
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


He told her that he was not joking when he said he was going to attend the same school as her, that she was going to see him when school resumes and he left.

She was shocked, she wondered who gave him the impudence to grab her and talk to her in such a manner. She went back to where Joan was, telling her what her brother said. Joan told her not to worry about him, that she would talk to him herself and maybe he might change his mind.

Shelly wished she could spend more time with her before she leaves. Joan came up with an idea to have a sleepover at her house after the sleepover by 4 am she would go back home to get prepared for school. She told her she doesn't want to see her brother, then she assured her that she won't set her eyes on him.

They both agreed for them to meet up by 9 pm because she had to go home and clear out some things. She bade Joan goodbye and entered the car.

On getting home, she told her mother she was having a sleepover at Joan's house. She took her dinner and arranged some of the things she would be using for school the next day. She also arranged the things she would be needing for the sleepover at Joan's house.

After packing her stuff, she informed her mother she was leaving and that she would be back by 4 in the morning to get prepared for school. Her mother asked if she was not going to be affected by the sleepover and if she would not in class. She answered her mother by telling her that she was going for a sleepover and not a talk over. She agreed to let her go and told her to be careful.

Soon it was 9 pm, and she was set to leave. She gave her mom a peck on her cheek and left. The driver took her to Joan's house, on getting there she told the driver to remember to pick her up by 4 am.

Joan stood outside waiting for her arrival, immediately they sited each other they ran to embrace themselves. She welcomed her into her humble abode and took her to her room to avoid seeing John.

Joan was in the bathroom when John knocked at her door, Shelly had no other option than to answer who was at the door. She opened the door and saw John, she slammed the door in his face and told him to say whatever he wants to say behind the closed door. John ignoring that, told her that their mom was calling them for dinner and he left.

Joan came out of the bathroom and asked her what all the noise was about. she said her mom was calling them for dinner. They changed into their nightwear, and Joan had to plead with Shelly before she agreed to join them for dinner.

The Williams family was very nice to her, they welcomed her wholeheartedly. At the dining table, they discussed various things. Mrs. Williams asked Shelly what she would like to become in the future. She told them she had plans of joining the entertainment industry.

They wanted to know the reason for her decision, she told them it was her passion. All this while, John kept a fixed gaze at Shelly but she didn't notice. Her sister saw him but didn't say anything. To an extent, he forget he was eating. Joan noticed something fishy was going on with her twin brother but could not get hold of it.

After dinner, everyone retired to their room to sleep. Joan told Shelly to wait for her in her room that she wanted to speak with her brother, then Shelly left. Joan followed her brother to his room and started questioning him.

The first question she asked was why he was staring at Shelly like that while they were eating. John was surprised, he didn't know he would get caught, he blamed himself for staring at her too much. " Is it what I am thinking?" Joan asked. He told her it was not that. she asked what it was because she could give a clear explanation of why he was looking at her, "It was quite obvious" she said.

After much persuasion, he finally admitted that he has been having some feelings for her recently. She was not surprised and she expected it because it was written all over his face. He told her he is now regretting his actions, and as her twin brother, she should do him a favor by pleading with Shelly to forgive him and promising never to do such a thing again.

On seeing his sincerity and seeing that he was truly sorry, she agreed to talk to her on his behalf.

After leaving her brother's room, she went to her room. Shelly complained that she took too long, then she apologized.

They discussed for a very long time about school, their parents and what they would like to achieve in the nearest future and of course they talked about the obsession boys have with girls nowadays.

" That reminds me, what transpired between you and that guy in the restaurant", Joan asked. " Don't mind that stupid, useless, irresponsible fool. You should have seen the way he was touching me, my sister I had to defend myself "Shelly said. Joan told her to forget those boys because that is how they behaved. Joan saw that it was a good time to talk about her brother.

" I want to tell you something," Joan said. "I need you to forgive my brother for all he had done to you, remember to err is human and to forgive is divine" saying she should forget about the past and concentrate more on what the future holds.

She asked her where all the words were coming from and that if it wasn't because of their friendship she wouldn't have listened to her because she doesn't like hearing his name. She asked her if she was aware of what John did to her, and she said she was aware that John told her. Shelly asked what he said, " isn't it because of the punishment, and you would have also told me".

That was not it at all, I forgave him for that act. Didn't he tell you that he deliberately did not pick me for the competition, all in the name of wickedness and jealousy? Joan was shocked to the bone, she stood up immediately and went to confront his brother and asked him if what Shelly told her about the competition was true.

He was shocked at how Shelly got to know him, but that was not important to him at that point. He admitted it without hesitation, seeing that his sister was angry. He immediately went down on his knees and begged her sister to forgive him.

Seeing he has truly repented, she forgave him and warned him never to do such a thing again, and went back to her room. She apologized on John's behalf but Shelly turned deaf ears, at that point Joan left her alone.

I want to break the ice she told Shelly, she asked what the matter was. She told her his brother is head over heels for her. Shelly was too shocked that she couldn't even utter a word. Shelly asked how she got to know, she said she caught him stealing glances and went to confront him and he confirmed it, it was like a dream to her.

Shelly decided not to think too much of it and just pretended she never heard it. They both forgot about it and did many fun things before they finally went to bed. When they slept off, John went into their room to tidy it up, he stared at Shelly for a while, arranging the room.

His heart would beat double times, looking at the beautiful face of hers as she slept. He finally finished cleaning the room and left.