
The Night's Embrace

Lily Devereux is a busy, quiet, recluse. She keeps to herself, and tries to stay out of the way. However, when her CEO forces her hand to participate in a company retreat, she doesn't realize what she'll be getting into. They are the Triad. They are the kings of a tribe of supernatural outcasts, and they rule with an iron fist. However, they lack what all kings need, a queen. That is until a faithful encounter with the quiet beauty, Lily Devereux. Fate would have them together. Fate would have them rule. But Fate would have the Triad fall, should their queen deny the night.

bfaison · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter Nine

IT WASN'T THE BEST Decision he had made, but he didn't regret it. It didn't matter who or what she was, he wasn't going to be insulted by the likes of a feeble little woman. Donte would never be soft when it came to his punishments, especially if he was degraded.. Or worse.

He looked at his two friends, through narrowed eyes. Elias's vision was leveled on him, his brilliant baby-blue eyes were lit with a violet flame. His tail swayed behind him, practically daring him to try and lash out. His arms were folded across his chest, nostrils flared. As easy on the eyes and the incubus was, he was just as lethal as his looks.

Sitting on the bed was Caspius, his face in his hands. Donte could hear him growling. The sound was low and deep. "You should be happy Isla had already given her a cocktail earlier. You could've killed her." He never bothered to look at him.

Donte struggled for a bit, trying to get comfortable. The chains keeping his hands behind his back—and his legs together—made it a bit difficult.

"What were you thinking?" Elias scorned. "If you had killed her, that would have been it for us. Everything we built, would've crumbled." The violet flame intensified. "I'm not too keen on being wiped out of existence." His stance widened, almost as if he were preparing to cause Donte serious harm. "You should be happy Cas talked me out of hanging you upside down. It would be a real treat to watch all the blood rush to your head until it pops up." He smiled wickedly, flicking his tongue over a small fang. "Now that would've been a sight."

Donte growled. "You wouldn't dare."

"I would help him," Caspius said. He pushed to his feet. The beast of a man took slow strides towards Donte, revealing the recovering body of the ebony beauty.

Donte could still taste her blood on his tongue. It was the sweetest thing he'd ever come across. 'Better than ambrosia.' The most delicate nectar that had ever crossed his tongue. Yet, there was something bittersweet to drinking her almost dry. "I hope she recovers soon. I could use another feeding."

Caspius wrapped his fingers around Donte's throat. Oh, he could see the true beast beneath the rough contours of his face. "You're that hell bent on killing her?"

"She's no mate of ours. We need a woman that could hurt the masses, and level them with a gaze." He strained against Caspius's constricting grip. Donte swallowed.

"She surely hurt your feelings. Who's to say we need a mate that would make nations tremble at her might?" Elias walked a circle around both Donte and Caspius. " Perhaps we need one that is gentle, patient and enduring."

"Strength and power come in more than just one form." Caspius put him down. "Lily might be fragile now, but time heals all wounds, strengthens the souls, and enhances one's' capabilities." His eyes flickered in her direction.

"Shifters always fall fast." Donte rolled his eyes. "I understand you're trying to be inspiring, but you're preaching to the choir, men." He strained against his chains. "Now, would either of you mind releasing me?" He sucked his teeth, annoyed with his friends.

"No," they said in unison.

"No?" A muscle ticked beneath his eye. "That woman provoked me. She asked for death. It is my job to give her just that."

"That. That right there, is exactly why you won't be released," Elias pressed a finger to Donte's chest.

His patience was starting to wear very thin. What very little patience he had to begin with. He gritted his teeth, before taking a deep breath. He exhaled. "You would chose her, over your friend?" Donte cocked a dark brown at them.

"If it meant that our demise would not come, yes," Caspius said. He took another glance at Lily. Donte watched his features soften.

He followed his gaze.

Lily was stirring in her sleep. Soft little moans escaped her lips. The room began to tremble. Her stirring became thrashing.

Before either Donte or Elias could react, Caspius was by her side. He held her close, stroking her temple. "Ssh." He kissed the top of her—the way a lover would.

There was a gentleness to this beast of a man. It was a rapid change. An unfamiliar change. Donte was not sure if he liked seeing his friend like this. This weaker side was very much, unlike Caspius. "She has him wrapped around her finger," Donte whispered to Elias.

"Could you expect anything less? She already shows qualities he has always desired. But her yearning for death?" He chuckled the last sentence. "I'm surprised it hasn't peaked your interest." Elias turned away, slowly walking out of the room.

Now that Donte thought about it, it did interest him. But not enough to make him like her. She would never hold a place by his side or in his heart. How could she, when he didn't have a heart to begin with?