

<p>She got to the party before him, and had tagged along her family. No reason why they shouldn't enjoy a Christmas Eve together. They were new to LA, just strangers from New York who came to Los Angeles to rejuvenate. "When's Linking getting here?" Monet asked a few minutes after their arrival, she held a glass of champagne which she took a sip out of.<br/>"Patience is a virtue dear sister." Dane told her undoing the button holding his blazer together.<br/>They were both excited to meet this 'Linking' guy, mostly because their sister never mentions boys but she had brought Lincon up and they were optimistic.<br/>Moments later, Lincon and Jayde arrived, quite in style. In a red and blue Corvette both wearing Ralph Lauren pieces.<br/>As they walked in, Lincon's phone rang. "Its dad," he told her showing the caller id on his phone. He declined it. "I won't let him ruin such an amazing night."<br/>"You seem optimistic," Jayde teased looking at his brother.<br/>"I have no reason not to be." He confirmed to her with a smile.<br/>It took him quite a while to locate Enaj. He found her by the fountain at one end of the park. She was in the company of her siblings, whom she introduced to Lincon and his sister.<br/>"She mentioned that you go to UCLA," Lincon said to Dane who in turn turned to look at Enaj with a quizzical look.<br/>"Yeah I do." He confirmed.<br/>"So does she," Lincon continued looking at Jayde who didn't seem too excited that he'd disclosed that information.<br/>Another minute of conversing and the two set out on their own.<br/>"I didn't expect you to bring your entire family," he teased with a soft laugh.<br/>"You didn't tell me not to." She returned.<br/>"I'm just messing with you, Enaji."<br/>"For heavens sake stop calling me that," she cried and they laughed. "You have no idea how irritating it sounds." <br/>"Hence me calling you that." He told her.<br/>She turned to him, but not fully, just enough to see the smile on his face. Oh! That gorgeous wicked smile of his. She didn't let him get to her. "Don't call me that again." She warned.<br/>"Enaji." He repeated this time with a smirk.<br/>"I dare you to do it again." How she wished she sounded serious.<br/>"Enaji..." he drawled and she hit softly on his chest with the back of her hand, they laughed.<br/>"I hate you." She threw at him.<br/>A lady dressed in black and white with white gloves presented them with a tray with champagne glasses. He got two and handed one to Enaj.<br/>"To a great night ahead," he proposed raising his glass.<br/>"To a great night ahead." she repeated and they clinked their glasses.<br/>He offered to give her a tour of the park, she agreed and they disappeared into the crowd.<br/> ****<br/>Motherly instincts led Chloe Daniels to look to her right where she caught sight of her daughter, she waved at her and she waved back. "The kids seem to be having fun," She pointed out to her husband who was in agreement. "This was good idea," she continued.<br/>"Yeah it was. We all needed a break from that New York atmosphere." <br/>Husband and wife went on about how they should go on more vacations.<br/>Church St Louis choir, clad in black gowns with red linings, went up the stage and put up quite a performance, taking the Christmas carols to a whole next level, making sure everyone was filled with the Christmas spirit. <br/>Husband and wife got carried away by the song and dance, but again you couldn't really blame them. After all that's why they had flown all the way from home, to have a good time.<br/>The gun shot sounds had startled everyone and brought everything to a halt. Everyone looked around in utter confusion, trying to figure out where it'd come from. The following shot confirmed the location, all eyes turned to the building, the music had long died down.<br/>Motherly instincts kicked in, giving Chloe a strong urge to be with her children, she struggled to locate them, her eyes caught Monet and Dane, they were in the company of another lady and like everyone else, they too were looking at the building. Except for Dane whose eyes darted in the crowd, something told Chloe that his son was looking for his baby sister. Everyone in the family knew he cared a great deal about Enaj, it would only be natural for him to want to make sure she was safe.<br/>Then the first explosion came, the windows of the top most floor shattered and came raining down. That's when the desperate runs to safety started. Chloe was seriously worried, where in the world was her daughter. "Blake I can't see Enaj." She cried to her husband.<br/>He could see his wife was crazy worried. "She's ok Chloe, I'm sure she's somewhere in the crowd." He told her reassuringly as he shielded her from the terrified crowd running for their lives.<br/>"Monet where's Enaj? " Dane asked still looking, the three of them had managed to move away from all the fracas. <br/>"No idea." She answered as she signalled her parents who started moving to them.<br/>"I saw her leave with Linc like half an hour ago." Jayde answered. She too was worried, this was her brother they were talking about.<br/>Dane quickly got his phone. "What are you doin-" Jayde wanted to ask but the second explosion cut her off. <br/>The second one was far more terrifying than the the first, almost half the building went up in flames as frantic screams tore the night.<br/>Dane had found Enaj's location, "Where's this?" He asked Jayde showing her his phone.<br/>The look on her face was terrifying. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed.<br/>"What?" That was Monet.<br/>"It's that building." Jayde said pointing to the now smoking building.<br/>"Shit Enaj!" Dane was almost screaming. "I need a car."<br/>Jayde fumbled with her purse and retrieved her car keys. "But I'm coming with you." She told him handing him the keys.<br/>"No." He protested.<br/>"My brother is also in there." She was horrified, how could she not be?<br/>"I know, but I need you to stay here with Monet, I promise I'll bring them both back." He quickly told her taking the keys.<br/>"Red Corvette." She said and he ran towards the parking lot.<br/>Monet's parents arrived just as Dane disappeared. "Where's your sister?" Her dad asked but Monet didn't even have the energy to reply to that. The two grown-ups read the body language of the two girls and knew without a doubt something was terribly wrong.<br/>"Monet where's Enaj?" It was her mom this time but again, she didn't answer. She fell into her father who did his best to keep his composure. <br/>Dane drove crazy from the parking lot, lots of cars were trying to leave the lot but he manage to squeeze through, scratching the car a few times, but all matters considered, he could care less about the car. As he approached the building, he heard the sirens which instantly faded when he saw his sister being carried into one of three black SUVs, clearly unconscious. Then Lincon followed, also unconscious.<br/>He stepped down on the gas as he watched the three cars speed off. He got close and they notice the red Corvette, it was evident this wasn't a friend.<br/>"We're being tailed," one of them said into a walkie talkie. "Let's loose this son of a bi**h." <br/>Two cars broke off from the single file they were in an effort to confuse the 'red Corvette'. One taking the left and one the right. Enaj's dress was sticking out the back left door of the car that took the right, Dane had noticed that and also made a turn. Pursuing the car.<br/>The Corvette was fast, and was quickly catching up with the SUV, they couldn't allow that. "What are you waiting for? slow him down goddamit!" One of the men screamed to the rest. <br/>For two seconds Dane got distracted, his phone had rang, his dad. He ignored and as he looked up the first bullet came out of the gun with pinpoint accuracy. It his his front tire, and at that speed, there was nothing much he could do.The Corvette lost control, swerving from right to left. He made it worse by hitting the brakes, this resulted to the car rolling over and over and over again, breaking all the glasses. A speeding car from the opposite direction hit the Corvette, sending it flying across the road. It rolled a few more times before it stopped. <br/>The silence that followed was deafening. The Corvette was merely a car anymore, it was smoking and from the sight, it wasn't likely that there was life inside.</p>