
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Two

I sat in my bedroom fidgeting, i couldn't get Alex's face out of my head. I had so many questions like who was he? and what did he want? i knew he wanted something, i could see it in my eyes, i walked to my dresser to get pushed but then i saw a glimpse of a shadow in my mirror but as soon as i turned around there was no one there.I sat back down on my bed to try and figure why would Alex helped me because no one ever helped me with anything not even my brother.My brother always wanted me to be independent because our parents decided we were capable of being on our own. As i was about to drift off to sleep when i heard glass breaking from downstairs so i ran as fast as i could down the stairs to see Alex sat on the sofa with broken glass on the floor in front of him.

"What are you doing here and how do you know where i live?" Lily asked with caution.

"I am here to speak to you." Alex replied in his deep calm voice.

"Why would you want to speak to me, what could i possibly know what you want to know." Lily with fear in her voice and lips quivering.

"Only to ask you a few questions that is all Lily." Alex said with pride.

As Alex was about to ask Lily a question the door unlocked, Lily's brother was home from work but before Lily could tell Alex to go he was already gone out of the house before she could wven question him further.

"Lily who were you talking to?" Luke asked his sister as he walked in.

"It was nothing i was talking to myself Luke." Lily replied stuttering.

"Why is there glass on the floor, what have you done Lily?" Luke asked while slightly raising his voice.

"Oh i dropped my glass by accident." Lily reied while rushing to clean it up.

Back at the den Alex only seen a few vampires as the rest were probably out hunting for breakfast. So Alex decided to go to the main hall to think about how was he going to try and ask Lily the questions before he had to go, and another way he could get Lily by herself without anyone watching. Alex knew that it was Lily who killed the innocent man yesterday because he had her scent left all over the blood of the victims neck.

" Alex." A fellow vampire said from the shadows.

" Yes." Alex replied as quiet as he could.

" Have you figured out who killed that innocent man yesterday." The vampire asked with hesitation.

" Yes I have but I don't know how to get the vampire who did it by them self and not surrounded by others." Alex replied in his deep, calm voice.

" So you know who did it then. Was it a newly turned vampire or someone that we know?" The vampire said with excitement.

" Yes I know who it was but it is a newly turned vampire who didn't know what was happening to them and doesn't know how to control their impulses." Alex said with pain in his voice.

" Now leave! so that I can think about how I am going to get the vampire." Alex shouted at the other vampire.

The vampire left as soon as Alex shouted and whilst Alex was thinking about how he was going to  get Lily without her brother knowing that she is gone. The one thing that Alex couldn't figure out is why couldn't he get Lily out of his head and why was he so bothered about a teenage girl who he had never met before. As the night went on Alex decided to try and get some sleep but he doubted that he could get any sleep because he could not get Lily out of his head which wasn't normal for Alex because he has met many girls in his life and all of a sudden he couldn't stop thinking about a girl he met earlier today.

Back at Lily's house, her and Luke were just sat on the sofa chilling out and watching television as soon as the programme was over Lily went into the kitchen and got herself a glass of juice but what wasn't normal is that Lily drank the carton in one whole gulp and she never has more then half a glass ever in her whole life.

" Luke I am going upstairs in my room don't come up." Lily told Luke as fast as she could and ran upstairs to her room.

Luke ignored her and ran after her upstairs to her room but he waited outside her door.

" Lily are you okay?" Luke asked with fear in his voice whilst knocking on her door repeatedly.

" Yes Luke ,I am okay!" Lily shouted from inside her room with pain in her voice.

" Lily are you sure you don't sound okay let me in I can help you!" Luke shouted to her with caution and fear in his voice as he is worried about his sister.

" Luke just go downstairs you can't help me I am fine just go!" Lily shouted back to Luke whilst trying not to scream in pain so her brother didn't worry anymore then he is.

" You are not okay let me help!" Luke shouted to Lily with urgency in his voice.

" Leave me alone Luke just go!" Lily shouted as loud as she could without screaming in pain.

After Lily had shouted at Luke, he was shocked as Lily has never shouted at him before like that or ever. Luke felt like that he did something wrong so he started pacing up and down the living room whilst trying to think how he was going to help Lily who was screaming in pain in her room, in the corner of her room with her head in her hands. Whilst Lily was in her room all she could hear was the voices in her head again but this time they were saying ' how do we get her' so Lily was scared as she thought they were on about her as in they were after her because of what she did but then again she didn't know what she did or what happened that night. But what Lily didn't know was that she was transforming into a vampire and until she learned to control it she would be in pain for the rest of the night and every transformation would be really painful until she learned to control it.