
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


The principal arranged for a meeting between Bill's family and the Williams family and it was held at Bill's residence. Everyone sat down in the sitting room waiting for him to speak. " Mr. principal speaks up, why are you silent" Mrs. Bill said.

"And where is John, he was supposed to be home by now, weren't they suppose to arrive yesterday and today is Sunday" Mrs. William complained. "Same here we haven't seen Shelly, what is going on, did they extend the camp?," Mrs. Bill asked again.

"Women please allow the man to speak," Mr. Bill said. "So what's the emergency?" Mr. Williams asked. "If I tell you this please be calm and just to be clear we are making necessary arrangements for them to be brought back," he said as he swallowed his saliva and looked down.

"What do you mean for them to be brought back, what happened?," Mrs. Williams asked still confused. "They were forgotten at the night camp, we don't know how it happened and....." the principal was saying when Mrs. Bill Mrs. William shouted. "Hay, we are finished".

"Women calm down," Mr. Williams said. "When we arrived we couldn't find them but they signed out, I guess that's what deceived us, sorry to say but the worst part of it is that they have canceled all flights for this week," he said.

"My God, my baby! what will happen to her, she can't stay alone" Mrs. Bill exclaimed. "So let me guess, it's John and Shelly you forgot," Mrs. Williams said. "Yes, but I'm 100% sure that they are safe there but if the boundaries are crossed it is very dangerous" he explained.

"What about food and what do you mean by if boundaries are crossed?," Mr. Williams asked. "Their classmate told me Shelly's with her emergency bag and there's enough food that would last them for the meantime. If they come out of the camping area for any reason, they'll be exposed to wild animals especially when they wander into the forest" he explained further.

Mr. Bill looked at him. " This is total nonsense, there is supposed to be an extra measure to ensure the safety of the students while embarking on such a journey," he said looking angry. "I'm sorry sir, but we are trying our best" the principal pleaded. "Not to worry, I'll use my private plane to go bring them, you should thank God we have another option," he said and stood up.

The president (Mr. Bill) with Mr. Williams and the principal left to see how they could go about it, while Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Bill remained.

"Drat! the food that is here won't be enough, it can only last us till tomorrow morning," Shelly said to John as they went back to the tent."What do we do then?," he asked. "We'll have to cross boundaries" she answered. "But it's dangerous," he said. "Would you prefer we starve to death?" she asked. "I don't know but we can give it a try," he said.

"Since it's already late we should go after breakfast tomorrow," she said. "But we don't have any protection" he replied. "Thank God I came with my emergency bag and all we'll be needing is inside," she said. "Okay, I'm tired and I want to sleep. Good night" he said and laid down. "Good night" she answered and pretended to be asleep.

She could not sleep she was afraid. So she went to John's bed and lay beside him. He was not asleep, he was thinking. "Why is she here again," he said silently. "I won't let this pass," he thought. He wrapped his hand around her waist and pretended to be asleep, making it look as if he did it unconsciously.

"What have I gotten myself into and how can I free myself," she said silently as her heartbeat started to rise and he noticed it but could not tell why.

"Calm down Shelly, breath in breath out," she said continuously with her eyes shut and she calmed down. "I'll just sleep and find my way out tomorrow," she thought with her eyes still shut and soon she slept off.

She woke up the next morning and she saw him sleeping on his own peacefully and he was no longer holding her. "Thank God," she said as she quietly stood up and tiptoe to her bed. Funny enough, he was not asleep but only pretending and he woke up before her.

After they had taken their breakfast and Freshened up, it was time for them to hunt for food. "Er, we'll be needing this," she said holding a knife and she put it in her back pocket. She was wearing a button shirt and a top inside. She wore her boot and trousers and also a face cap like someone ready for adventure.

"Take this," she said as she gave him a knife. "What is this for?," he asked jokingly. "Protection," she said. "Yes, right," he said. They took a lot of protection and Shelly also took some poison which she put in her back pocket, she also took extra clothing.

She transferred some of the things to a smaller bag which she put inside the emergency bag and they were set to go. They crossed boundaries and went into the forest in search of food mainly from trees.

"This place is so scary," she said as she walked beside him. "This was your idea, remember," he said as he was leading the way. "Yeah, but I think it was a bad one," she said. "We have come too far to go back, let's just continue," he said.

"Speaking of going back, we are in the middle of nowhere," she said. "Wait, we forgot to put clues," he said. "Just great, we're lost," she said. "Don't worry we'll find our way back" he said as they continued walking.

It was getting to the afternoon and they continued walking. Shelly got stuck and she was unable to move while John was still going. "Wait! I'm stuck" she said as she was getting short and he looked back, she throws her bag to meet him. "Oh no, quicksand," he said and went to look for a long stick. At that point, the sand was in her waist heading for her head.

He stretched the stick and she held on to the stick with all his strength he pulled her out which was extremely difficult. "Thank you," she said as she was breathing hard. "You're welcome," he said also breathing hard.

She was dirty, so she went to change. He waited for her to change, when she came back she was wearing a similar button shirt and another pair of trousers with another pair of boots. They continued walking but this time she was extremely careful and stayed extra close to him and soon they heard the lion roar.

"Jesus, what do we do?," Shelly asked shivering. "We have to hide quickly," he said. "Where," she asked. He looked around and there was nowhere to hide, the only option was for them to climb. He helped Shelly to climb the tree and he also climbed. They silently watch as the lion was walking around.

After some few minutes that the lion left, they were convinced it has left and they came down. John was backing the tree and she was facing him. "That was a quick one," she said still very afraid. "We need to leave now," he said.

Her camera that she has been using to video them fell to the ground, she told John she want to video all their experience. As she bent to pick it up, John's eyes opened wide, a bear was standing behind her.

"Still in good condition," she said as she picked it up. "Shelly...Shelly....." he continued to say. "What!" she shouted. "There's a bear.....behind you..." he said stammering in fear.

"Where," she said because she did not want to believe it and John pointed towards her signifying her back, he was too terrified. Shelly turned around slowly and on seeing it she shouted and fainted.

How is John going to deal with this kind of situation?. Comment below

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