
The Next King!

True peace was achieved after one hundred years of devastating world war that was called Armageddon; which means no more crime, no more violence, and most importantly no more evil in the world. The world has been living in its true peace for hundreds of years. But it doesn't last for long. The year 248 AA. Adam, a young man that's seeking revenge for his father who he watched dying with his own eyes when he was little. Now at the age of nineteen years old, he finally able to enter the game where his dad had died on "The King's Game". Will he be able to avenge his father? What is The Kings Game? What kind of obstacles that he will run into? Read to find out!

WorldLight · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Desert - G

"Well, I had to use all of our power to stay alive. The situation was really difficult and I'm really sorry for not informing you guys ahead." Bunny apologized and slowly stands up while looking towards Jacob and Aurora who slowly drank from their porcelain teacups.

Bunny walked towards a white empty chair which was in front of Jacob and Aurora while a teacup flew towards the edge of the table.

Bunny sat down on her chair and looked towards the teacup that was in front of her which was being filled by a floating teapot "So how long are we going to be unconscious for? And are we safe right now?"

"We are safe right now and I think we will be unconscious for around half an hour or an hour at most to recover our energy," Aurora answered while looking towards Bunny who took a couple of sips from her teacup. Bunny slowly put her teacup down and sighed while leaning back to her chair.

"That snake was really tough! I didn't think we will use all of our new powers right away at the beginning of the game. I should've trained our new powers right away, we wouldn't be unconscious right now if I train straight away." Bunny complained.

"Even if you train straight away I don't think we would gain a lot of experience. You just got those powers a couple of days ago, no matter how hard you train in those couple of days we wouldn't make any progress." Jacob explained while holding his teacup with both of his hands.

"Now about that snake that we fought against, I think we know who that snake is." Aurora looked towards Bunny who suddenly jumped up to her chair, with her eyes widened that was pointed towards Aurora.

"What do you mean by that?!" Bunny asked while staring towards Aurora.

"Calm down Bunny. It's just something that I thought about while I was unconscious, what do you think Jacob? Doesn't that snake powers look familiar to you?" Aurora asked while looking towards Jacob who suddenly strokes his chin.

"Now that you mention that. Give me a minute, things were very blurry let me remember what happened." Jacob closed both of his eyes and continued to stroke his chin while Aurora and Bunny looked towards him.

"Hmmm... Its powers do look pretty familiar now that I think about it and it said something about a bond." Jacob suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards Aurora and Bunny who were eating a couple of colorful cookies.

"But I don't think that snake is who you think it is, it can't be her," Jacob said while looking towards Aurora who took a couple of sips from her teacup.

"It can be her Jacob. Yes, the color of her scales is different, the color and shape of her gem are different, and she is really really weak. But I'm sure she is Medusa, I can feel it that it's her." Aurora explained while looking towards Jacob.

"Wait a minute. What are you two talking about right now? That snake name is Medusa?" Bunny asked while holding a half-eaten pink soft cookie.

"That snake could be Medusa Bunny, but we're not sure about it yet," Aurora explained while looking towards Bunny who looked confused. Jacob nodded a couple of times and took a couple of sips from his teacup.

"Okay... Now, who is Medusa?" Bunny asked while slowly laid back in her chair. She ate the cookie that was in her hand and took a couple of sips from her teacup while looking towards Aurora and Jacob, who were nodding and shaking their heads towards each other.

"What are you two doing? Come on, who is Medusa?" Bunny asked while slowly slides her teacup back to the table.

"We don't think it's right for us to explain to you who Medusa is. If that snake is Medusa I'm sure she will explain about herself to you." Aurora explained.

"Yeah, Aurora is right. If that snake is Medusa she will explain everything." Jacob added while looking towards Bunny who looked towards the confusedly.

"Okay, but can you two give me a little bit more-" BUM! BUM! BUM! Bunny quickly took a look around her imagination world which suddenly shake violently. Aurora and Jacob suddenly stand up and looked around as well while the table and the chairs disappeared.

"It seems like it's time for you to wake up Bunny, we have recovered enough energy and because I forced open this imagination world, it's kicking us out," Aurora explained while looking towards Bunny who tried her best to stand straight up.

"Now Bunny. Before you go back just remember to listen to what she has to say, if it's her she will tell everyone about herself remember that okay!" Jacob reminded Bunny while her eyes suddenly flashed bright white.

"Ow! That was very bright! Ow! Why my head is still pounding?!" Bunny suddenly woke up and slowly sat up with the help of Crow. Crow looked towards Bunny with a worried face and Bunny suddenly smiled.

"I'm okay now Crow! What about you? Are you okay Crow?" Bunny quickly asked while looking around Crow. Crow smiled widely while nodding towards Bunny who released a long sigh, she slowly puts her right hand to Crow's shoulder and made sure that she was okay.

"Good morning Bunny, how are you?" Adam asked while slowly walking towards Bunny with Bull right beside him.

"I'm fine, what about you two are you two injured?" Bunny asked while looking towards Adam and Bull. Adam and Bull slowly shook their head and stopped right beside Bunny who slowly tried to stand up.

"Let me help you and take it slowly I think you're still exhausted." Adam reached his hand out to Bunny which she instantly grabbed and slowly stands up. Bunny looked towards Adam and Bull and instantly puts both of her hands on their shoulders.

Pring! Pring! A couple of small light balls suddenly appeared around Adam's and Bull's body and both of them suddenly smiled towards Bunny "There's a couple of scratches and now the two of you are okay."

"Thank you, Bunny." Adam and Bull smiled.

"How long have I been out for?" Bunny asked and looked towards Adam and Bull while Crow slowly stands up beside her.

"Around one hour," Adam answered while looking towards his watch. Bunny looked towards her bag that was beside her leg and picked it up, she reached inside of it and took out a couple of medium size water bottles.

"Here, I bet you guys are thirsty." Bunny hands out her water bottle to Adam, Bull, and Crow who grabbed them and quickly drank from it. Bunny swung her bag to her back and quickly looked around while holding two water bottles.

"Where's Roo?" Bunny asked while looking towards Adam who instantly pointed towards the snake. Bunny walked towards the snake and looked towards the other side of the snake where Roo was laying down with a heavy breath.

"Roo catch!" Bunny threw one of the water bottles while looking towards Roo who instantly caught the water bottle. Roo drank the entire water in a couple of milliseconds and smiled widely.

"Thank you, Bunny! Now I can go back to pulling that out!" Roo jumped to his feet and quickly went to the head of the snake. Bunny turned around and saw Adam, Bull, and Crow who stopped beside her while staring towards Roo.

"What is he doing?" Bunny asked and drank from her water bottle while pointing towards Roo who was stretching his arms.

"He's trying to pull out the gem that's in the snake's forehead. It's part of the secret of the game, and he's been doing it since we got out from that cave." Bull answered while looking towards Roo. Bunny looked towards her watch and tapped it a couple of times as it shines bright orange.

"Oh! Okay." Bunny looked towards Roo who was pulling the gem as hard as he can. Ten minutes passed by and Roo suddenly let go of the gem while drenched in sweat, he wiped the sweat on his face and walked towards his teammates.

"I think it's impossible to that gem out! The only way for us to get the secret of the game is to take that snake with us!" Roo said as he stopped right in front of Adam.

"Hmmm... I think we can bring that snake out but it will take a lot of time. We should look for a way to get out from here first, but this place looks like a maze. I think it will take us a very long time to get out." Adam looked towards his teammates who nodded.

"I can help you guys with that." Adam, Bull, Bunny, Roo, and Crow suddenly turned their head towards the snake who slowly stands up. Bull quickly ran right in front of his teammates while melting his hands and turned them into a giant shield.

"I'm not going to fight the five of you so please relax. I can't use any of my powers right now and I'm very weak as well." The snake explained while slowly turning its body around and stand straight up while its eyes were closed shut.

"I'm here to talk please lower your shield, shield boy." The snake looked towards Bull who slowly peaked from his shield.

"Bull melt your shield and let's hear what she wants to say." Adam looked towards Bull who quickly looked towards him.

"Are you sure Lion?" Bull asked while looking towards Adam who instantly nodded. Bull melts his shield and turned it back into his arms while looking towards the snake.

"We will listen to you but we need that gem." Bull said while pointing towards the gem that was in the head of the snake.

"Yes, I noticed that your friend over there has been trying to pull out my gem. There's a way for the five of you to get my gem without pulling it out from my head." The snake explained and smiled.