
The Next King!

True peace was achieved after one hundred years of devastating world war that was called Armageddon; which means no more crime, no more violence, and most importantly no more evil in the world. The world has been living in its true peace for hundreds of years. But it doesn't last for long. The year 248 AA. Adam, a young man that's seeking revenge for his father who he watched dying with his own eyes when he was little. Now at the age of nineteen years old, he finally able to enter the game where his dad had died on "The King's Game". Will he be able to avenge his father? What is The Kings Game? What kind of obstacles that he will run into? Read to find out!

WorldLight · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Desert - I

"How far is the exit? We have been running for a very long time now!" Roo shouted while looking towards Crow who was a couple of meters in front of him. Medusa slowly slithered around Crow's shoulder and looked towards Roo.

"Around ninety-nine percent of the exits that I know are blocked right now because of the storm, so we're going to the farthest one that I know because I'm sure that it's not blocked," Medusa explained.

The Beasts continued running around the dark and wide cave for around half an hour, moving up and down through the dark cave with flashlights on their hands. Another half an hour passed and suddenly the hallways started to incline upwards, and Crow noticed a small light at the end of the hallway "Look! I can see the exit!"

"Okay! Good! Let's run faster then!" Roo smiled while taking a deep breath and suddenly ran as fast as he can pass his teammates.

Bunny shook her head and released a long sigh while staring towards Roo who was close to the exit "Phhhh! What a little kid."

After a couple of minutes of running the Beasts reached the end of the hallway and quickly ran through the bright end of it. They stopped right in front of the cave and instantly covered their faces while Roo fell down on the sand "OH! MAN! IT'S REALLY HOT OUT HERE!"

The Beasts was finally out from the dark and winding cave after a couple of hours of running around it. They arrived at the blazing hot desert while the sun shines right on top of them. Crow looked upwards and slowly wiped the sweat on her forehead "It is really hot."

"Let's go to the highest spot and look for the King's tomb," Adam said as he looked around while covering his forehead with his hands. He looked around for a couple of seconds and all he can see were dunes of sands that have various heights.

"Hey, Lion. I have an idea to find the King's tomb in an instant, but I'm going to need Bunny's and Roo's help." Bull said as he walked towards Adam while looking towards Bunny and Roo.

Bunny looked towards Bull who walked towards her and lend her ear while Bull whispered his plan to her. The two of them suddenly smiled wickedly and slowly turned their head towards Roo who suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Oh! Yeah! I love that! Let's do it now!" Bunny smiled and walked towards Roo while Jacob's right arm slowly grew on her back. Jacob's hand suddenly grew out and Roo slowly crawls backward while staring towards Bunny who smiled wickedly.

"Um... Lion! I don't like where this is going! Help me, Lion! HELP-" SWOOOOOSH! Jacob's hand was launched towards Roo at incredible speed and managed to catch him. Roo tried his best to get out from Jacob's hand but it was holding him tightly while closing his mouth using its index finger.

"Don't kill him okay?" Adam asked while looking towards Bull and Bunny who were standing beside each other who instantly nodded while smiling wide. Adam sighed and sat down on the ground while Crow walked over towards him.

"Hey, Lion. Don't you think they're going too far?" Crow asked as she sat down beside Adam while looking towards him.

"It's okay, they said they won't kill him. So it's fine, I think." Adam smiled while looking towards Bull and Bunny who walked a couple of meters away from him.

"You guys are weird." Medusa slithered around Crow's neck and shoulder and looked towards Adam who suddenly laughed.

"Said the talking snake." Adam smiled towards Medusa who suddenly smiled.

"Touché." Medusa suddenly burst into laughter while Adam and Crow joined her.

"MMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMM! MMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Roo screamed all his breath out while staring towards Bunny who was stretching her hands upwards. Bunny took a deep breath and took a stance while pulling her right hand to her back.

"MMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Jacob's hands slowly pulled back and Bull walked towards Roo who was still screaming as hard as he can.

"Calm down Roo, this is the fastest way to find the tomb. It's very safe." Bull smiled while showing his right thumb to Roo who continues to scream and squirm around.

"All ready Bull! Here I go! One! TWO! THREE!" SWOOOOOSH! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Bunny swung her right arm while staring towards the sky and Jacob's hand instantly threw Roo up into the sky while he screamed to the top of his lungs.

"DON'T WORRY AND LOOK FOR THE TOMB ROO! I WILL CATCH YOU!" Bull shouted while starting towards Roo.

"That's a good throw Bunny! Good job! Look at how high he's flying!" Bull laughed as he walked past Bunny while the two of them stare straight up to the sky. Roo stopped his screaming and suddenly looked around the ground while smiling wide.

VWOOOOOH! SWOOOH! Roo quickly looked around and noticed a couple of dozens of gigantic pyramids that were on the edge of his vision. VWOOOOH! PZZZZT! He moved his body around towards the pyramids but he suddenly closed his eyes as they were blown by a strong wind and his body quickly falls down.

"Thank you! And get ready Bull, he's going down fast." Bunny pointed towards Roo who was pointing downwards while falling at an incredible speed.

SWOOOOSH! BOOM! SWOOOOSH! "Okay!" Bull took a deep breath and ran forward as fast as he can while staring towards Roo, he suddenly stopped and jumped as high as he can towards Roo who was a couple of meters away from the ground.

BOOOM! Bull managed to catch Roo while he was in the middle of the air and the two of them landed on the ground a couple of meters away from Bunny. A loud explosion-like sound came from the ground where Bull landed and the sand around him instantly flew up as if it was exploded.

Bunny walked towards the cloud of sand while Jacob's hands swung right in front of her slowly dispersed it. The cloud of sand slowly disappeared and Bull and Roo slowly walked out from it "THAT WAS AMAZING! CAN WE DO THAT AGAIN?!"

"Sure if you want to, but what did you see from up there?" Bunny asked as Bull and Roo stopped right in front of her.

"There was a bunch of gigantic pyramids a couple of hundred meters that way." Roo pointed towards his left side. Bull and Bunny quickly looked towards where Roo was pointing and saw a couple of tall dunes.

'Good job guys, now let's go." Adam looked towards Bull, Bunny, and Roo while Crow was standing beside him. Roo smiled and instantly ran ahead with Adam right behind him and Crow, Bunny, and Bull at the very back.

The five of them ran through the scorching desert for roughly two hours and Bunny looked towards Roo while they climbed a dune that was as tall as a mountain "Hey! Roo! Where are the pyramids that you saw?"

"It should be right behind this dune!" Roo answered while looking towards Adam who was a couple of steps right in front of him.

The five of them managed to climb the tall dune and stand at the peak of it while staring straight forwards. Hundreds of gigantic pyramids were standing proudly and covered the vast desert. Bull wiped his eyes and put on his goggles back while staring towards the pyramids that stretch until the horizon "So, which one of these is the King's tomb?"

"Guys, Look over there." Crow softly said while pointing towards her right. Everyone instantly turned their heads and saw a gigantic sandstorm rolling towards them, which was a couple of times larger than the one they met at the beginning of the game.

"We have to go now, that looks very dangerous!" Bull shouted while staring towards the sandstorm which was throwing thick strands of lightning and large boulders of rock.