
The Night that Lucifer chooses me as a Vessel

Lucifer, one of the Kings of Hell, was betrayed by his fellow Kings as they wanted to create another Hell for them to reside. Killian, a thief, a sadist, was brutally beaten. Then once he was almost at his death, Lucifer calls upon him and make a [Contract].

Deadsky_Ruler · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Greywar Academy: The Entrance Exam

Pain, suffering, anger, bullied, hunger, thief. Those are just some of many words that I can say about myself.

Snatching some bread at morning, being a thief at night is the cycle of my life everyday after my own parents abandon me at a church. Being inside that house that is full of crap is like I'm inside of [Hell] itself.

So after coming to my senses at the age of 17 , I left that crappy house. Then, I live at the side street stealing some foods and just running from the owner. Yeah... I know that you're all wondering why I leave such a place in exchange of sleeping on the street and the answer is:

"I hate people who are sentimental and judging something based on emotions."

I truly despises those people. So I'm just wandering on the street of Ahora near the City Gregora.

I only know a few things about this City. City of Gregora is a [Neutral City], meaning they formed an [Agreement] with the [Tribes] and other small [Native Family] that they mustn't bring their influence to the City for the sake of peace and coexistence.

Our World is called [Verdelen] that is overflowing of [Mana]. It is a formless energy that many living beings uses to produce [Magic] like fire, water, air and etc.

It's unfortunate for me 'coz the people who can teach people how to produce [Magic] is at the academy known as [Greywar Academy]. One of the [Three School] known across the world.

Killian is walking in the streets full of lights as the people around him are looking at him with their disgusted face as their shiny clothes and fur coat are waving along with the hint of cold breeze in the air.

Killian has a messy, long, bright orange color of hair and eyes with pointed pupils like snake. His clothes is oversized and full of holes when he bumped into a lady who is wearing a glamorous red dress with her white coat waving on his back that is hanging on her both shoulder.


"Sorry..." Killian said while his dirty and messy hair and his head are looking down at the ground when he bumped to her.

But the woman angrily looked at the homeless boy who just casually said the word "Sorry" and walked passed by them where she's clinging on the hands of some chubby and old man who is way below of her league making her looks a prostitute.

Unknowingly, Killian already stole her wallet inside her diamond cling bag when he bumped to her and using that opportunity to steal it.

Years have passed since he started stealing things so getting a purse is a piece of cake. Then while walking on the straight street full of hanging lantern with different colors, Killian snatched a bread on the male vendor on the sidewalk while passing by.

Killian's eyes moved at every direction watching the people and once he noticed that no one is looking at him, he altered his direction to a dark alley full if garbage.

There, he hid himself behind the wooden box and immediately opened the purse full of money.

"Jackpot!" Killian said as he look at the purse full of money with a joyful smile on his face.

He then count it on his hands.

Minutes have passed by and some group of thugs wearing a black uniform suddenly blocks the light from the small alley where Killian is counting.

"Well, well, look what we have found. It's Killian the traitor." Ahon said while looking at Killian.

Killian then immediately noticed and heard what Ahon said and immediately pack everything slowly.

"What do you want Ahon?" Killian said.

"The [Boss] ordered us to take you to him while we're here at the City so just follow us." Ahon said while looking at him with a thug-like face.

Shit! Adonis is here at the City? I have some unpaid businesses with him. I need to get away here.

Analyzing the situation there's only one thing that Killian have come up with and that is...

"Ahon, I'm sorry to say but I need to do something elsewhere and it's very important so... Adios!" Killian said as he slowly stands up from his spot.

...and that is to run.

Killian saw a garbage can full of waste on his side. Without giving it a second thought he kicked it with his full strength even though he has some skinny body.

Though he has a skinny body, his agility is really great so he immediately run from his behind where it has load of garbage bag full of waste and uses it as a ladder-like and jump from post-to-post and immediately reaches the rooftop.

Ahon and the others with him luckily evaded the attack but that gives Killian some time to escape.

"He's going to get away! Follow him!" Ahon loudly said as he commanded his men to follow him as they did the same thing like Killian to reach the rooftop.

Above the rooftop, Killian is running for his life as he recalls his memory with Adonis who is the leader of the group where Ahon belongs.

Damn! This is really messed up. I can't fight with Adonis who knows how to use magic. He studied at [Moden Academy] but he got expelled for fighting some students to death.

If Adonis is here, that would mean my death, I need to get away somehow.

As Killian is running at the stoned roof of every buildings in the street, his body suddenly trembles with fear that made him stopped his movement.

What is this feeling? This strange flow of [Mana]. I may not know how to use magic but I can definitely sense this strange [Mana]. I need to move!

But before Killian could even move, a strong punch were felt by him on his face that made him crash over some distance.

What...the? What...happened?

While lying on the roof, his eyes were covered by a shadow of a huge person whose footsteps are getting louder and louder.

Ahh. That figures.

"How long has it been, Adonis?" Killian said as he tries to support himself to lift his body.

"Yeah. It's been 5 months, Killian and your debt is still unpaid." Adonis said.

Adonis is a ex-student at the [Moden Academy]. He has a bald head with a strange tattoo like something like flower. His body is enough to take down a 25 years old normal person. Not to mention his magic.

"I told you to give me some time." Killian said as he's leaning on the wall behind him.

"Some time? It's been five months and you still didn't make a payment for the interest. Well, instead of money as payment I'll take your life instead." Adonis said with those sadistic eyes that can even kill a normal person.

"Why don't we talk—"

But before Killian could even finish talking, Adonis kicked him in the chest that made him burst into blood on his mouth. The wall behind him crashes and made Killian fall for about 15 metes to the ground.



Killian falls on the alley with not a single lantern as a source of light, he looked at the opening and tried to call out for help but the alley is a place secluded from the main street so most of the people don't go there often.

*Jump. Drop*

Adonis jumped from the rooftop and crashed to the ground with his both feet like it was nothing as his hands are both inside his pocket of his black slacks.

Adonis immediately put his feet in the crawling body of Killian as his blood is spewing out from his mouth.

"If you just followed our contract, this would've never happened, right Killian?!" Adonis said as his voice is reaching the ears of Killian sounding so brutal.

As Killian is hearing the words coming out from Adonis, he wonder inside his mind.

Damnit! I should've move to another place instead of staying at this shitty street. It wasn't in my plan to die here at the street.

Adonis grabbed the bright orange hair of Killian and lifted him in the air. As he look at his eyes, Adonis couldn't contain his anger and just continuously punching him with his remaining left arm.

A second later, Adonis's men arrived at the scene who are panting and exhausted.

"We're here boss" Ahon said.


Adonis dropped the body of Killian as he gathers a bright red [Mana] from his right arm.

"Wait a second you can have him after I do this." Adonis said.

*Boom. Punch*

With the arms of Adonis imbued with red [Mana], he punched Killian at the chest that makes most of his ribs got broken and damage some internal organs.

"Hey listen Killian, this happened because you choose to betray me. This is your fate." Adonis said with his cold hearted voice as he speaks it faintly near the ears of Killian who is almost at his last breath.

Then Adonis walked out at the alley and tapped the right shoulder of Ahon and said:

"He's all yours." Adonis said as if it was nothing.

Then the excitement rushed towards the veins of Ahon and the others as they look at the dying Killian with those murderous eyes.

They all cracked their fingers to get ready for beating him till death.

"Now, now, this is the end of you... Killian!" Ahon said as he and his men jumped to him and started beating him regardless if his current state while Adonis just walked forward to the right alley and reaches the main street and walks casually like nothing has ever happened.

The screams of Killian continues but now it's faint where most of the bones of Killian are broken both from his arms ands legs.

Then when Ahon is about to land a final hit, a ray of light coming from a flashlight flashes before their eyes.

"Hey...? Huh? Nothing?"

But before the guards could even notice their existence, Ahon and the others' already escaped leaving the dying Killian lying a the cold soil ground. So without the guard noticing something, he just left and walked ahead.

Killian is almost at his last breath and he uses that time yo look at the very beautiful night sky full of shining stars and the twin moon across all of his sight.

"The moon is really lovely tonight."

It's nice that I'm going to die now. I don't have any memories from my family or whatever or wherever they are. But why do I have to die being beaten like this? That man, Adonis and Ahon, if I just know how to use magic, I'll kill them myself and making them experience every pain and suffering I know.

Geez... I'm already at my last breath but revenge is all I can think off. Isn't this the time where the 'life flashes before my eyes'? Darn it, I wish I can have a second chance—

The light from Killian's eyes are slowly fading as well as his eyelids are closing in and then Killian exhale his very last breath.

Then, Killian's consciousness suddenly opened its eyes and saw a vast ocean of darkness that is completely surrounding him. All of a sudden, a growling and old voice hits his ears and his whole body shivers as he gelt a sinister flow of [Mana].

"I heard you want ant revenge, so how would you like to form a contract with me?"