
The Beginning

There are four Kingdom's that holds the four magical stones.

The Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Each stone was given to the First King's of each country.. Their successor will one day be chosen by the God's. One of their children will posess the power that came from the stones.

After a Century..

The Earth king Bison first Daughter Princess Ertha enherite the power of Earth and Nature.

Prince Redd the 3rd son of Fire King Helix is the new successor of the power of the Fire and Destruction.

The Water King Ali Twin Daughters Princesses Aliyah and Ajina both enherite the power of the Water and the life of the oceans. Even there are two vessels the twins become one when they summon the great water element and becomes one person known as Princess Ajiyah.

The Air King Hyann's only son is Prince Zion has the power of the Air.

Each chosen vessels will have the mark of their stones embedded in their body from birth.

Every Nations is not allowed to know who the successor will be.

Because once the four element collected from the vessels the one who collected the four stones will gain the greatest power of all. And become the ruler of four kingdoms.

The Fire Kingdom rises from other three kingdoms because fire is embedded with destruction and war. Nobody wants to disagree with most powerful kingdom.

King Bison : Make sure nobody know about the Princess Erin. Let her live with you and be her Father. Dont let anyone know about her powers. The other kingdoms might be in war with the earth kingdom if they know about her.

Aries : Yes, my king.. For my niece to grow in an ordinary life .. And I will do it for Quenn Ritha.