

Ramiel Targaryen is the ruler of Devon empire. He is heartless unforgiving and a great womanizer Raixa Lyn is a calm beautiful girl who would do anything to support her sick mother and her sister. What happens when the two meet an their lives change

Rose_Mary_4784 · Fantasy
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Author's note

I really want to thank everyone who use their time to read my book. This is my first book and I hope that you will love it.

Excerpt #1

"I know you love it little dove so don't act like you don't". Ramiel said huskily into her ears

"I don't. Just leave me alone. I hate you". Raixa said struggling to push him. She hated him for separating her from her family, for locking her here. But she couldn't stop the feeling inside of her as he kept on kissing her body

"But your body says otherwise" Ramiel slipped in one finger into her sacred cave and began moving it

"Ahh..,... Ramiel...S...sire"Raixa stuttered at the sudden pleasure she felt

One more thing guys. I'm not a fan of slow burn romance so expect the romance soon