
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


He asked Shelly if she was alright but she did not answer him. She couldn't even speak, he then touched her body and found out her temperature was very high.

"Shelly your temperature is rising," he said. She did not answer him because she could not.

"Please take me to the toilet, I'm nauseous, now please," she said faintly. John quickly took her to the loo, and she threw up. "Let me go and call Rita, I'll be right back," John told her and dashed out.

When he came back with Rita they found her on the floor. They carried her up and took her to the school clinic.

On getting there, they attended to her instantly and John told Rita to inform the principal of the happening while he would stay with her until she is well taken care of.

Rita ran to tell the principal and told him about Shelly's condition. He went to the clinic and it looked severe, then he called Mrs. Bill and told her to come to school because their daughter was very sick. The nurse told all of them to leave her to rest before her mother came, which they all did.

Rita and Peter were standing outside. "What must be wrong with her?" John asked. "I don't know, I'm not a doctor," Rita said. They both saw as Mrs. Bill drove into the school compound, she stopped the car in front of one of the classes.

They ran to meet her and showed her where Shelly was. The nurse gave her permission to see her child, and she went there and sat on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were not feeling too well?" her mother asked. "I didn't know," she said as her teeth were gnashing together.

Her mother told the nurse that she wants to take her to the hospital. With the help of some teachers, she was taken into the car and she drove away.

"I hope she would be alright," Rita said panicking. "We should go and see her after school in the hospital," John said. "I agree, let's just hope she's okay," Rita said and they both walked back to class.

The lesson went on but Rita was not happy, she missed her presence and prayed that school would be over soon.

When they were having a free period, Andrew went to meet Rita and asked her where Shelly went, she told him she wasn't feeling okay and that she has been taken to the hospital.

Andrew felt sorry for her and wished she was there to help him with the class work that was given to them.

At closing time, Rita went to meet Phoebe, Nora, Frances, Sarah, and Fiona and told them about Shelly's condition.

She told them they should get prepared that around 5 pm they would go and see her at the hospital and they all agreed.

John got home and met his mum in the kitchen, he greeted her and told her about what happened to Shelly and that he would be going to the hospital to see her.

Her mother told him that she would have gone with him but she had a business meeting, he told his mum not to worry that he would tell her everything when he comes back from the hospital.

Before he went to the hospital, he called his twin sister and told her that Shelly was sick, Joan on her path was confident that she would be okay, and she told John that if there is any development, he should let her know.

Mrs. Bill was still with her at the hospital, she had called Diamond and Jessy. Jessy wished she could come but she could not, Diamond told her mum to take care of her, that he might come anytime to check up on her.

Mrs. Bill was in the waiting room, she saw Rita, John, and the other girls, they walked in her direction.

They all greeted her. "Ma is she alright," Rita asked. "She is alright, the doctor said it's just malaria, that with some injection she would be okay," Mrs. Bill said. "Who are all these girls," Mrs. Bill asked. "Oh, they are her friends from school," John said.

"Can we see her?" Rita asked. "I don't know, the last time I checked she was asleep and the doctor told me she needed enough rest, so I left her alone," her mother said.

"Wait here let me inquire from the doctor if you can see her". Her mother got up and left, she came back after a short time and told them to follow her, and they all did.

They entered the ward Shelly was and she was awake. Rita went to sit at her bedside and said. " See girl, don't ever scare us like that again," she said laughing.

Shelly managed to smile, they stayed with her for almost an hour. Mrs. Bill had left, she told Rita and John to take care of her saying she would come later to check on her and that she had an important appointment.

They were still with her and the doctor told them to let her rest, that they can come back the next day to see her.

They all left but Shelly told the doctor that she should allow Rita and John to stay with her, that she does not want to be alone. The doctor told them they could stay but all the other girls went home.

Rita and John were still with her when Rita's phone rang and it was her sister calling, she talked to her for a while before she ended the call. "Sorry guys, but I have to go, my presence is needed at home right now.

John make sure you stay with her till her mum comes, don't go anywhere" she said and gave Shelly a peak on her forehead and bade her goodbye, then she left.

John was left alone with her, he drew his chair close to her bed and held her hand, "Shelly you will be okay" he said and Shelly smiled.

John also fell asleep, when he woke up, he saw Shelly still holding him and he smiled. He checked his wristwatch and it was 8 pm, he wondered why Mrs. Bill had not yet come.

He had to wait for about 30 minutes before her mother came. Her mother thanked John and she took both of them home, while in the car, Shelly rested her head on John's shoulder. Mrs. Bill dropped John at his house before she took Shelly home.

Two weeks later, Shelly had fully recovered and went back to school. She thanked God it was remaining one week before test week and she still had time to study.

That Monday she went to school, after the morning assembly, they went to class. She was happy she was back in school, John also joined her in his seat. She turned to John and said,

"Thank you for always staying with me, throughout my illness". " Your welcome," he said smiling. "And for my thank you, this is what I would do," Shelly said and hugged him. He was surprised.

Later that day, Shelly was in class reading when Sarah ran to meet her and told her that she should come and see the boy she told her about.

Shelly followed her, on getting to a particular spot they stopped and held themselves behind a bush and he was talking with a girl. "I know this guy," Shelly said. "Your know Christian," Sarah asked. "His name is even christian," Shelly said.

"Do you know him?" Sarah asked. "Yes I know him, I mean no I don't know him," Shelly said in a confused state. "What do you mean yes and no, answer me," Sarah said.