
Chapter 2

2 years ago

" Queenie come make me dinner then clean the kitchen and then run my feet." Said my dad angrily

" Yes father right away " I said

" Tonight I'll make you spaghetti " I said kinda cheerfully

" Don't you dare make spaghetti, last time you made it, it had this red stuff." Yelled father

" Father that's just the..."

" What have I told you about talking back to me stupid girl. " Yelled my dad as he got up from his chair to hit me

" Since you are in capable of making something simple for me to eat you can go to your room and not come out till it's time for you to go to school tomorrow I call for some Chinese takeout." I walked to my room this being the third day I had to go without eating anything but the stale chips I kept in my room. I started to cry not because I had messed up yet again but because I had to sleep on the cold floor with nothing. But I couldn't sleep it was one of those nights were my fear of spiders crawling into my ears and laying eggs inside of me slowly killing me from the inside.

The next morning at school

" So Queenie tell me why you never talk in class but always have the correct answer " Mr Bob the guidance counselor always wanted me to talk to me he thought that one day I would but he was dead wrong

" Queenie you know you can talk to me about anything right I'm here for you plus I read this book about how there are more kids then adults in the world so if they all grow up sad then how can the world be filled with joy. " Said Mr. Bob with a smile he was always smiling I hated it so. But what he said got me thinking there's more kids than adults on the planet so what if we all joined together to create a new world order.