
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


Not too long after the holiday, it was the first term and the harmattan had started. Everyone came to school, as usual, and everyone was excited because it was a new term. The J. S. S. 1 students were mostly happy that they would be moving to a new class.

On the first day of school in the morning assembly, the principal welcomed them and told them that they would be having class to class debate the following week.

He told them it was a new term and everything would resume as usual, that they should get prepared for the debate, saying they want to prepare them ahead for any external debate and they were asked to go to their new classes.

Shelly was the first to arrive in class, she looked around and saw a lot of chairs to choose from. As usual, she liked a seat in front. She saw a seat close to the window and then she sat there.

Very soon everyone entered the class and they all found a new seat for themselves. John entered the class and looked around, there were two vacant seats, Shelly's and another girl's seat.

He looked at Shelly and he sat down in hers. "Welcome back to school," he said smiling. "You too" she answered. Before they left school, they were on talking terms, that was the only reason why she allowed him to seat with her. "So where did you visit during the Holiday," John asked. "I went to visit my brother and from there I went to see my cousin," she said. They talked for a while before Shelly went to meet Rita and John went to meet Peter.

Mrs. Angela entered the class and they greeted her, she introduced herself as their new form teacher, she was benevolent to them and they loved her instantly.

After everyone briefly introduced themselves, they were all asked to put down their names in the new register as it was a new session, then she left the class.

Shelly sat down in class and thought of checking the notice board for any new information. She stood up and left, on her way there she saw Lizzy coming from the noticeboard. When she got to where Lizzy was, they exchanged pleasantries. "Lizzy, so nice to see you," Shelly said. "You too" she answered.

They talked for a while before Shelly went on to the notice board. She found someone there, "Who is even this one" she murmured to herself when the person turned she found out it was Christian. "Oh Christian, it's you," Shelly said. "Welcome back, but I never got to know your name," he said. "Oh, my name is Shelly" she answered.

"How have you been, I hope you are still reading," she said. "Yes, you changed my life for good and now my parents are proud of me, once again thank you," he said. "You're welcome" she answered. "Don't be angry, but can we be friends?" he said. "Em, see that you have changed, yes," she said. "Thanks so much," he said and they talked for a while before he left.

Shelly collected some information from the notice board on a small piece of paper before she went back to class. "Guess who I saw," she said turning to John. "Who?" he asked. "Lizzy and Christian" she answered. "And so," he said. "What do you mean and so, they are now studious," she said smiling and turned. John wondered why she was happy for them, but to Shelly, it felt like a personal success.

A week later, Mrs. Angela went to their class and told them that the topic of their debate was "Day school is better than boarding school", that the boys would be opposing while the girls would be supporting, and it was girls vs boys.

She told them that they had until Thursday to prepare and they would be presenting their points on Friday. She told them to choose 3 speakers that would represent them both from the girl's and the boy's sides. They were all happy and started preparing immediately.

Shelly, Rita, and Stella were picked to represent the girls, while John, Peter, and Andrew to represent the boys.

Everyone prepared and the d - the day finally came for them to present all that they have been practicing.

The boys were the ones going first and John was the first speaker, he came out and started:

Good day, Mr moderator, panel of judges, accurate timekeeper, my co - debaters, and my fellow student. My name is John Williams and I'm here to oppose the motion that States that Day school is better than boarding school with the following establishing points.

I disagree with the statement that Day school is far better than boarding school for all round education of the child because here children are completely in the custody of the school and their parents are just behind the curtain. They hand over the children in safe hands who can inculcate a sense of discipline, punctuality, self-service, a sense of responsibility, teaching them extracurricular activities, sports, a strong base of studies without coaching, the art of self dependence, etc.

Normal day school cannot meet all these needs of parents and students, because of lack of time. Here children attend school normally for 6 to 8 hours only. Parent involvement in a child's development is significant. They decide about their future so nothing much can be done in day schools.

Thank you, he said and went to his seat and everyone applauded. Shelly stepped out and started:

Good day, Mr moderator, panel of judges, accurate timekeeper, my co - debaters, and my fellow student. My name is Shelly Bill and I'm here to support the motion which States that day school is better than boarding school with the following establishing points.

I agree with the statement that Day school is far better than boarding schools for the all-around education of a child. In a boarding school, a child is living very far from his family, a child constantly misses and remembers his family which does not allow him to concentrate on his studies, and he is not helped or guided by his parents. Sometimes school forces him to do things, without considering his choice. He is forced to do a job, if he doesn't, then he gets punished. In a day school, a child can be absent according to his wish, but in boarding, it is compulsory to attend all the lectures.

When a child studies in day school, his studying hours are restricted, and he is free and happy with his family, mostly on the child's birthday, festivals, etc. But in boarding, a child gets bored and keeps missing his family members, the celebration of festivals, etc. He cannot go out without the school's permission.

"Thank you," she said and went to her seat and the girls cheered her. Peter and Rita came out and talk more on the topics and it was time for the conclusion. Andrew came out and started:

Standing on pre - existing protocol, I am here to conclude my opposition to the suggestion that day school is better than boarding school.

In boarding school, the mentors and teachers take good care of the students because the strength of students in each class is just 40 or 50. Her mentors and teachers work out to find out the weak subjects and weak points of the students and help them polish them. Whereas in day schools, the big strength of students in the class becomes a hindrance to their overall educational development. For me, boarding schools are far better than day schools.

With these concluding points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you that boarding schools are better than day schools. "Thank you". He said and went to sit down, all the boys cheered and all the girls did not clap. Stella came out for their conclusion and started.

Standing on pre - existing protocol, I am here to conclude my supposition of the suggestion that day schools are better than boarding schools.

In day school, a child can discuss any matter regarding the school with his family, but in boarding schools, they cannot do so. They are watched the whole time in day school, if any child bullies someone, proper action could be taken by the child's parents. But in boardings, bullying is a common practice and children remain fearful of their seniors. Most of the time, some incidents of suicide are found in boarding schools and parents are unable to find out the causes behind them.

My opponent mentioned that teachers take good care of students according to their strengths and weaknesses, let me remind you that some of these teachers don't care about the students. Some teachers have their own families to care for, so they do not care about the well-being of other children, there is nothing like growing up with your parents and getting support from there. A teacher can never take care of the child as his parents do. In boarding schools, students are most likely exposed to immoral acts such as cultism, pornography, and the likes due to insufficient supervision, which leads to despicable actions. A parent should not be behind the curtains when it comes to their child, it shows irresponsibility. Day schools are any time better than boarding schools. And they are not very expensive like the boarding schools, which only rich people can afford nowadays.

With these concluding points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you not to confuse you that day school is better than boarding school. Thank you.

She said and went to sit down, all the girls stood up and applauded her with the shouting of joy. At that point, the boys knew they had little hope of winning because the girl's point was stupendous and immaculate.

Everyone was patient as the committee was judging. Mrs. Angela came out and announced the girls as the winners, on hearing her statement they shouted and the three speakers that represented the girls were awarded. The boys were sad but they congratulated the girls.

John went to meet Shelly and congratulated her, she also encouraged him. At the last period of the day, Mrs. Angela came and said. "Shelly and John, follow me to the staff room, your attention is needed urgently". Their hearts skipped as they heard the statement not knowing what they did. Different thoughts ran through their minds.

Which do you support, day school or boarding school.

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