
The “honor”


-Okej! Shouted a cop with dark brown hair that took orders and chose which ones that were best suited to go. We have gotten reports from someone how think they saw the killer Tayven Whist, together with another man, walking in to an alley on 'Grand Selvej street'. And those who will get the honor to go on this mission are Hugo, Alexander and Lintrex.

-What?! Why must the new guy go with us on a mission that even some of the greatest cops haven't been able to arrest! It's literally suicide!, Hugo, a tall and well built man with blond hair and blue eyes, protested.

-It's because he got the hardest test and made it with a great score over the average. Besides, he needs to be tested on the field., the first cop answers.

*Later when they got to the grand Selvej street by the alley.*

-Okej, listen up, we must keep our gard up and make sure to not miss anything., it was Alexander, a thin and not very heavily built man in he's 20s with black hair. He hade gotten the order to make sure that everything went as planned.

They checked the alleys and looked behind the containers that they passed but did not find anything until they came to the oldest part of the street.

When they went too check the alleys, they stayed in one group but stayed in a formation so that they all could see if someone would come.

When they came too the last alley in the apartments right sided formation, they saw a bloody body on the ground.

-Hurry! Hugo said as he rushed towards the body.

-Do he have any pulse?! Alexander asked as he and the others looked after clues for how long he hade been there and who that could have done it.

-No, but he is relatively warm, so he was kills not so long ago. Hugo answered as he stood up, and started too report in too HQ about what they found.

-Okay, no time to lose, let's hurry and find the killer! it was Alexander who took the lead again.

Lintrex hadn't said anything sense they left the police station, but he was close after the others and was observing their every move. When they almost got out of the alley near the crossing, they heard the sound off fast steps against metal. They moved fast and got in too the crossing and scanned the surrounding area fast.

-There! Lintrex said and pointed he's gun towards the ladder nearest the alley they just got out off.

They sprinted of towards the ladder and started climbing fast too catch up with the suspected killer.

They all got up on the roof and saw a man, it was the well known murderer Tayven Whist. 'That MUST be Tayven..!' They all thought as they saw him.

A feeling of ice wandered up through their body washed over them all, even though they had just now seen him for the first time, it felt like they could se all the people who he hade killed in their last second of despair.

But as soon as he jumped from the roof, the icy felling disappeared and they stumbled after him and regained their focus. They chased after him and tried too catch up too him, but as soon as they got close to do so, ha took a ruth that made them come a longer bit away from him. After a couple off more minutes and the gap between them increased again, Hugo decided too call for backup so that they were sure too not let Tayven get away.

I am so very VERY sorry that it has taken me so long to update, even though the chapter is pitifully short...

I will try too update sooner and more in the future...

Please comment what you think this far! It will help me make changes so that it can be more enjoyable for the readers! <3 ^^

What_LOL_80_88creators' thoughts