
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


Shelly never imagined he would do such a thing, first calling her his friend when he barely know him and secondly calling her out on stage to sing with him.

She was deep in thought on hearing her name and Rita nudged her. "Go, everyone is waiting for you," Rita said and she took all boldness she had left and walked to the stage.

John Billion gave her his hand to assist her, she had no other option and he helped her come on stage. She felt a little bit shy but she had to comport herself. She sat down facing John Billion and he winked at her, she understood why. He knew she was not expecting it.

John Billion started the song, it was a slow tone, and afterward, shelly followed. The song went like this:

Verse 1

You remind me of old times

flowers and rainbows in the sky

stood by me never gave up on me

you always be closest to my heart


Closest to my heart

stood by me when darkness arise

In the midst of darkness,

you shine

you always be closest to my heart

Verse 2

I will never forget you

for the time we spent together

Happy memories and melody

You always be closest to my heart

They repeated the chorus over and over again as everyone sang along with their phone light waving in the air.

when the song ended, Shelly was the emotional type so she was clouded with emotions and wanted to cry because the song touched her but she held herself and John Billion knew what was going on and he hugged her.

"Oh my God" someone shouted from the crowd. Everyone cheered and continue to clap.

John entered the hall and saw the scenario, he was stupefied at the same time surprised. Seeing Shelly like that made him jealous and it was as if his heart was broken.

Though nothing was going on with them it still hurt him, he wished he was the one in John Billion's position. He left immediately so no one would notice he was there.

John Billion and Shelly went backstage after they finished singing. "Billion I didn't mean anything I said," she said. "I understand, it was not your fault," he said.

Rita was struggling with some security guard to see Shelly backstage. When the security guard reported to John, he told them to allow her in.

She ran towards Shelly and hugged her. "That was a wonderful performance," she said. "Thank you" she replied. "I want to introduce you to my friend Rita, the one I told you about," she said. "Oh the one you told me," he said and Shelly understand.

"It's a great honor meeting you in person," Rita said shaking his hand. She wanted to freak out, she couldn't believe she was shaking hands with John Billion.

Both of them seemed lost as they shook hands and Shelly noticed it. "Okay, it's time to go home," Shelly said. "Yes, I should not keep you waiting," he said as he let go of her hand.

"Aren't you staying for the rest show?" he asked Shelly. "No, I'm already tired and also stressed out, I need to go home," Shelly said. "I completely understand" John Billion said.

John Billion dragged Shelly to a corner. "Can we meet on Monday in the evening?" he asked. "Why?" Shelly asked. "Just to discuss business and how we can become partners in the future," he said. "Okay, I'll be there, just text me the address, you have my number right," Shelly said.

"Okay I will" He opened his hand for a hug and Shelly hugged him and bade him goodbye and went to meet Rita where she was sitting. Rita was some how feeling jealous then they both went home.

Shelly went home and after taking a nice shower and taking her meal, she sat on her bed. She opened her phone and saw many messages from their class group chat and she opened it.

The first message she read was "Shelly is so lucky, she sang with him and even hugged him" Stella said. She wondered how fast it spread, she continued reading.

"How did she know John Billion," Andrew asked.

"But she told everyone she does not have anything to do with him," Fiona said.

"People can be secretive, why should you trust her, She said that only to deceive us," Anthony said.

"That's true," Sarah said. "On Monday I'll ask Shelly to give me the details," Phoebe said.

"You like details a lot, I know you and your crew won't leave her alone, you girls should not kill her for us," Andrew said.

"You are always coming to her defense, you're just jealous you were not the one," Fiona said.

"Can't wait for Monday to come for Shelly to give us the full gist" Phoebe said.

"Who knows, they might be in a relationship all along but she was keeping it a secret" Franca said.

"You girls should stop this over thinking, if she was in a relationship everyone would know because John would tell us," Peter said.

"But how did she know him, he even called Shelly his friend. That is a question only Shelly can answer, on Monday we'll find out" Fiona said.

Shelly was tired of reading the text messages from the group chat, she wanted to reply to them but it would be dangerous and they would ask her tonnes of questions without giving her space to answer anyone.

She turned off her phone so that she won't receive any notification from the class group chat and she threw her phone on the bed.

She continued to think about the whole event, she wondered why John Billion introduced her as his friend after what she said about him, she was thinking when she slept off.

Shelly went to school on Monday as early as possible, she wore shades and brimmed hats to prevent people from recognizing her. She didn't turn left or right, she headed straight to class.

She entered the class and went to the last seat in the back and sat down there with her head on the desk. She did not attend the assembly, when the assembly was over every one went to class and we were on the lookout for Shelly.

"Is that not Shelly" Nora asked. "Yes, she is the one" Franca said. They went to where she was sitting at the back and dragged her to her seat in front and collected her shades and a brimmed hat.

"Why are you hiding?" Phoebe asked. "Tell us everything that happened," Fiona said. "There's nothing to tell," Shelly said. "Is he your boyfriend?" Phoebe asked. "Ew, no I would never date him, I'm still very young. Thank you ever much" Shelly said.

"How did you know him," Nora asked. "My family is rich and I have some connection with his family" she lied. "But you told us you had nothing to do with him," Franks said. "Yes I said that because I wanted to avoid tonnes of questions from you girls, all the same nothing is going on," she said and they left.

Shelly looked around but did not see John, an idea of how to hurt him came to her mind and she called the girl back. "Sorry for calling you back, but I need your help," she said. "What is it," Fiona asked. "When John comes I want you to ask me the same questions you asked me before, but this time I would give a different answer which would be a lie" she explained.

"Why are you doing this" Phoebe asked. "You girls should do this for me as friends I'll pay you any amount," she said pleading and they agreed to help her.

John came in with Rita, she hugged Rita and she went to her seat while John sat down. The girls ran to her seat and asked her the same question but she said the opposite of what she told them before.

She told them they were in a relationship and that they were going out that evening. On hearing those words, he was hurt inside and at the same time boiling. He wondered what she meant by she was going out with him. "Was she joking or serious?" he asked himself.

Throughout that day everyone kept on coming to her and asking her about John Billion, even the people she did not know.

Shelly was at the cafeteria with Rita and they were talking. "Shelly I'm jealous of you, you have become popular overnight," she said. "You should not, you don't want to be in a situation like this in your life" she answered. They continue to discuss what everyone said in the class group chat.

It was closing hours and Shelly was walking to the gate alone. Rita left early because of a family emergency, though she took permission from the principal.

She also thought if her plans to hurt him would work. She was thinking when she suddenly saw him in front of her. "What do you think you are doing, let me pass," she said. "Until you tell me why you are going out with Billion," he said. "It's none of your business" she answered.

"Is it true you are in a relationship?" he asked. "What if" what will you do" she questioned. "I thought," he said but couldn't finish his statement. "You thought I would have anything to do with you, you must be a fool to think so. I was pretending all this while to care about you. Let me tell you this to your face, I don't care about you an inch. I hate you and you don't have the right to question me" she said and he was dumbfounded.

"Now if you excuse me, I have someone to go out with. I have to go home on time, leave my way" she said and pushed him out of the way.

He stood there, his heart melted as he heard those words coming from her. He felt like breaking down in tears but held himself and shamefully walked away.

We are the writers of the song, "Closest to my heart". To differentiate John Billion and John Williams, use " Billion" for John Billion and "John" for John Williams. Now with this chapter do you think there is still hope for John.

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