
Chapter 17: Daily life

A year quickly passed in peace for Issei and the girls. During this time Akeno was enrolled in the same school as Issei and Kuroka had started on home schooling. Issei had spent the year training the girls and learning more himself. He had learned several more Advanced level spells as well as Senjutsu and Touki from Kuroka. He had also completely gotten used to his Satan Class power and could make full use of it. His training in his body refinement had also advanced a level, now only someone with Ultimate Class power could harm him. Finally he had managed to convince several other past users of the Boosted Gear to pass their techniques onto him as well as their past experiences, he had learned a lot from their stories. Some of them even agreed to spar with him in his mindscape like Ddraig does. He got his ass handed to him at first but eventually he adapted and got experience fighting different styles and abilities making him much stronger.

During this year Issei had also gotten a lot closer to Kuroka and Akeno. He had taken them on a lot of dates, either together or individually. Thanks to Kuroka's and Akeno's help he had gotten much better at dealing with women and had also started to tease them back when they teased him. Shuri had also gotten closer to him during this time, thanks to Kuroka giving her slight pushes every now and then, but she was still struggling to go further then just close friends. Finally Issei had gotten closer to both Michael and Gabriel. He had been sparring with Michael about once every two weeks and still had yet to win against him since he was still hiding that he had the Boosted Gear. The spars were amazing for both of them and Issei got stronger and more skilled from them while Michael shook off the rust he had accumulated from not fighting since the Great War, making him much stronger than he had been.

Michael and Issei would also meet up from time to time to discuss his research in combining the mechanics behind Sacred Gears with Enchanting and Magic to create new things, or just to relax and hang out so that Michael could take a break from managing Heaven. Issei had also told Michael a couple of months ago about his goal of changing Gods system so that angels could fall in love and have kids. This had shocked Michael but also made him hopeful. He had asked Issei if he really believed he could do it. Issei had told him he could but he would have to reach the next rank in power and do a bit more research before he could do it. So it would probably be a few more years before he could come and help out. Michael had been overjoyed at this news and thanked Issei for helping Heaven have a new future. A few years to him was not much since he had lived for thousands of years. Michael had been so happy he had offered Issei a place as an enforcer of Heaven. This would make it so that Issei would have as much authority as the Pope in some cases and that no one would be able to order him except for Michael himself. Of course Michael had also said that since Issei would be directly under him he would not ask him to do anything, he just wanted him to have the post in case he needed the authority somewhere in the future. Issei had agreed and gotten a medal that was proof of his position.

As for Gabriel, Issei and her had become best friends and she came to visit him a couple times a week. When she would visit Issei would take her around Japan with his teleportation ability while having her wear one of his artifacts to hide her signature. They had a lot of fun visiting various places and trying out different foods. Gabriel had also started to get slightly clingy to Issei. Obviously her clinginess was completely innocent and she was just showing affection. But it still caused Issei to slightly panic when she would hug him with those ridiculous breasts of hers, burying his face in them. He swore that when he fixed the system for Heaven he would teach her about love and confess to her.

Issei had also started playing in local chess tournaments. As he did so he remembered why he enjoyed playing so much in his past life, the thrill of an intellectual battle. Trying to think several moves ahead of your opponent was something he greatly enjoyed. He had already won two tournaments and was looking forward to playing more in the future. Issei had also finally decided to hold his first book and manga signing event. He had just published the second book in he Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Two Towers, and decided it was time to get to know his fans a bit. His three manga had also been moving along at a fast pace and had many followers so he was going to do the book signing event the first week and the manga one the second week. He was making quite a lot of money since both Dragon Ball and Bleach had gotten anime's as well. So life was going pretty good, of course that should have tipped Issei off that he was in deep trouble with his past experiences.


Issei: "Wow.....I knew my books were popular but that was ridiculous." He said as he crashed on his bed in a Hotel in Tokyo. He had just spent the entire week signing books and taking pictures. He had signed a total of 100 thousand books in the past week, in several different languages. It had been quite an eye opener for him and made him feel happy that his books were so well received. Tomorrow he would start his manga signing event. He could only picture how many were going to come and it made him grimace, since he was doing all three of his manga's at once. As he was thinking about tomorrow a knock was heard on his door. He groaned as he got up to answer it. When he opened the door a short woman with short green hair and light brown eyes was standing there. This was his editor and the overseer for his signing event. Her name is Minano Matome, the editor-in-chief of Monthly Shonen Gongon where all of his manga are published. Since he was their best seller and had all three of their most popular works she became his editor instead of someone else.

Minano: "Are you ready for tomorrow?" She asked as she came into his room.

Issei: "Yeah, but if it is going to be as bad as the past weak I might collapse." He said with a wry smile.

Minano: "Oh it is going to be much worse." She said while smirking slightly as she sat down in one of the chairs. "You should be prepared for a lot of strange people to show up tomorrow." She said as she chuckled at seeing his look of despair.

Issei: "Well at least it only last a week. Then I will not have to do this again for awhile." He said while sighing.

Minano: "Since you have finally started doing signing events you will have to do one at least once a month from now on. Of course those will only be a day long, but they will still be tiring." She said with a slightly evil look on her face. Issei just groaned at this. Minano had helped him a lot with his manga and his books but she did love torturing him with more work.

Issei: "I will keep that in mind." He said while sighing. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. "Well I need to get some sleep, so goodnight Minano." He said as he headed to the door. Minano got up and followed him. "I will see you in the morning." He said as he let her out.

Minano: "Yeah, I am looking forward to seeing your look of despair tomorrow." She said while smiling. "Goodnight." She said as she walked to her room next door.

Issei: "God I need sleep." He said as he went back into his room and got into bed, he soon passed out.


Issei: "Thank you for coming everyone! Now if you could line up in an orderly way and quiet down we can get this event started." He shouted out as he stood behind the large booth that had been set up in a manga signing hall. There were other booths here but his was the only one packed. As soon as he shouted the people by his booth quieted down and lined up. The hell then started. He took so many pictures and signed so many manga that he forgot how many people he had talked to. Plus he had to deal with a lot of people in cosplay. He was exhausted when after twelve hours it was time to close his booth.

???: "Excuse me, before you close up could you sign my little sisters manga. She is a huge fan of yours and has wanted to meet you for some time. I would also like to ask if you are free after this, she would really like to invite you out to dinner with us." Said a man dressed in a suit with long red hair. Standing next to him with a look of excitement on her face was a little girl who looked to be about eleven or twelve with the same red hair as the man. Behind them was a woman dressed in a nice looking maid outfit who had silver hair and a young girl who looked to be about eight or nine with white hair. The little girl was also holding one of his manga but she looked emotionless except for a small spark of excitement that could be seen in her eyes.

Issei: "Fuck me." He thought as he began to sweat after recognizing them. On the outside he kept a smile on his face and said. "I would love to sign her manga for her. How about that girl in the back? Does she also want my signature?" He said while desperately trying to think of a way out of this situation. It was obvious that Sirzechs was here to help his sister get Issei into her peerage since she was a big fan of his and Sirzechs always gave his sister what she wanted if he could.

Sirzechs: "Yes, but she does not really speak much so please do not take offense if she seems nervous to you." He said while smiling and placing his hand on Koneko's shoulder and guiding her forward with Rias. Rias then handed Issei her manga, which was volume one of One Piece and a limited edition.

Issei: "Who do I make this out to?" He asked as he got ready to sign it.

Rias: "Rias Gremory, your biggest fan." She said while smiling at him widely.

Issei: "Alright." He said as he signed and said for Rias Gremory, my biggest fan. He then handed it back to her and turned to Koneko. "How about you, what do you want me to write for you?" He asked as he smiled at her gently.

Koneko: "Koneko Toujou." She said as she handed him her manga shyly. It was the first volume of Dragon Ball and also a limited edition just like Rias's had been.

Issei: "Here you go." He said as he signed and wrote for Koneko Toujou, a cute and really shy girl, and handed it back to her. Koneko blushed slightly at what he wrote while Sirzechs and Rias laughed and Grayfia smiled slightly. "Well if that is all, I need to be getting back to my Hotel. I have more signing to do tomorrow." He said as he turned to leave.

Sirzechs: "Wait a moment please. Would you be interested in joining us for dinner? You must be hungry after standing here for so long." He said while smiling at Issei. This caused Issei to become nervous but he did not show it on the outside, all his years as a CEO of a huge company helping him keep himself composed.

Issei: "I would not want to bother you all." He said while smiling at them. "I had planned on just ordering room service when I got back to my room."

Rias: "Please join us Issei. You will not regret it I swear." she said as she clung to Issei's arm and started to drag him along with them. This caused Issei to sigh and go along with them.

Issei: "Well at least I get to see Koneko for a little longer so this wont be so bad. She is like family now so I want her to at least be a little happier." He thought to himself as he went with Rias and her family. "I just hope she does not invite me to her peerage." He thought while looking at Rias. "Things might get out of hand if she does and Sirzechs will definitely find out I am not normal. Oh well, guess we will deal with it when it happens."

Short chapter, but I am tired. I am really enjoying building up his childhood, no idea why. Sorry if some of you do not like this. You will have to deal with it for a few more chapters at least. Also this is not going to have people from other anime or manga so do not worry about Minano, she will not show up in the future. I just needed an editor and thought she would be good.

Peace12345creators' thoughts