
The Next King!

True peace was achieved after one hundred years of devastating world war that was called Armageddon; which means no more crime, no more violence, and most importantly no more evil in the world. The world has been living in its true peace for hundreds of years. But it doesn't last for long. The year 248 AA. Adam, a young man that's seeking revenge for his father who he watched dying with his own eyes when he was little. Now at the age of nineteen years old, he finally able to enter the game where his dad had died on "The King's Game". Will he be able to avenge his father? What is The Kings Game? What kind of obstacles that he will run into? Read to find out!

WorldLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
138 Chs


"Oh! Four people are already here! Sorry, we're late!" The elevator door was opened wide and a brown-haired woman who was wearing a dark blue pantsuit with a white shirt underneath it, and a long royal blue faux fur coat on top of it walked out from the elevator while holding a large light blue handbag.

The woman smiled towards everyone while a black-haired man who was wearing a gray suit with a white shirt underneath it walked past her. He was wearing a pair of golden square glasses that have a dark brown shade while a large grey backpack was hanging on his back.

"Why does everyone kept saying they're late? We're still half an hour early for the meeting, calm down." Unknown suddenly said while playing with her tablet.

"You should know the rule by now Unknown. Two or three hours earlier than the set time is the right time to arrive for the meeting." The woman smirked and looked towards Unknown while walking towards her.

The woman walked past Unknown and Untreatable and suddenly stopped in front of a chair that was beside Untreatable. She slowly took off her coat and hanged it on the chair before she sat down on it.

"It's been a very long time since we met, Untreatable. How many years has it been? Around a year ago?" The woman smiled towards Untreatable while placing her handbag on the ground to her right while leaving it wide open.

"Eight months, Unacceptable." Untreatable corrected while looking away from Unacceptable.

"Right, right. Eight months, I'm always busy so time passes by easily." Unacceptable laughed while looking towards Untreatable who was scowling while staring towards a wall.

"Are you still angry about our last raid? Like I told you there, I didn't know that you needed that guy for your research. It wasn't my fault anyway that he jumped at me, so if you want to blame anyone you should have blamed that guy, not me." Unacceptable explained while trying her best to not raise the sides of her mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. It's always like that, you do something unthinkably stupid and we have to put up with it. I'm used to it." Untreatable chuckle and smirked.

"What did you say? We haven't seen each other for almost a year and the first thing that you choose to do is pick a fight?" Unacceptable asked while hovering her right hand above her handbag.

"Oh! Are you sure you want to fight me?" Blooob... Blooob... Untreatable suddenly looked towards Unacceptable while clenching both of her fists which instantly wrapped in purple bubblegum-like material.

WOOM! SWOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! WOOM! A bright red wool yarn ball suddenly flew out from Unacceptable's handbag at an incredible speed and followed Unacceptable's right hand, which was flying straight towards Untreatable's face. POOOOOOF! WOOM! The wool yarn ball exploded and each of the strings flew forwards towards Unacceptable's and formed themselves into a sharp and long kitchen knife.

SKREEEEECH! SKREEEEEECH! "What are you doing Unkillable? Move away, your blood is going to ruin my suit." Unacceptable looked straight forward and stared towards the grey-suited man, standing in between Unacceptable and Untreatable with his hands stretched to his sides.

Unacceptable's knife was deep inside Unkillabe's right hand that was bleeding heavily, while half of Untreatable's left hand was deep inside Unkillable's left hand almost splitting it into two separated pieces while a huge amount of blood gushed down to the carpeted floor "What are you doing? Unkillable. I want to know what kind of wisdom that very old lady wants to teach me, move."

"Huuuh... Why does this always happens when both of you are around each other. Can both of you chill for once, and you. Can you stop sitting down beside her? I already told you to sit down beside me when we're on our way here, did you forgot that?" Unkillable calmly asked and looked towards Unacceptable.

"Come and sit beside me now." Unkillable invited.

"Sorry, but I still want to teach this brat a lot of things." WOOM! WOOM! Two wool yarn balls suddenly flew out from her handbag and flew straight towards Unacceptable's empty left hand, which was opened wide.

WOOOM! While in the middle of the air the blue wool yarn ball and the yellow wool yarn ball suddenly combined and landed on Unacceptable's hand. SKREEEEEEEECH! She swung her left hand towards her kitchen knife and combined them, turning it into a long and colorful katana that stabbed Unkillable's hand further.

"Too bad! Your blade didn't even reach me!" Untreatable laughed while staring towards the tip of the curved katana blade that was a couple of millimeters away from her face.

"If I didn't block her attack with my body, your face would've been ruined by now." Unkillable turned his head towards Untreatable while his body was slightly tilted.

"Move, Unkillable. You're in my way." WOOM! Unacceptable holds her katana tightly and the edge of the blade suddenly shifted to the other side facing Unkillable's head, while she stared towards Unkillable.

SKREEEEEEEEEECH! Unacceptable suddenly swung her katana upwards and split Unkillable's upper body into two. Unkillable's body slowly fell to the ground while a large amount of blood splattered all over the room "Now that he's out of the way. COME HERE LET ME TEACH-"

"Ugh. Dammit..." Unacceptable suddenly lost her consciousness and dropped her blood-soaked katana to the ground while falling backward. Poof! A magenta-haired man who was wearing a magenta suit caught Unacceptable and help her up.

"What took you so long Unescapable?" Unkillable's body suddenly raised from the floor and all of the blood that was splattered around the room quickly flew towards him. His skin quickly reverted itself as if it hasn't been cut and he quickly stands up straight while looking at the ground around him that was clean.

"Sorry, Unkillable. I accidentally touched an old woman in the lobby and she was sent to one of my dreams. I should've listened to you and put my gloves on." Unescapable explained while Unkillable grabbed Unacceptable from his hand. He quickly reached into his right suit pocket and took out a pair of magenta leather gloves which he instantly puts on.

"It's always fun to see you revert after you got chopped up Unkillable." Untreatable pulled her chair back up and sat down on it while the purple bubblegum-like material that was on her hands disappeared.

"It's not fun to get "chopped up" but then again I can't feel anything anymore. Untreatable please do not start another fight when she woke up, okay? I'm tired of watching both of you fight and I didn't bring a lot of spare shirts and suit with me. I don't want to walk out of this hotel half-naked." Unkillable explained while he laid Unacceptable to his right shoulder and grabbed Unacceptable's belongings which Unescapable gave him.

Untreatable nodded while Unkillable and Unescapable walked to the other side of the table as Unknow ran towards the entrance of the room. Unkillable puts down Unescapable on a chair that was beside him and he quickly threw his shredded shirt and jacket into a trash bin.

Unescapable walked past Unkillable and sat down beside Unloveable who have six empty bottles of wine right in front of him "Heartbroken again?"

"Like always." Unloveable drank a full glass of wine.

"Unnoticeable and Unforgettable can't come to today's meeting, because Uncontainable was on a level two alert and they're keeping a very close eye on him." Unkillable opened his backpack and grabbed a neatly folded shirt and a gray jacket suit which he quickly wore before sitting beside Unacceptable who was still unconscious.

"I hope they can get that monster under control, if they can't do it we're all dead." Unknown chimed in as she walked towards her chair while holding a small ceramic plate that has a small slice of strawberry cheesecake.

"Why do you always order a strawberry cheesecake Unknown? Why don't you try other cakes?" Unescapable asked while looking towards Unknown who slowly eats her cake.

"I don't want to try other cakes. Strawberry cheesecake is the tastiest cake in the world," Unknown answered before she took another bite of her cake.

"Ugh... My head..." Unacceptable slowly gains her consciousness while leaning back to her chair.

"Unescapable, your dream sucks." WOOOOM! Unacceptable grabbed her katana that was laying on the table and turned it into three wool yarn balls which instantly flew towards her handbag.

"My heart breaks every time you guys finish my dreams in minutes." Unescapable slouched on his chair.

TING! The elevator doors opened op and a black-haired man who was wearing a yellow suit walked out from it while waving towards everyone "Hello, everyone."

"Where are your roommates Undesirable?" Unacceptable asked while leaning o her chair and looked towards Undesirable who was walking towards the table.

"Unforgivable and Unsurpassable are at the lobby. They told me that they have something to take care of." Undesirable answered as he sat down beside Unknown.

"Hey, Unknown when are you going to choose a name?" Undesirable asked while looking towards Unknown.

"Why do I have to choose a name? Why can't I just keep Unknown as my name? I kinda like being called Unknown." Unknown asked after she finished her cake.

"Well, that's the rule that we have to follow. I don't really know why, but that's just how things work here." Undesirable explained.