
The Newbie Is The System's Bias

"HOW????" I stare at the oblivious yellow haired dude standing there with a dumbfounded look. "huh what's this ball?" "Hey It's not-" But before I could approach the oblivious bastard and get the SSS class relic away from his destructive hands-the brat suddenly threw it. "Hiro catch!" The SS grade monster who looked like a combination of a dog and Godzilla ran whilst the surrounding shook like an earthquake was happening. "This brat!!!!" Along with the SS grade monster that's now named Hiro, I also ran along and avoided the falling debris threatening to hit me. In the far distance the yellow head brat was watching this chaos with a carefree smile. "Go Hiro! Don't let Clause beat you!" Hiro must have understood the message as it unleashes a breathe of fire in my direction. "Goddamn brat..."

ChaoticDepressed · Fantasy
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1 Chs


8 years ago, the world was turned upside down. It started quite subtle with an earthquake on the west, a fire on the north, a storm in the east and a tsunami on the west. Each calamity having a one month gap. Some people made crazy theories like "Judgement day has come!" "Mother nature is angry at us..." "The world is finally ending!" bullshit but even then the world viewed this as a total coincidence. Climate change, pollution, global warming, etc were always a trend topic back then so it wouldn't be that surprising if calamities suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It wasn't until the end of June did people thought that maybe those crazy theories wasn't that crazy afterall.

But enough about that long ass backstory that I tell the newbie recruits...what the fuck is that kid?????

In the distance a blonde haired boy was standing, it would have been a normal sight if it weren't for the huge ass boulder in front having a similar huge hole pierced into it. In the middle of it stands the teen who pierced that boulder with just his bare fist minutes ago. 

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement because 'WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?' I saw the boy from afar having a nonchalant expression on his face as he shake his left hand, the same left hand that he used to pierce the rock .

'It isn't even bleeding???'

As if the boy was made of steel, not even a a single bruise was seen as I used my [Zoom] skill. In fact I could even see the boy's face contort into...dissapointment? He muttered something judging from the way his lips subtly move but I couldn't hear it since my [Enhance Hearing] wasn't on. Though the sulking face and the clenched fit was enough for me to guess what it is.

'Bruh...I can't even write with my left hand and you're disappointed yours only managed to pierce a boulder???'

The boy must have felt my glare as he turned around suddenly, the two of us making eye contact. I quickly shifted my gaze to the ground as I activate my [Enhance Hearing] just to hear footsteps coming to my direction.

"...Wow soil...so brown..."

I awkwardly grab a handful of soil and observed it. The footsteps were getting closer and closer and I could only gulp. Finally it stopped and the boy from before was now standing in front of me.

"Ummm are you ok Mr. Clause?"

He innocently asked, 'ahhhhh that's right...' The reason why I thought this guy would be an easy victim was because he looked like a clueless child. I seem to be right though, the only problem is I didn't consider that he would be strong. I see him stretch out his hand towards me, luckily it wasn't the left one. Seemingly in a daze I grabbed the hand and the next thing I knew I was now fully standing. It was only then did I notice that I've been sitting on the ground for quite some time now.

'Act cool, keep calm, be proffesional, imagine you're Diogenes or something...'

"Ahem...ahem..that was-"

"I'm sorry!"

I watch dumbfoundedly as I see the boy bow 360 degrees. Before I can ask him what's going on, his mouth voluntarily opened and yapped the answer. 

"I wasted Mr. Clause's time, I even told you that I would destroy that 25cm rock in one punch but I couldn't...I know you're very busy since many recruits would be lining up to be your disciple right about now but please give me another chance! I'll break a rock twice the size a-and this time I wouldn't even use my hands just my head. T-that's right I'll use my head and show you that...please...so...me...disciple..."

I heard a sob or two, the kid must have cried or something. Not that I could see it since the system's holographic message box suddenly slapped me in the face along with a very nonsensical main quest. Since where did a main quest exist???


Difficulty: SSS+

Info: Yuno, a beginner who recently entered into the [Real World] is in a desperate state after hearing his fellow beginners that newbies like him wouldn't survive without a [Mentor]. You, Clause Treyven upon seeing Yuno's dilemma and innocent charm suddenly thought of scamming the poor child as you introduce yourself as a renowned [Mentor] that wouldn't be true in a thousand years. Promising a chance of taking him as a disciple ,the sweet and innocent Yuno fell into your wrenched scam and did everything to please you. Now that child in now begging to be your disciple.

Time Limit: None

Reward: Title of [Master Mentor], 1,000,000 coins and a choice of your decided SSS Rank Artifact

Punishment: Death by blowing up your head!]


[Would you take Yuno as your disciple?]

 [Yes] [No]

Yes: {You would proceed to the main quest}

No: {Your head would blow up and you would die right now}

 [Please Choose Quickly!]

