
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


She taught of tearing the letter but wanted to see its content. She swore that if it was what she was thinking, she would feast on John. She opened the letter and the letter read thus:


I want to apologize for all the wrong

I have done to you, you didn't deserve any

of my actions. I was stupid,

and of all, we were still children. I know it

hurts so much, I may not know how you

feel but I am willing to do anything to

make up for my wrongdoings. Please

accept my apology and let bye gones be

bye gone.

I will be waiting for your feedback soon,

see you in school.

your Dearest,

John Williams.

After reading the letter, she was very angry. She picked up her phone and called Joan. Immediately Joan picked up the call, she didn't even ask about her wellbeing, she just started talking about what John has been doing to her, that he has been following her around without giving her a breathing space. And also she came back from school and found an apology letter from John in her school bag.

After she finished talking, Joan said "good evening, how are you doing". She suddenly remembered she did not ask about her welfare, and she apologized. Joan told her that she has only two words for her, to end the whole situation.

She was eager to hear what she had to say, "forgive him". On hearing this all her hope got dashed, it was like asking a rat to reconcile with a cat. She told Joan she was only saying that because it was her brother. Joan told her that it was the logical thing to do, that she would never in her life support evil for any reason, even if it was her blood brother.

Joan told her that, if she was not ready to reconcile with him, she should never call her again concerning that matter and she ended the call.

Shelly knew Joan was right but refused to accept it. As the saying goes, the truth is bitter. She decided not to forgive John, she did her assignments and went to bed, thinking of her next line of action.

The next day, which was on Tuesday. She got prepared and went to school, as she arrived at school and walked through the gate of the school, she was looking beautiful as ever before.

She was already late for assembly, she walked straight to the assembly hall. She turned and fiercely looked at John. John taught in his mind if she was happy, sad, or angry. He hoped it wasn't because of the letter.

When the assembly was over, Shelly behaved in a nonchalant way to deceive everyone. On their way to class, John was discussing with peter and immediately Shelly came and forcefully dragged him away from where he was, and threw him back like a little child.

She shouted at him, asking him the meaning of this, showing him the letter." I told you to stay clear of my path, didn't I, now you put this useless note in my bag. Who even gave you the impudence to open my bag, and put this piece of rubbish, referring to the letter", she said angrily.

She tore the paper in his face and threw it at his body and angrily walked away, leaving John standing like an oak tree that had just lost its leaves. Peter ran to where he was and asked what happened.

He just kept a fixed gaze at the sky as the cloud broke and the sun came out. They both walked to class, but John couldn't find his voice to tell Peter what was going on.

The news of the fight between David and Michael escalated like wildfire. As they got to class everyone started talking about the fight and how they were suspended. Many expurgated the story, just to make it interesting for the listeners.

Many added that they fought because of one person, some said they knew each other before and were in a conflict. Only a few knew what happened, but they were silenced because of all other expurgated stories.

Shelly sat down alone, looking downcast. She did not talk to anybody while the gossip about the fight was going on. She looked at the class and everyone was busy talking about the fight. Soon John and Peter entered the class, peter went to his seat and also went to his seat.

Shelly didn't even say a word or even looked at him, she just bow her head down reading. when she raised her head, John was smiling looking in her direction. She was shocked, she taught he would be angry because of the embarrassment.

Shelly wished Joan never told her that John was having feelings for her. It made the situation worse for her.

Everyone was busy talking, and a teacher walked into the class. On seeing him, everyone kept quiet. He introduced himself as Mr. Francis and their basic science teacher. He told them that he doesn't tolerate any form of nauseous and that if anyone should flout his rules, the person would go in for it.

Everyone was terrified as he made the last statement. As he finished addressing them, the class was as silent as a graveyard, even the sound of cricket could be heard, and no one moved an inch.

Mr. Francis was a no nonsense man, the whole school feared him but he was good at teaching his subject science. When he was done teaching, he left the class. As soon as he left everyone was relieved.

It was recess time, and everyone went to get lunch, but Shelly sat down in class and was not having the appetite to eat.

John taught he would see Shelly at the cafeteria, but she was not there. He followed Peter and was thinking maybe she would follow Rita but he was wrong. He decided to find out later what was happening.

Shelly sat down alone in class and was drinking Hollandia yogurt when a group of girls approached her. She asked them what they wanted, and they told her that they just want to be friends with her and also wanted to find out something from her.

She asked them to say whatever they wanted to say. They asked her if she knew John before because she confronted him in the morning. She did not say anything. She later lied that she never knew him.

They told her that they overheard her saying something about a letter. She denied it and as she denied it again, John walked into the class and told the group of girls that they have been primary school mate.

As he wanted to say more, Shelly stood up and gave him a dirty slap, and asked him if she was talking to him. John was shocked, as held his face. They entered into a serious argument which led to a fight.

A girl ran to call the principal, as the principal came, he met them fighting. He was shocked Shelly was one of them, he asked the both of them to follow him. They knew they were in deep trouble.