
Chapter 31: The Sitri Family

The next day Issei woke up feeling heavy from some reason. When he looked to see what was causing it he nearly had a heart attack. Akeno, Shuri, Kuroka, Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, and Tiamat were all clinging to him in various positions while not wearing any clothes. He was extremely grateful that Gabriel was not here as well. It seems she, Irina, and Koneko had gone to bed early last night so he had avoided them joining in as well.

Issei: "Where the hell did their clothes go? I could have swore they were all wearing them when we went to bed last night." He thought as he carefully pried himself from their grasps and left the bed. "Oh well, guess I will go make breakfast so I am not here when they wake up." He thought as he got up and headed to the door. He was the only one still wearing all of his clothes, some shorts and a tank top. As soon as he left the room the girls began to shift around and sit up.

Shuri: "I told you he would not do anything to us, even when we are like this." She said while smiling slightly. While she may want to go further with Issei she respected that he was still a child and was glad that he did not push things with any of them and only think about being with them because of their bodies.

Rias: "I just had to be sure. Riser is complete scum who does what he wants with the girls around him. I had to make sure Issei was not like that. I trusted him, but I am glad my trust was well placed." She said as she smiled.

Sona: "As am I. I love him but I had to test him. He is going to meet with my parents later today and they will probably grill him to see if he is worthy of being with me. My mother will probably be lenient but my father is strict when it comes to stuff like this. If he was just a pervert I doubt he would pass my fathers tests." She said while sighing.

Akeno: "The fact that both of you would even think Issei could be like that makes me wonder if you are really in love with him or not." She said with a bit of venom in her voice. "I agreed to this whole farce so that your worries could be put to rest, but if either of you ever hurt him, the rest of us will not let you off." She said as she glared at them.

Kuroka: "I agree with Akeno. You have both known him for years so this test was uncalled for. So keep such things to yourselves in the future, or better yet. If you are so unsure about him then you should tell him that and leave before he gets to attached." She said as she shook her head and got up. Her words caused both Rias and Sona to panic. They had not meant to push things to far, its just with their history related to their suitors they had to be sure because they had bad experiences already. They loved Issei and did not want to give him up.

Rias: "We did not mean it like that! We just are scared he might have been hiding something from us. We have both been through bad experiences with suitors so we had to be sure." She said while practically crying.

Sona: "Rias is right. We know it was wrong, but we had to check. If he is a little perverted we don't mind. But if he just lusted after our bodies and did not care for us then things would end badly." She said while sighing. "We both love him and have for some time. This is the only time we will test him like this. It won't happen again." She said as she got up and started to get ready.

Tiamat: "See that it doesn't. Issei is an honorable man and does not deserve to be doubted by those he cares for." She said as she also got up. Following her the rest got out of bed and got ready for the day.


Issei: "Breakfast is almost done, I guess I should go get them up." He thought as he set the table and then headed towards the bedrooms. As he got closer his door opened and all the girls that slept with him last night filed out. "Breakfast is almost done, so go take a seat while I go get the others." He said while smiling at them all.

Shuri: "Issei you could have waited for me and I would have helped." She said while pouting.

Issei: "I wanted to let you girls sleep a bit more since we stayed up so late last night." He said while smiling at her. He then went to walk by them and down the hallway to Gabriel's room. After knocking on the door and getting no response he opened it and carefully looked inside. Gabriel and Irina were both using Koneko as a body pillow with her sleeping in between them both. It was a really cute sight. "Girls its time to wake up and eat breakfast." He said as he went over and shook them awake. As they started to groan and get up he left the room and went back to the kitchen.

Kuroka: "Whats for breakfast Issei?" She asked as he went into the kitchen.

Issei: "French toast sausage roll ups, hash browns, yogurt and fruit parfaits and your choice of orange juice, apple juice, or grape juice." He said as he came back out carrying plates of stuff. He then went back in and got the juice. As he set the juice out the other three girls joined them at the table.

Kuroka: "Sounds delicious." She said while licking her lips. The other girls also all gave their approval and compliments as they made their plates. They all then ate breakfast together and when they were done thanked Issei for the food. Shuri and Tiamat then did the dishes while everyone else headed to the living room.

Sona: "Issei the meeting with my parents will take place later today. We are going to have lunch with them and my sister before we discuss our engagement. My sister told me about it late last night and asked me to tell you." She said as she sat across from him.

Issei: "That's fine with me. what time do we need to leave?" He asked as they sat there relaxing.

Sona: "At about 11:30 so we can be a bit early. My father has booked a private room at one of our high class restaurants so we can have the meeting their after eating." She said while smiling slightly. She was looking forward to introducing Issei to her parents.

Issei: "Sounds like a great idea. I can't wait to meet them." He said while smiling at Sona.


At 11:30 Sona and Issei teleported to the Sitri territory in front of her parents mansion. They would be going together with them and Serafall from here to the restaurant. When they arrived they were welcomed by some maids that brought them inside where Sona's parents were waiting for them with Serafall.

Serafall: "Thanks for coming Issei." She said in a happy voice while hugging him.

Issei: "Of course I would come. This is a very important meeting after all." He said while smiling as they separated. He then turned to Sona's parents and bowed slightly to them. "It's nice to finally meet the both of you. Sona has told me a lot about you." He said in a respectful tone of voice.

Mr. Sitri: "I hope it wasn't all bad." He said while smiling and coming forward and shaking Issei's hand. "It's nice to finally meet the young man both of my daughters keep talking about." He said while grinning and letting go of Issei's hand. What he said caused both of his daughters to glare at him and his wife to chuckle as she came forward.

Mrs. Sitri: "It really is nice to finally meet you Issei. The way Sona was always talking about you, I thought she might bring you over for a visit earlier, but she never did." She said while smiling at him.

Issei: "This is weird. They both seem to be completely okay with me being together with Sona so far. There is no way they should be this accepting." He thought while putting up his guard mentally in case things took a bad turn later. "I don't think their mother will do anything, but Sona warned me that her father was strict and wants whats best for his family. He is not as bad as Mr. Gremory since he actually cares for his daughters a lot, but he should still have some test planned." He thought as he greeted Mrs. Sitri back and they all headed for the car that was waiting for them outside to take them to the restaurant. What he did not know is that Mr. Sitri and his wife had already looked into Issei's background and they were both satisfied with what they found. He was quite rich and famous for his works and recently he had bought the company that sold his books and manga so he was now an official business owner with a flourishing company under him. They had also heard from Serafall that Issei was not someone to be underestimated because he was a power house who could spar with Sirzechs. Unlike Mr Gremory they had both taken that warning seriously.


After a twenty minute drive where they all made small talk to get to know each other better, they arrived at the restaurant and were escorted to the private room where they would eat. Their orders were taken and they were quickly served. The meal was eaten in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. After they were done eating the dishes were cleared and they relaxed while getting ready for the serious talks to come.

Mr. Sitri: "So Issei, you do understand that by beating Sona in chess you became a potential marriage prospect for her right?" He asked after everyone was comfortable.

Issei: "Yeah, Sona told me about that." He said in a serious tone of voice.

Mr. Sitri: "Are you prepared for the responsibilities that would come with being her Fiance? She is the next head of the family and being with her would mean you would have to share that burden as well as protect and shoulder the Sitri household in the future. This is not an easy task." He asked while looking at Issei with a hard look on his face.

Issei: "I was prepared for something like that from the moment I accepted her confession. Even as her friend had she been in any danger or had problems she could not solve by herself I would have been there for her." He said as he looked over to Sona and smiled softly. Sona blushed when she heard this and looked really happy. Mr. Sitri also smiled when he heard this and leaned back in his chair.

Mr. Sitri: "Then I approve your relationship with my daughter. I am happy she has found someone who will support her no matter what happens in the future." He said as he smiled at Issei. This caused Issei to get a shocked look on his face and Sona looked like she had just been blindsided. Neither of them could believe it had been that easy. This caused both Mr. and Mrs. Sitri to laugh at the looks on their faces. "Did you think I would really be that opposed to my daughter finding someone she loves to be with? If you were someone with a shady past and were only after our families power and riches then I would never have agreed to this. Those old devils on the council tried to push a marriage on her several times, but thanks to her abilities in chess we managed to avoid it. But if she came of age without finding anyone my hands would have been tied. That's why I am genuinely happy for the both of you." He said while smiling at them.

Sona: "Thank you father." She said while starting to cry and getting up to hug him.

Mr. Sitri: "Your welcome. I hope you have a long and happy life together." He said while hugging her back.

Mrs. Sitri: "I am also happy for you Sona. I knew it would all work out in the end." She said while smiling and joining the family hug. Of course Serafall couldn't resist and joined in as well. This made Sona feel warm and loved and Issei to smile at the sight.

Issei: "It looks like Sona and I were worried for nothing. Mr. Sitri is a much better person than Mr. Gremory." He thought while smiling and relaxing. When the family ended the hug they still had a few things to discuss with Issei.

Mr. Sitri: "So Issei is it fine to draw up an engagement contract between you and Sona? Of course we can wait to hold the wedding until she comes of age, but its good to get this down on paper so those old fogies don't get any ideas." He asked as they all sat down again.

Issei: "I am fine with it as long as Sona agrees to it." He said as he turned to look at Sona.

Sona: "I would like to have it. That way there is proof that we are together in case anything stupid happens in the future. It will also prove that we are now officially engaged." She said while smiling at Issei. This caused Issei to smile as well.

Mrs. Sitri: "Then we will have it made and you can both sign it when its done." She said while smiling happily. "Lets head home and celebrate a new family member joining us." She said while standing up with a look of excitement on her face. This caused all the others to chuckle and get up to leave as well. They all then left and went back to the mansion and had a large party that lasted all afternoon.

This chapter did not seem as good as usual to me but I hope you all liked it, 2400 words. I am still sick so if there is any errors let me know. Next chapter will be a timeskip.

Peace12345creators' thoughts