
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


"Do you John Williams swear to be faithful to this cult group and pay its dues? Do you swear to keep this as a secret till death? Do you swear that if you open up, your life will be taken" Maxx Vail's voice is heard.

"Everybody go down now," someone said as soldiers burst into the room. "We're finished," Leonard said.

They laid down and they were taken away by the soldiers, the principal stood there and watched how his students were being taken away by the soldiers. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw their ammunition. "Take them away," the principal said as they took all of them inside the van except John.

The principal and John went back into the school premises, then the principal thanked John for being brave and also told someone to call Shelly. When she came, he thanked both of them and told them they would be rewarded, then the principal left.

"I can't believe our plan worked," Shelly said and handed five John. "Yeah right," he said. He hugged her and flashback to how Shelly came up with the plan.

"So what do you want me to do," he asked as they walked to the school garden. "I want you to pretend to join the cult and find out their secret hideout because I know they don't hold their meeting inside the school," she said.

"Okay, how do you plan on achieving that," he asked. "Tell him you're interested," she said. "But I'm not interested," he said. "That's the point, I know you're not interested but tell him you are," she said. "Okay, then what?" he asked.

"The day they'll be taking you there, I'll inform the principal and then tell my father beforehand so that on that day my father will send soldiers to stay behind you. I'll also inform the principal that my dad is sending soldiers" she said.

"That's a great plan, l think it might work," he said. "Let's just give it a try," Shelly said. "Okay, I'll start immediately," he said.


"You can let go," Shelly said and freed herself from his hug. "Oh sorry, I was thinking," he said. "About what?" she asked. "Our plan, how you suggested it and it worked," John said.

"Thank God it worked, those boys will rot in jail," Shelly said. "They must have been the one that's behind all the arm robbery in this area," he said. "I don't understand, why can't some students leave the school in peace, must they want to indulge themselves in one crime or the other," she said. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Okay just look at those boys that were involving themselves in heinous crimes and are also cult members. They are in SS3 and suppose to graduate this term, now what will become of them" Shelly said.

"I see your viewpoint, they should have just left in peace instead of in pieces. Their whole life is stained forever" he said. "You should thank me," she said. "For what?" he asked.

"For saving you, coming to your rescue," she said. "Yes, I say thank you," he said smiling. "You're welcome," she said and they went to class.

"Today is an open day, your parents will be permitted to check your books, see your grades, and how you are performing. They would also check your activeness in extracurricular activities" the principal said in the assembly ground on a Friday morning, a week before exams.

Everyone is heard grumbling as they heard what he said. "Why are you people grumbling, this is to teach you a lesson to perform better, so that your parents will be proud of you" the principal continued.

"I encourage you all to be on your best behavior because after checking your work we would be holding a P. T. A meeting with all your parents to try and bring a solution to cultism.

I will continue to thank those J S S 2 students John and Shelly who have done us proud and brought honor to this school. If not for them the reputation of our school would have been tarnished. Once again I must say thank you" he said and everyone clapped, then he dismissed all.

"Why does our school have to organize the open day he didn't tell us until now," Rita said talking to Shelly as they walked to class.

"As for me, I like the way our principal handles things, this is a situation like that of the Bible that says, He will come like a thief in the night. Our parents will come today like a thief in the night" Shelly said.

"Look at you quoting the holy scripture, have you also forgotten that the same Bible says, forgive men their trespasses, as God will also forgive you your trespasses? Have you forgiven John?" she asked.

"Em I'm still thinking about it" she answered. "Then you don't have the right to quote the holy scripture" she answered.

"Okay ladies enough with the argument," John said from behind. "You've been here," Shelly asked. "Yep, standing behind you, I guess you girls were deep in argument," he said.

They entered their class and as expected their parents came that day and checked all their work, Shelly's mother also came and did the same.

They also held a P. T. A meeting and various suggestions were brought on how to reduce cultism in secondary school.

"We are here today by the grace of God, help me welcome Shelly and John as they come to take their awards," the principal said.

It was their prize giving ceremony, they had just ended their exams and the principal thought it would be a good way of ending the term because the next term would be new.

They came out and they handed the award over to them. They took pictures with friends and staff.

"I'm jealous of both of you," Rita said. "You two deserve it," Peter said. "Thanks" Shelly and John chorused. "Next term we'll all be in J S S 3 by the grace of God," Peter said. "Yay," they all chorused.

"So what are your plans for the holiday?" Rita asked. "I don't know, I haven't thought of any yet," Shelly said. "You can come to visit me at my village, I'll be going back there," Rita said.

" Thank you very much but I'm okay, the last holiday John and I spent with you was hectic. Those cousins of yours are something else, I don't wish to ever see them again" Shelly said.

"You can see what I'm going through any time I visit them there. My parents are always forcing me to go there and now they told me I must go, that it's no longer my choice" Rita said.

"Shelly you can come to visit me," John said. "Sorry can't either, I would be traveling to meet Diamond and I won't be back till the holiday is over," Shelly said. "Peter what about you," Rita asked.

"I will be visiting my uncle in another part of the town and won't be back until we resume," he said.

"I'm the one left, seeing that everyone is not going to come back, I'll travel to meet my twin sister and won't also come back until the holiday is over," he said laughing.

"Well, then I wish you all a happy holiday" Shelly said and smiled.

Can there be any more trouble?

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