead.

"Acala, tell us about Miss Yutu." Alice asked, curious about this girl even more bubby than her.

The monk sighed and began to explain, "Miss Yutu is the daughter of the peak master and I see her as my younger sister, she is a year younger than us but is already tier 6 an absolute genius but she is not a genius in vajra peak standards as she is very untalented in Buddhist techniques."

The monk's expression was full of sadness, this meant she has been bullied and ostracised since childhood even if she is a genius she is not what vajra peak wants and people look at her with disappointed eyes."

"She may put on a happy smile but I've seen her cry too many times, so we decided to leave the sect and go to Tianjiao Academy where she will not be subject to so much pain."

After the duo heard the seemingly lively girls story they became silent, Alice especially she felt their stories were very similar and she could sympathise with the girl.

"Why didn't her father help her, he is the peak master is he not?"

"Well, it's complicated, the peak master loves Yutu'er and he dotes on her quite often, however, the rules of the sect have made it so that nepotism is not allowed, so Feng Yutu must fend for herself. However even though nepotism is forbidden no one wants to get on the peak master's bad side so they do anonymous and malicious pranks to harm her."

The three of them returned to silence all looking at the petite girl in the distance smiling excitedly, they all felt the need to protect this smile and make sure Feng Yutu stays happy.

Half an hour later....

The group of five arrived in front of an ancient looking temple, it was made of a turquoise stone and at the front had a golden sign saying Tianjiao Academy. The words on the sign radiated a cold light seemingly detached from the world.

As they stepped into the temple they saw a spirted old man he had long grey hair and huge thick eyebrows his eyes seemed to glow with life. He had a long beard that reached his chest. He was wearing fairly ordinary clothes and was 1.70 metres tall with a straight back. He skin had some wrinkles but he still looked pretty young.

"Hello old man, how do we get to the main area of Tianjiao Academy." Feng Yutu excitedly said.

"Ughhhhhhhhh" the other four facepalmed, this old man was clearly a 'hidden Boss' with his immortal like demeanour.

Surprisingly the old man was fine with Feng Yutu's lively personality and kindly directed them to a portal. The portal looked like the milky way beautiful but also terrifying. They could not use a teleportation circle as pocket world are on a different plane of existence and require a direct gateway to get there safely.

"Also if you do not have the token that was given with your invitation you will be obliterated by the rift." the gatekeeper playfully said.

The five of them quickly checked they were carrying the token and held it tightly in their hands as they walked through the portal.

Whoomph. They old man looked at where they just were and muttered, "This may be the strongest generation in the Tianjiao Academy's long history, the world is about to change."

The group reappeared on a stone platform as they looked at the surrounding they saw many identical platforms with rifts on them and more people constantly appearing. Translucent stairs appeared on the platform leading to the ground below, Yutu'er energetically ran down the stairs the other four had to quickly follow to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble.

They reached the bottom of the stairs, they arrived at a white and gold square hundreds of people were standing there waiting for something to happen. Many races were here dragons, titans, demons, beasts even murlocs they were all hear wanting to enrol into the most prestigious academy in he world.

People that came from humble backgrounds and people born with a golden spoon have come her to fight for hegemony. Everyone here today is a genius in their own right everyone her today if they don't die on their adventure can become legends.

A few figures flashed to the square all of them stood in the air all of them gave an aura of world destroying strength. The leader was an outrageously beautiful woman she had a scholarly face and bookish temperament but her body looked devilish.

"Welcome to the academy, all of you are geniuses but we are here to make you monsters." She spoke, "Not everyone can become the strongest monster so today you shall prove your worth show your talents and become Tianjiao."

Another man stepped forward, he looked quite ordinary like a passer-by that you would forget after one look.

"As our dean said, not everyone can be the strongest monster so we have created trials. These trials cover each type of class we have such as healing, combat, forging, alchemy, technology and even architecture. "

The man continued, "My name is Albert and I am the overseer for these trials. The trials are tests, for example the combat trial sees how many people you can defeat in your realm or higher in a set amount of time. The alchemy trial is how many pills you can make obviously if you create high tier pills that gives you extra points."

"Points will be recorded on your token and the people with the most person will be enrolled into better classes. You should try to get into better classes as it will give you more opportunities to learn from the teachers in academy and more resources will be allocated to you."

The adolescents in the crowd digested the information and were eager to show their mettle and prove their worth. Everyone here had their pride as geniuses and they could not allow it to be trampled on so they decided to aim for the top.

This was going to be a fierce trial.

The Mc's group were all going to the combat trial as they all were fighting orientated Samael could go to the Alchemy trials as Andhrmnir's Art at realm 3 is basically Alchemy but he's too lazy to.

They combat trials were located in a huge and towering spire.

A member of staff stood in front of the building, "Everyone, if you're here it means you have chosen to go the fighting classes, you can choose the realm of the aura holograms you face and the number you defeat in a one hour period is how many points you will get. If you are in the same realm as the hologram you get 5 points, one realm above 10 points, two realms above 20 points and three realms above 40 and so on and so forth."

"If you are in tier 9 and you choose to fight a transcendence realm hologram you get 20 points, if it is floor 2 Transcendence you get 25 points and increases by 5 for each floor"

"Obviously if your in tier 8 and you face a transcendence realm it is 40 points and it will increase by 10 points for each floor and for tier 7s it is 60 points and a 15 point increase for each floor and so on and so forth."

The young geniuses were excited the combat class probably had the highest population as most aura users are fighters.

"What tiers are you guys in and what realm will you choose to fight?" Samael asked.

After hanging around together for a whole day the group of five have become very familiar and trust each other quite a lot, it feels like they've been friends for years.

"I am Tier 6 and will fight Tier Eights, I am speed orientated and most Tier Eights cannot catch me so I think I can do it."

"I am Tier 7 and will also fight Tier Eights, if that goes well I will try to fight Tier Nines."

"Well I am Tier 8 and have decided to chooses Floor 1 Transcendence Realm Holograms as my opponents."

"I am also Tier 8 and will do the same as Acala."

"Ahhh, the genius in me is Tier 9 and has decided to fight Floor 3 Transcendence Realm Simulations." Sami cockily said his lopsided grin irritating the other 4.


Info of the day - Dragons.

Dragons are a powerful and normally secluded race they have a lifespan as long as 10,000 years as soon as they are born.

There are two types of dragons, Eastern and Western.

Eastern Dragons have huge snake like bodies and no wings, they fly by controlling the wind around them. Their common elements are wind, water, lightning, ice, metal and wood. Their offspring may have elements other than this but the aforementioned ones are more common.

ALL Eastern dragons have the wind element or they wouldn't be able to fly before Tier 9.

Western Dragons have reptilian bodies and wings, they can spit out an elemental breath as soon as they are born.

All elements are accessible to Western dragons but a lot of the time a Western Dragon will be extremely Talented in one or two harmonious elements for example water and Ice but then mediocre in everything else.

However there has been instances of Western dragons with conflicting Elements for example the Yin Yang dragon or the Five elemental Dragon etc.

Western Dragons and Eastern Dragons may not hate each other but they are definitely not friends so they live far from each. One obviously lives to the west of the world and the other East.


Next Chapter: Too Easy?

Well here is the newest chapter. Is Feng Yutu more likeable now, I think my favourite character right now is either Victoria (Mc's Mom) or Samael. What about you guys?

See you tomorrow.

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