
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Four

After hearing the devastating news that Lily didn't want to hear she was beside herself with grief and started to cry and cry but she couldn't stop crying because her brother was the only person left that cared about her and she cared about her brother so much and now that he was gone she felt like her life wouldn't be the same anymore, it wouldn't be the same anymore but what Lily doesn't know is why or how her brother died. The police officers escorted her down to the police station to ask her some questions about her brother, Luke's death.

"Lily do you want any water or anything?" One of the officers asked her gently with a concerned look on their face.

" N..n...no thank y...you." Lily stuttered quietly with tears flowing down her face.

" Lily is it okay if we ask you some questions about your brother's death." The other officer asked her calmly.

Lily nodded as she was in shock as to what just happened.

" Okay then, Lily when did you last see your brother?" The officer asked her.

" The last t...time I saw h...him was b...before school." Lily replied while her lips quivered.

" Okay, next question when you got home from school was your brother at home?" The officer asked while pausing throughout the question.

" No m...my brother wasn't at h...home when I c...came home from school." Lily said really quietly while still stuttering.

" Okay Lily, one last question is that okay?" The officer asked her while kneeling down next to her to check if she was okay.

Lily nodded again as she didn't know what else to say.

" What did you do when you noticed that he wasn't at home Lily?" The officer asked her quietly trying not to raise her voice.

" W...when I got home and h...he wasn't home I went to look for him but I couldn't f...find him anywhere I thought he could be s..so I went home thinking that he would be back there and well when I got b...back home he the door was unlocked and t...t...there was L...Luke lying on the floor L...Lifeless then that was when I called the police and told them to bring an ambulance." Lily replied crying even harder than before with more tears flowing  down her face.

After the police officers questioned Lily as to what happened to Luke they told her to wait in the waiting room until they could figure out what was going to happen to her as she had no parents and her brother was the only one looking after her. After discussing for a good twenty minute as  what to do with Lily the officers decided that they would have to put her in the foster system until she was old enough to be on her own. Back at the den Alex had heard that Lily was at the police station and for some reason he felt the need to go and get her so she would be safe, he thinks that he may be feeling something he has never felt to anyone else, so he decided that he would go to the police station and get Lily and if he could protect her so he left the den towards the police station. But what Lily didn't know is that it was one of the vampires in Alex's den that killed her brother.

"Lily are you okay?" Alex asked her in his calm voice as he walked into the station.

" Alex? what are you doing here?" Lily asked as she turned around to face him with tears flowing down her face.

" I heard you were at the station and wanted to see if i could do anything to help, but what happened why are you here?" Alex asked her concerningly even though he knew why she was here.

" M...my brother L...Luke h...he is dead." Lily started to say through tears while stuttering.

" Well what's going to happen?" Alex asked Lily with concern in his voice.

" I...I don't know." Lily stated quietly with her head down.

After speaking to Lily, Alex decided to go and speak to the officers regarding what happened to Lily and what was going to happen now that Luke is dead but what the police don't know is that it was a vampire that killed Luke but the police will never find out that it was a vampire.

" Excuse me, I am looking for the officers in charge of Luke's murder." Alex asked the front desk.

" In room 12 over there." The desk lady told Alex.

" Are you in charge of Luke's murder?" Alex asked the officers as he walked in room 12.

" Yes, how can we help?" One of the officers sat down asked.

" What's going to happen to Lily?" Alex asked the officers with pain in his voice.

"What are you to Lily?" Another officer asked.

" I am a really good friend of hers and she is sat out there with tears down her face because you lot can't be bothered to do anything." Alex said to the officers while raising his voice a little.

" Well, seeing as though she has no parents and her brother was the one looking after her but now that he is unfortunately gone she will go into the foster system." The officer told Alex while standing up from his chair.

" What if I were to look after her?" Alex asked the officers with urgency in his voice.

" Well, that is possible but it depends on your age and seeing as she is only 15." The officer stated.

" I am 18." Alex replied as fast as he could.

" Well, you would have to sign some paperwork to confirm that you are her legal guardian but are you actually her friend or just someone who states they are?" The officer asked Alex with a calm face.

" Go and ask her I am her friend!." Alex said.

So the officer left the room to go and ask Lily whether Alex was her friend or just someone who just states they are and after about ten minutes of waiting the officer finally returned and had some paper work in her hand.

" Sign these and then you can go and take Lily home or somewhere else as her house is now a crime scene." The officer asked Alex as she handed him the papers to sign.

Alex signed the papers as quick as he could and left the room and went to the waiting room where Lily was sat there still crying her eyes out. Alex went up to her and told her that she could now leave but with him as he explained he was now her Guardian and Lily was confused as to why Alex would do that for her. They both finally left the station at 4 am and walked down the street and into a park, then they went through a secret passage to what lily didn't know was Alex's den.