
The Next King!

True peace was achieved after one hundred years of devastating world war that was called Armageddon; which means no more crime, no more violence, and most importantly no more evil in the world. The world has been living in its true peace for hundreds of years. But it doesn't last for long. The year 248 AA. Adam, a young man that's seeking revenge for his father who he watched dying with his own eyes when he was little. Now at the age of nineteen years old, he finally able to enter the game where his dad had died on "The King's Game". Will he be able to avenge his father? What is The Kings Game? What kind of obstacles that he will run into? Read to find out!

WorldLight · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Desert - K

PAC! PAC! PAC! "Haha! Good question Roo, and AMAZING SAFE! Bull!" A loud shout came from the dark hallway and was followed by a couple of slow claps. VWOOOSH! VWOOOSH! Torches that were on the other side of the hallway suddenly light up on their own and five figures were standing a couple of meters right in front of the Beasts.

"Oh! Rats! Wasn't the last time was humiliating enough for you? Do the five of you want some more of it?" Bunny laughed while staring towards The Rat Pack who suddenly joined her laughter.

"Yes! Enjoy your laughter little Bunny! Remember it because it will be your last laugh!" The leader of The Rat Pack shouted and continued laughing with his teammates.

"Sure! I will enjoy it! And I wonder what will the five of you do now! Will you shoot at us? Or will you stab us? I'm waiting for the five of you to embarrass yourself again." Bunny laughed while looking towards The Rat Pack.

"Take it out, Boys!" The leader of The Rat Pack shouted and smiled widely while his teammates nodded. They swung their right hands out from their black raincoat and hold similar syringes above their head, which has a colorful liquid inside of it that has the same color as their eyes.


"LET'S GO MY BROTHERS! THE POWERS ARE WAITING FOR US!" With enough force to snap a neck the leader of The Rat Pack stabbed his own neck and pushed the syringe as hard as he can.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD! YOU'RE SO DEAD! I CAN FEEL THE POWER FLOWING THROUGH MY BLOOD! THIS IS AMAZING!" The red-eyed rat masked man screamed to the top of his lungs while his syringe emptied itself.

"THIS POWER! YES! AMAZING!" The Rat Pack looked towards their hands and clenched their empty fists as hard as they can while smiling widely towards it.

THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! One by one each member of The Rat Pack fell to the ground and instantly turned cold. None of their limbs were moving not even a strand of their hair as if what they had taken had killed them.

Ring... Ring... Ring... One of the syringes slowly rolled on the ground and Bull quickly took a look at it and saw a logo was drawn on the side of it which instantly shocked him "Hey, look! There's a Bangarang logo on the side of the syringe!"

"It's them again! What do they want now?!" Adam angrily asked while staring towards the syringes.

"What is going on with their bodies?" Crow suddenly asked while pointing towards The Rat Pack bodies. Everyone instantly turned their heads towards The Rat Pack bodies as their skin slowly turned into the color of their eyes.

The body of the Rat Pack leader suddenly jerked and swung his hands in front of him, instantly pulling his torso upwards. He slowly stands up to his feet and moved each of his limbs in a weird way while his teammates followed him right behind him.

They stand right next to each other in a straight line and stared towards the Beasts while trying their best to stand up straight. Roo walked forwards and stands in between Adam and Bull while looking towards The Rat Pack in a weird way "What just happened? The power that they're talking about is this? Turning themselves into zombies? What-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAA!" The Rat Pack suddenly fell to their knees and swung their hands to their faces while screaming to the top of their lungs. They suddenly scratched their faces as hard as they can and blood slowly ran down their wrists, while their hands started to twitch and bulge violently.

GRUHNCK! GRHONCK! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" They screamed as hard as they can as their hands drop down to their sides and their body suddenly bugles violently. Their muscle suddenly grew rapidly and their bodies instantly jerked around violently.

SKRSSSCH! SKRRRRSSCH! Their clothes suddenly ripped into many pieces while their bodies kept growing in size, while patches of thick fur that were the same color as their skin color suddenly grew in various places.

KTTTTTTT! CRACK! PLANG! PLANG! PLANG! Their heads and neck suddenly grew and the masks that were wrapped around their neck suddenly enlarged and broke. Their heads were exposed to the Beasts but they were unrecognizable as they were covered in blood and were slowly melting.

PSSSSH! Their heads suddenly elongated and two large pieces of flesh from their neck slowly moved up to the back of their head, turning themselves into two large and wide pink-ish ears. Patches of fur grew on their heads and instantly covered them while sharp and long whiskers grew, near their now small and pink nose.

Their hands grew in size and suddenly elongated while their muscles bulge outwards. Patches of fur quickly grew on their hands as they stretch their palms while their legs shake violently as their weight had quadrupled.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Their legs grew slightly downwards and instantly broke the floor underneath them, while their legs turned themselves slightly crooked while their leg muscles were bulging out. Patches of fur grew on their legs rapidly and now they're comfortable standing up on their legs as they have turned themselves into gigantic rats.

"That was really disgusting, I think I was about to vomit." Bunny gagged while looking towards The Rat Pack.

The Rat Pack suddenly shooked their heads and quickly examined their bodies. They moved around for a couple of seconds and stopped on their hands which they instantly clenched while staring towards the short and sharp nails on their fingers "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU'RE DEAD! ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!"

"Congratulations! For becoming a real rat now!" Bunny shouted towards The Rat Pack.

"Thank you, Bunny! Now, what will the five of you do? Will you fight us? Or will you calmly surrender your lives to us?!" The Rat leader asked while hovering both of his hands to his sides.

"Let's stay in formation, I'm going first." Adam turned his head towards his teammates who instantly nodded. Bull melts his hands and turned them into his pair of sword and shield while he stands right in front of Bunny and Crow.

Roo punches his hands together and smiled widely towards the Rats while Adam took a deep breath beside him. Adam swung his hands to his back and grabbed his daggers while the gem that was in the middle of his belt suddenly lights up.

"So the five of you have chosen to fight! It's fine with me! Time to check how strong our new bodies are!" The Rat leader smiled widely while bending his knees and clenching his fists.

BZZZZT! BZZZZT! Large strands of lightning crawled out from his gem and instantly went down his legs and up to his hands. Adam bends his knees while his shoes light up bright blue and held his daggers tightly while they grew outwards, his watch suddenly beeped loudly while flashing bright red and showed "One thousand and one hundred times."

BOOM! BOOM! SWOOOOOOSH! BOOM! BOOM! Adam launched himself forwards and left a long trail of lightning behind him while the Rat leader smiled widely and launched himself towards Adam.

Adam instantly jumped upwards and swung his daggers to the back of his head while staring towards the Rat leader that jumped upwards a couple of seconds before him "AHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! LET'S SEE IF THOSE DAGGERS CAN SCRATCH MY NEW SKIN!"

Adam instantly swung his daggers downwards towards the face of the Rat leader as both of them met each other up high near the ceiling of the hallway.