
The new me is Ayato Sakamaki

I was just a normal highschool boy. My elder sister was a die hard otaku and she forced me to watch her favorite anime with her : diabolik lovers. But she did not stop and kept bothering me, she would change my bed sheets to those with DL characters faces, put their posters in my room and the most annoying one... SHE CHANGED MY WHOLE CLOSET INTO COSPLAYS!! I was fed up with her so I wanted to play a small "prank" on her. I spilled water on the TV while she was watching diabolik lovers for the 9999999999+th time already. That was a bad idea. I got electrocuted. But... I was reborn as her favorite character instead. God, is this karma!?

Huangxiu · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Nani!? But I didn't meet truck Sama to be here!


"My dear son, it's still too early for you to join us." a warm motherly voice said

"that's right, your place is not here. You have to live on" a voice of a concerned man added.

"What's going on..? What are you talking about..? " I mumble under my breath as I slowly open my eyes to be greeted by two figures that were made of light. Everything around me is just a dark void, except  for them.

"son." The woman said.

"son..? What are you saying-?! "

My eyes widened as the two unknown figures begun to become clear.

"m-mom!? Dad!?"

"that's right dear. It's me, your father and your mother"

"are you here to take me with you? I mean.. I'm sure I died.. "

I glance to the side as a thought of my sister came to my mind.

"No." mother said.

"well I expected this. Wait what!?"

"I'm going to say this just once, so listen well. Me  and your father did not die completely. Well, we did die physically but a piece of our soul remained intact so we became what you call wandering ghosts, anyway, there was no way for us to get a new body and we couldn't leave this realm. But, " my mother paused and let father continue.

"we found a way to travel through different worlds. But as your mother stated, we are just souls. And everytime we cross a realm, our spirit weakens. "

I just stare at them blankly. I was too surprised to even talk back or argue.

"we're going to use our last shred of soul to send you back, Yuta." father said.

"send me.. Back..? To sister..?"

"yes, sweetie. You can't die. You have to live on." mother said, a tear running down her right cheek.

They held their hands together and closed their eyes as they focused greatly. A light started forming around them then they guided it towards me.

As they were doing so, mother coughed. They were both sweating and in a weakened state.

"it can't be! No! Our power is too weak, we made a mistake! Yuta, hurry and get away from the light!!" mother screamed,

father rushing out to push me away but... I was already losing consciousness.

"---uta! Yuta! My son! Live on, okay!? No matter where you are, and who you become, we will always love you!"

My view was already fuzzy but.. I could see it.. Their souls.. Shattering.. And everything becoming dark before I finally gave in and closed my eyes.

After what felt like an eternity to me, I opened my eyes again.

I gasped as I yelled out "Mom!dad! No!" I was shocked to find myself in a completely different place.

I saw a blonde(?) girl sitting besides me on a chair, I was holding her arm near my mouth.

"a-ayato kun.. Stop it.. Please " the girl whispered weakly.

I looked at her arm closer and saw bite marks. ' who the fuck bites people?'

Then I felt it.. Blood on my lip.

I unconsciously licked it off, surprisingly I.. Liked it.

' what's going on!? '