
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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She came down from the car and also did he. She looked at her phone and it was dead, she needed to call Shelly and tell her that she was at her gate because it was late.

She asked John Billion for his phone and he gave it to her, she called Shelly. "Hello Billion," Shelly said. "It's not Billion it's Rita" she answered. "But this is Billion's line," she said surprised. "Yes but I don't have time to explain, I'm at your gate can you open the gate for me," she said. "Sure but why this late," she asked. "I'll explain once I get inside," she said and cut the call.

The gate was opened and she entered with John Billion because he insisted on following her. The maids took them into the living room where they sat down waiting for her.

Shelly quickly ran downstairs, she was in her nightgown. She ran to hug Rita and she was surprised to see Billion. After the hug, she sat down opposite them.

"Is your mum at home?" Rita asked her. "No, she left this morning. I'm the only one in this house, dad has not been around and James is out of town for a couple of days" she explained. "Thank God," she said as she haves a sigh of relief. "Can you explain to me what this is about?" Shelly asked pointing at both of them.

Rita explained to her everything that happened. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. "Yes, thanks to John Billion," she said. "I need to take my leave now," he said. "I understand, thanks for saving my friend," she said and they shook hands. "I'll call you," he said turning to Rita and she waved as he left.

Shelly went to sit close to Rita. "Oh my God, I'm sorry you have to go through that" Shelly said. "Yes I'm glad I'm still alive," she said. "Lesson learned, never walk alone at night," she said. "Yes that's great advise" she answered.

"Why don't you want to go home," Shelly asked. "No thank you, I don't want my parent to worry," she said. "Okay, have you called them," she asked. "No, I'll do that right away," she said. "What will you tell them?" she asked. "That I'm having a sleepover," she said and she used the house telephone to call her parent she told them that she was with Shelly, saying she would come back the next morning. Her parent was relieved when they heard that and they agreed.

Shelly took Rita to her room and she took her bath and put on another of Shelly's nightgowns. "I like this nightgown, will you give me," she asked. "Yes you can have it" she answered. "Really?" she asked surprised. "Yes," she answered. "Thank you," she said as she hugged her and then both of them went to the bed and lay down facing up.

"You know, Billion finally confessed his feelings he has for me," Rita said. "What! get out! He did?" Shelly said excitedly. "Yes," she answered. "And what did you say?" she asked. "Nothing, was too shocked to utter a word" she answered. "Anyway, I'm happy you both are finally getting along," she said happily.

"Yes, who gave you that bracelet," Rita asked looking at her hand. "Oh this, John gave it to me as a gift," she said. "It's beautiful, you have the nicest boyfriend in the world," Rita said. "How many times have I told you not to tell me that," she said and rolled her eyes. "Sorry oh...." she said and they laughed.

"But that boy takes care of you like an egg, he does like you," Rita said. "Yep, and sometimes I wonder why he's been good to me after everything I did," she said sadly.

"It's not your fault, I would have done the same and you have to let go, I know he has told you that," Rita said. "Yes but I'm still trying," she said. "It's okay, we are in this together," she said. "Thank God I have a friend like you," she said and both of them laughed. They talked for a while before both of them finally slept off.

Two weeks before the examination, Shelly and her friends were at the cafeteria talking. "So by next week Friday our school will be 20 years old," Rita said. "Yes, our school is old," Joan said. "The principal said there is going to be a celebration," Shelly said. "Yes and I can't wait for that day," Rita said.

"By the way how was your test," John asked everyone and they gave the usual answer that it was fine even if it was not fine for some.

"Our school surely knows how to punish someone" Rita complained. "What do you mean?" Peter asked. "Immediately after the celebration on Friday, we have exams on Monday" she answered. "That's why you should prepare beforehand," Joan said.

"Yeah I guess so," John said. "After the celebration and exams we'll go on holiday but I feel this term was short," Shelly said. "No! Why!! Why!!!" Rita shouted. "What is it?" Shelly asked. "I don't want to go to the village," she said. "But why are they forcing you to go to the village?" John asked.

"They say I should experience another part of life" Rita answered. "Haven't you experienced enough" Peter asked? "Yes I have but they won't give me a listening ear, they always threatened me. I wish holiday would never come" Rita answered.

"Does your village cousin visit, I mean at least they should be the one to visit you" Shelly said. "That would be a suicide mission" Rita answered. "What do you mean by suicide," Joan asked. "The last time they came, they broke the TV set and the home theaters and only God knows how they spoilt the washing machine" Rita explained.

"Ouch, it must have been really bad," Joan said. "They turned the whole house upside down and my dad told them that they would never come again until they are matured. The stress I go through in the hands of those children is not thinkable plus 247 shouting" she said and everyone laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to your mum for you and plead with her to allow you to stay for this holiday" Shelly said. "Really," Rita said happily. "Yes, and she won't say no, trust me on that" she answered. "Thank you, you're the best friend in the world," she said. "Awn, thank you" she responded. "Enough of all these, can we eat," Joan said and everyone laughed.

Everyone arrived At school very early on Friday, the day of the anniversary. They were not allowed to dress on mufti but in school uniforms. They were informed that honorable men and women would be attending and the first set of students that were in the school when it was formed was also coming with other past students.

They decorated the grand hall knowing that the celebration was going to be a huge one. They also set up the school field because some outdoor events would be taking place like match past, dances, and the like. Everyone was invited.

When the event started the hall was packed and filled with a plethora of people, parents, students, friends, and many more. They did different activities like debate, speech, spoken words, and many more.

When it was time for the outdoor event, everyone went outside. The different canopy was set in different parts of the school field. When they were about to start the outdoor event the master of ceremony, emcee drew everyone's attention. "Please everyone listen," the emcee said, and everywhere was silent.

"A very noble people have just arrived, I don't know how to say it but help me welcome The President, Mr. Jerry Bill, and Mrs. Beauty Bill," the emcee said and everyone shouted and clapped, they waved at everybody.

Shelly at the back was surprised, her parents didn't tell her they were coming. The President gave a short speech. After the outdoor event, various photos were taken with the President. At the end of the event, everyone took something home.

After the anniversary Shelly became more popular, they wrote their exams and went on holiday. Shelly succeeded in convincing Rita's mum to allow her to stay for the holiday.

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