
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


She didn't know where she was, she could hear herself shouting for help and she found out John was also there shouting for help.

She did not know what to do, or where to go. They were running together shouting for help. She suddenly found herself and John under a shade and could hear the pitter patter of the rain on the roof.

As she turned to ask John where they were, she woke up. She found out it was just a nightmare, she was sweating profusely like someone whose life was on the line.

She prayed for hours, that she should never be in a situation like that in this life. She picked up her phone to check the time, it was 2 am.

She called Joan and told her about the dream she had, Joan told her not to worry that it was just a dream. She went back to sleep and hoped it was only a dream.

The next day in school, everyone got to know about their suspension. As usual, they heard different versions of the story. Rita and Peter were shocked, everyone kept coming to them and asking them what happened because they were the closest to them. Their answer would always be they don't know.

Later in the day Rita and Peter came together to discuss, and they found out both of them knew why they were rivals. Rita supported John and Peter supported Shelly.

School closed, and Rita decided to go visit Shelly at home. When she got to her house, the maid took her to the sitting room, she looked around and saw the picture of the governor. " Could it be", she thought to herself.

The maid went to call Shelly when she came out she was surprised to see Rita. She ran to embrace her, and they both sat down. They were discussing school and other things. Rita told her that the whole school got to know about their suspension, she told Rita that she does not care.

Rita asked if her parents punished her, and she told her that her parents don't have that kind of time. She told Shelly that she wants to ask her a question and that she should tell her the truth.

Shelly told her she should go ahead and ask her questions. " The question goes like this, are you the governor's daughter?". Shelly looked at her in surprise, " em, em, em, yes I am the governor's daughter but please don't tell anyone " she said. " You are the governor's daughter and you didn't tell me ", Rita said.

Shelly told her it takes time to trust people, and she wasn't ready to tell anyone because she doesn't want to be popular. She apologized to her and told her not to tell anyone, then she promised not to tell anyone. Shelly offered her snacks and drinks, she ate to her satisfaction. She later walked her to the main gate and bade her goodbye.

John woke up feeling tired, he brushed his teeth, took his bathed, and took his breakfast. He later decided to take a walk and his phone rang and it was Joan calling, he picked up the phone and she asked how he was feeling, he said he was feeling okay. She told him that Shelly told her about their suspension, and John told her he had to do what he did. Joan thanked him for saving Shelly's reputation.

" Now to the main reason why I called you. Shelly told me she had a nightmare about the both of you", Joan said. " Really", John replied. Then he told him about the dream, after she finished narrating the dream, he thanked her for telling him and told her he would call later.

He was thinking of what to do next, then he decided to visit Shelly. As got to her residence, he haves a big sigh and entered the compound.

He sighted Shelly from afar and called her name, she turned and saw John. She went to meet him and told him to come in with her to the house, and he followed her.

John was surprised at her actions, he was expecting her usual ranting. He got inside and sat down, Shelly offered him a cup of juice and he thanked her.

The reason why Shelly was being nice to him, was because of what he did for her, so it would be unfair to treat him badly. Shelly asked him the reason for his visit, he told her Joan told him about the nightmare, that he thinks they should end up being rivals and become friends.

Shelly looked at him and told him she was only being nice to him, because of what he did for her and that he should stop cooking up stories in his mind, thinking they can be friends, saying they would never be friends. John saw it coming but didn't want to accept it. John stood up to leave, but Shelly told him to stay, then John told her there was no of him staying since she doesn't want to forgive him, then he walked away.

As he was going, he turned and told her that if the nightmare came to pass it would be her fault. Shelly didn't even feel concerned, he just let him go.

Soon it was Friday, Shelly was happy her suspension would soon be over and she would be going back to school on Tuesday. She thought of what to do on a Friday, her parents were not at home.

Her mother traveled to restock her shop and her father went back the next day. She decided to go to the movie theater to clear her mind from the nightmare because she couldn't get her mind off it.

She got ready and booked her ticket online and went. She got there when the movie was just starting. The title of the movie was," love at first sight". When the movie was over, she shed tears of joy. She left the movie theater happy and forgot about the nightmare.

She has been experiencing stomach pain recently but did not take it seriously, she thought it was normal.

Later that day, Peter called John and asked him if there was any progress between him and Shelly. He told Peter there was no progress, that she used to be very nice to him in primary school, and he blamed himself for changing all that. Peter comforted him, saying it was not his fault that we all make mistakes as human beings. Peter told him, he would talk to Shelly on Tuesday then he ended the call.

The whole class on Friday, couldn't wait for Shelly and John to come back to school and they intended to ask them the reason they fought. Due to Shelly and John's absence, Rita and Peter became friends and wanted to find a solution to their problem.

Since she got suspended, she has been writing her diary, hoping one day someone would read it and learn something from it. Every of her experience, each day was recorded in her diary.

It was a night to the end of their suspension, she still felt pain in her stomach but couldn't tell the cause of it.