

<p>Everything was on point, from all the mini Christmas trees dominating the area, to all the lights, perfectly set and the mega Christmas tree perfectly decorated at the centre of Beverly park. Christmas carols filled the night, bundled up with meaningless chatter from the drunk folks, the larger part of Beverly hills had come to celebrate baby Jesus' birthday, plenty of food and drinks went round. The ambience was worthy of an accolade, the atmosphere was warm, inviting even.<br/> Enaj and Lincon had stepped away from all the noise, moving to higher ground and from from where they stood, they could see all happening below them. <br/>"Is this what Christmas in Beverly looks like?" Enaj asked looking at him. "The billionaires come here to wine and dine." She laughed softly. <br/>They had met three days prior to the Christmas Eve party. They'd met again and he had invited her to the party.<br/>"Yeah, pretty much." He said with a warm smile then he leaned close to her ear. "But that's just the cover up. There's so much going on here, deals worth millions of dollars. Power games" He added. For some reason she wasn't at all surprised by that.<br/>She contemplated asking more of the matter but thought better of it. Why ruin such a perfect night with petty gossip?<br/>For a second or two, he admired her in her pretty golden dress, it clung tight on her, bringing out the perfect curves of her glorious body. The thigh high slit was just genius on the dress. "You look amazing tonight." He told her with a soft smile and watched as her face turned pink with blush.<br/>"God no. I look ridiculous in this." she laughed.<br/>He didn't say anything, just watched her. His cool was intimidating and led her to continue talking. "Normally I wouldn't wear something this fancy." she admitted.<br/>Lincon found that amusing."Then why did you?" He wanted to know.<br/>"Honestly, I have no idea." She said and they laughed softly before she took a tiny sip of her wine, a strategy to quiet herself. <br/>"Either way you look stunning."<br/>She couldn't help but smile."Thank you Lincon." She turned and looked down where she saw her parents, laughing and drinking the night away. As if they were telepathically linked, her mother looked their direction and waved.<br/>"You're luckily to have such a perfect family." Lincon told her and she turned.<br/>"My family is anything but perfect. We just try to enjoy the little moments and be happy." She told him, an effort to cheer him up. He had told her about his family and how dysfunctional it was.<br/>"You know what, let's just have a good time, no thinking of our families or anything," she suggested raising her glass.<br/>"I'll drink to that." And they clinked their glasses.<br/>She turned to the park and admired how gorgeous it was. "This view is really beautiful." She said as her eyes darted from one spot to another.<br/>He took a step back, this prompted her to turn only to find him offering her his hand. The look on her face was a quizzical one. "Just trust me okay." He urged, and she did. A very big misstep on her part. <br/>She turned to her parents, they weren't looking. "This won't take long I promise." He said as he placed both their glasses on a tray.<br/> ****<br/>There was a building under renovation close to the park, they got in and went to the top most floor which offered a spectacular skyline view of Beverly hills. "Mind your step." He warned as they took the last step of the stairs. He was behind her, closing her eyes with his palms. "What's this Lincon?" <br/>"Just trust me will you." They laughed, ever so softly. "Are you ready?" He asked as he slowly pulled back his hands and let her marvel at the view. <br/>"Damn!" She exclaimed. "This is..." she couldn't finish. He understood.<br/>"You like it?"<br/>"You kidding? I love it!" He smiled.<br/>He stood next to her and they enjoyed the view. The gentle night breeze led him to giving her his coat, she smiled but didn't look at him, she was sure that if she did, she would probably regret what would follow.<br/>They stood and let their auras pull them close to each other, she felt his warmth on her, they both felt the spark when their hands touched. She did her best to fight the urge to turn to him, she really did but all her efforts were futile. And so she found herself turning to him. Their eyes met, held and drew them closer and closer to each other. Their eyes shut, she felt his breathing on her. The four progressive gun shot sounds sent them jumbled up in a corner. Their hearts pounded on their chests so hard they threatened to break free. <br/>Figures ran up and about under the dim lights, but even with the poor lightning they could see someone holding out a gun towards them. She wanted to scream but the bullet going through her silenced her. Then they were both knocked out. Something had hit them from the side.<br/>Down at Beverly park, folks had heard the gun shots and the little explosion, they were moving away from the building as families tried to re-unite.<br/>Enaj's mom shouted her name, shifting her eyes quickly, looking for her daughter. Little did she know.<br/>There were four more gun shots sounds from the building then a very large explosion that almost brought the entire building down. People ran, who knew if the next one wouldn't bring the building down and kill them all.<br/>How had such a perfect night turned to the worst nightmare, how had such a fine evening turned to hell?</p>