
The Nihility Chef

In a World of swords and magic, schemes and conspiracies and the looming threat of the fucking abyss can a chef truly survive and cook his way to the top? A young chef reincarnates into a fantasy world with his golden finger being his pseudo OP physique and bloodline. He strives to reach the peak of cooking and on his journey he becomes a legend, he becomes the strongest. In this world strength is all that matters. The strong rule and the weak serve. So tell me what are you, the strong or the weak? Will you control your own life or be at the mercy of others? Will you fight for your rights, for your freedom or will you surrender? I do not own the cover art :0

GluttonyAndGreed · Fantasy
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50 Chs


The Trials were over an hour had passed. Everyone began to re-appear in the square some looked disappointed but some looked happy and some looked terribly injured.

Samael reappeared his clothes as clean as when he went in it seemed like he didn't fight at all but the great sword from the weapon rack was completely shattered leaving only the hilt.

The other four reappeared Alice looked quite tired the trial probably took a lot out of her. Xiao Ying looked like she had a lack of aura, the many holograms she fought wasted a lot of the energy. However both Feng Yutu and Acala looked quite spirited, the former because she is always lively and latter because he gets excited when in combat.

"Well done guys, do you think you did well?" Sami asked as he walked towards them.

"All we can do is wait for the results." Acala returned to his calm and gentle state and spoke with a soft tone.

"Alright everyone, you have completed your Trial, in a few moments a ranking will appear indicating which class you are in."

"As there is 250 people in this freshman combat classes from Rank 1 to 25 will be in the Heaven class, from 26 to 100 will be in the Earth Class and then the remaining 125 people will be in the Mortal class."

"Additionally, you may have defeated holograms way higher than your cultivation however the holograms are just the average strength of that realm if you were to finish a genius in that same realm you would lose instantly don't become complacent and strive to improve yourself"

When the member of staff's voice fell silent a huge translucent screen appeared and the names of the geniuses began ordering themselves. As it finished Samael's name appeared next to Rank 1 and beside his name it said '127 Floor 3 Transcendence realm holograms defeated' 3,810 points.

Second Acala '92 Floor 1 Transcendence Realm' 3,680 points.

Third Alice Brego '90 Floor 1 Transcendence Realm' 3,600 points.

Fourth Imum Augur '85 Floor 1...….' 3,480 points.

Fifth Zi Tian '86 Floor 1...…' 3,520 points.

Sixth Eos '170 Tier 8 Holograms.....' 3,400 points.

Seventh Long Ke Ai '169 Tier 8 Holograms' 3,380 points.

Eighth Marianne Dracul '80 Floor 1...…' 3,200 points.

Ninth Feng Yutu '150 Tier 8 holograms' 3,000 points.

Tenth Xiao Ying '289 Tier 8 Holograms' 2,890 points (Remember she faced holograms only 1 realm above her making it easier and she couldn't defeat more before time ran out.)


Seventeenth Bellona Drusus '31 Floor 3 Transcendence realm' 1,860 points.


Twenty-fifth Rosa Ahau '100 Tier 9 Holograms' 1,000 points.

"Every one from Rank 1 to 25 you also get a private courtyard, your tokens act as keys make sure not to lose them, from rank 26 to 100 you get a 2 bedroom house and for everyone else you live in the shared dorm."

"If you dislike this establishment you can live outside the pocket world but the households at each rank have an increased aura density making cultivation easier so it is much more beneficial to live here."

"Also every 3 months there will be a Re-rank meaning you can change your rank and get better place to live, if you are in the top ten you can then challenge your seniors as they have even better living areas but their list is much larger from 1 to 2500 (That is only the combat classes.) as many students still have not broken through to the Emperor Realm."

"Your classes begin tomorrow on Monday."

After she finished speaking, runes flashed underneath them and transported them back to the square where the beautiful dean was once again floating above them.

"Well done everybody you are now officially part of the academy of Monsters!" she said, " My name is Elina Kinsley I was also once a freshman, small and weak but I grew stronger and stronger, tempering my mind and heart until I became a truly renowned powerhouse in the world."

"I'm not here to tell you everybody can do it, because they can't but a strong will power is an element to success."

As she said that she waved her hand and everyone appeared in their respective living quarters as they regained their bearings they were shocked at her show of strength.

Samael looked around, he was in a beautiful courtyard it seemed to have some elements of Ancient East Asian architecture. It was huge around the size of a mansion on earth and even had multiple guest rooms for if you were to bring people over.

Samael went exploring for a while and found a serene outside patio with an artificial waterfall, he sat in a meditative position and began to recall the final sword he swung during the trial.

18 Holograms remained from the 32 but the pressure continued to increase as conflicting fusions appeared life and death, light and dark it was horrifyingly strong, the aura radiating from the attacks was obliterating the cube shaped room.

Samael finally felt danger his bloodline was shaking with him if it could talk it would scream 'You won't be so lucky if you get hit with this!'

As Samael stared at the attack being built up, he reduced his domain and squeezed it toward his body, an archaic and terrifying element was then released from his body, it grafted onto the sword and it's power began erasing it from reality as Samael swung, it looked as if the universe was being destroyed, the collision between the two was indescribable.

He remembered how he felt the power and strength that coursed through his veins. His body in the patio began to shine with a starry looking energy, the aura revolved around him and he was the centre like a black hole or a star his body was the foundation of everything.

The other 4 walked in and saw Samael in this state, everyone looked shocked even Alice as Sami had never used the Aether Element before this.

Samael finally restrained his aura and his body stopped glowing as he got he saw everyone here and greeted them, "Hello guys."

"What the fuck was that!"

He looked at the curious eyes of everyone and saw they would not release him if he didn't give them a satisfying answer after hesitating for a while he decided to spill.

"Alright I will tell you but don't tell anyone and I'm serious." as he said this he stared at Feng Yutu knowing she has a talkative mouth.

"I won'tttttttttt"

Samael then explained his Physique fully, talking about the Aether element and The stars in his Dantian. He remembered when Acala fully explained his physique to them completely trusting them and decided to trust him and his friends too.

"Wow" Alice said, she had stars in her eyes when she looked at Samael. This was her best friend, a absolute monster.

Feng Yutu saw and decided to also explain her physique and bloodline.

She has called the Jade Hare Bloodline which allows her to create corporeal rabbit features out of aura such as rabbit ears, tale and whiskers, the aura visions can increase her strength and speed by certain amounts as she goes stronger it could even double it. It also gives a 300% affinity in the wind element.

Her physique is called Boreas' Storm giving her a 300% affinity in Water, Ice, Wind and Lightning and also gives her a technique called the Tempest Conqueror. A spell included into this technique is Boreas' Wing which gives her increased flight speed. It uses a fusion of the four auras giving her purple wings.

Xiao Ying also explained her talents.

She had the Cherry Blossom Bloodline which bestows her with a 300% affinity in the life and earth element. It also gives her a 400% affinity in wood.

Her physique is called Atlas Divine Body it gives her an increase in her physical strength, reduces her feeling of pain and includes a technique called Holding Up The Sky. As long as she exercises her muscles/weightlifts her strength will always increase at ridiculous rates. If she was in the same realm as Sami their bodies would probably be the same strength.

"Let's go to sleep guys, we have a long day ahead of us." Samael said, "you might as well stay in my courtyard tonight."

The Next day, they all got up and went to their class. It was like a university class but much more luxurious as the group of five walked in they got a lot of stares as Sami was still wearing his mask.

As they took their seats the teacher finally came in.

She was very beautiful but looked insanely cold and arrogant. She had short navy blue hair that reached her shoulders. She was quite tall and had a toned body. Her eyes were a piercing silver that seemed to cut your soul, she looked dangerous.

"Take of your mask!"


Info of the Day - Liches.

Liches were originally an artificial race. A death aura user originally converted his body into an immortal state. The restrictions when you want to become a lich is high affinity in the death element at least 500% also a high cultivation as the higher your cultivation the more talented your body is as a lich as you will need to cultivate from scratch.

Liches can also reproduce naturally but it is very rare, natural born Liches all most of the time more talented.

Artificial Liches are essentially immortal however the longer they live the weaker they're body gets the best way to prolong street and lifespan is for them to live in complete darkness.

Liches focus on ancient crafting, biological alchemy and research on the soul.

Their main elements are dark, death, curse and the devil element and they outright cannot use the light, fire and life elements.


Next Chapter: You Bitch!

Sorry for missing a day lol:0

That teacher is getting brave. How do you like Feng Yutu's and Xiao Ying's Talents.

What weapon should I give Xiao Ying.

See you on monday and once again thanks for all the support.

GluttonyAndGreedcreators' thoughts