
The New Isaac, Teen Wolf

Updates every four days! The New Isaac emerges in teen wolf with his own ideas. Yes this is a slow paced but heavy story, I want to give a lot of character development along with more then just what happens in the original.

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15 Chs

8): Everybody Talks

After dropping off Ana Isaac went home, they exchanged numbers and he couldn't get her smile out of his head as she had given the best one of the night when they did that. When he made it home he was surprised to see his father awake but didn't comment on it, instead he set the keys down and went to his room ignoring the man.

Going in his room he put some headphones into his phone while turning on some music, sitting in the center of his bed he started to play with his fire though nothing to big. Ana popped into his head and above his hand two flame figures started to dance on his palm, he couldn't look away from it even when he was trying his hardest.

He was brought out of it though by his phone ringing, frowning he looked to see that it was Allison, shrugging he answered while making the figures appear again, "Well this is a surprise, I thought you would go to sleep seeing as it is past midnight." He said while watching the figures again.

"I can't sleep...you seemed to have a good time tonight." She said though she said it softly at the end, thankfully with his headphones in he could hear what she was saying.

"Is this something you wanted to say in the car but couldn't because there was someone else in there?" He asked with a smile while knowing that it was most likely that but she wouldn't admit it, she had looked a little jealous when she saw him with Ana.

"Well yeah that would be awkward. I didn't even know that you knew that girl until you introduced us in the car, did you two end up going together?" she asked.

Isaac rolled his eyes at this as he changed the fire again, this time it was running around his body lighting each part of it, the flame though wasn't burning anything. He was just thankful for the blinds he had covering the windows since he didn't want anyone to think there was fire started, that was the last thing he needed at the moment.

"No we didn't I met her there, didn't really plan it. Just thought these are our high school years and I don't really plan to use them doing nothing, that would just suck. So I am going to have as much fun as possible." He said while laughing a little since it seemed the fire had a mind of its own for a moment and tickled him, but that could have been an unconscious thought from him.

He was still trying to figure out if it could move without him thinking about it, really he wanted the level of control to where it matched Gaara from Naruto where it would respond to attacks. If he could get it that strong then it would be awesome since he wouldn't need to actually worry about people attacking him, though he knew he couldn't.

He would need to be around danger a lot in order to train it to that level, just so he could sense bloodlust or anything similar to him, that would take years though in this world. Of course he could do it by hunting supernatural creatures and trying to feel the air around him, but that would take years and many of them to get it down.

"Oh, with how close the two of you seemed I thought that you had known each other before tonight, I mean you did seem attached at the hip when I walked over." She said like it was nothing but he rolled his eyes.

"Allison Argent, are you playing the jealous girl right now? Because need I remind you that you went to the party with Scott, and yet I have said nothing about that so why am I getting the third degree about Ana?" Isaac teased with a smile on his face as he burned a chair to nothing that was sitting in his room, all that was left behind was ash but it didn't burn anything else.

"WHAT! I am not jealous, I was just asking because you two seem cute together, you are right I have Scott why would I have been jealous of you two. Well had Scott seeing as I don't know if I should talk to a guy who ditched me." Allison panicked a little as she said this, he could hear it in her voice in the beginning as it got smaller as she spoke.

He rolled his eyes knowing that it wouldn't last long, she would be back with Scott on Monday when he played the little hurt dog who groveled, well not really since he didn't really grovel. Instead it took one half baked excuse and she was back to being with him again, though that did put a thought in his head.

She he introduce her to the supernatural, technically speaking he was still a human and at most could be called a fire mage that didn't need speak anything to control fire. At the same time he didn't see any reason to do it, her family were the ones who needed to tell her, or at least Scott should.

He knew though that if he let her family do it then she might go down the same path, seeing as it took Kate coming to town in order for her to learn about it, he didn't know why her parents didn't tell her. As for Scott he thought that the kid might not do it, he seemed to be the same as he was in the show and knowing that he would put it off.

He wouldn't risk losing Allison so Scott wouldn't tell her himself, or he would freak her out, even if he was attacked by her father tonight.

Isaac figured he would wait it out, he needed more time to think it over before he decided if he was going to or not, he would spend the whole next week thinking it over. That would give him time to actually get to Ana more, because he figured he could tell them both at the same time if he did get closer to her.

From tonight though he could tell that he was going to though, they might have not a lot in common seeing as she was a book worm compared to him not wanting to be one anymore. That didn't mean he couldn't use his book knowledge to get close to her if that is what it took, this was just a lot for him to think about at the moment.

"What are you wearing right now?" he asked after getting out of his head just to tease her some since he wanted to get away from all the seriousness in his head.

"A pair of pink---- Wait why do you want to know that!?" She almost screamed, he could just imagine the blush on her face at that moment. Plus from the movement he heard from the other side he could tell that she had just moved around on her bed.

"Come on Ali, don't make me sneak over into your window just so I can see for myself." He grinned actually planning to do it if she kept being as cute as she was being.

"Ali? Is that my new nickname?" Her tone was raspy as she spoke probably thinking about what he said, though she was trying to make it seem like she was only thinking about the name.

He chuckled into the phone while hearing her whine, "I know you want it, I bet your window is open right now just waiting for me to climb through so that I can sneak into that bed with you and cuddle, but yes that is your new nickname."

She paused for a long moment but she let out a shaky laugh as she came back to herself, "You know what, I am getting sleepy. Love the name though, I will talk to you tomorrow if I don't see you."

He didn't even get a chance to say anything as she just hung up the phone on him, he laughed though, looking around his room what he imagined to be little fairies were flying around his room. Of course it is his fire that is dancing around, he was using least amount of power possible so that he could do this though, it looked like little fireflies around his room.

He didn't even get a chance to put his phone down as it rang again, looking at the name he smile, "Well hello there Ana, it is two in the morning should you be asleep pretty girl?" he asked while the fairies burst making his ceiling look like the night sky, just red.

"Ahh, I didn't think you would actually be up to answer, I was going to wait until tomorrow to call you but I sort of got dared to call you, not that I don't want to talk to you but my friends thought you might have given me the wrong number because they just couldn't believe we connected like that, of course I knew that you would answer though I know you aren't that kind of guy, and now I am rambling and seem crazy don't I?" She finally stopped taking in a deep breath while he could hear giggling around her.

He laughed himself as he heard her say shut up to them, he had seen them looking out her front window when he dropped her off earlier but didn't think much of it. Hell he hasn't even kissed this girl yet, not that he didn't want to but it just wasn't something that he planned to rush, he didn't need to mess up before they even started.

"Maybe a little crazy but aren't we all. So I was just a dare call then, I am a little hurt by that I thought that you were calling because you couldn't get me out of your head." He said laughing a little when he heard her fluster from the other side of the phone.

"No, I mean of course I want to talk to you because I couldn't--- wait no I mean yes I wanted to talk you not just because of the dare." Her accent got a lot thicker as she was flustered speaking it was extremely cute to him, "I should go though since it is so late you most likely want to go to sleep."

"Well that is true there was this really beautiful girl who could dance like no ones business, she did wear me out some. I don't mind talking though if you want too." He was looking up at his now galaxy looking fire.

"Well, how about we talk tomorrow I will call you when everyone goes home." She said with some hesitation in her voice.

He chuckled but nodded even if she couldn't see it, "That sounds fine, just call me any time I will answer no matter what."

"Alright sounds good, good night." He could hear the smile in her voice as she said it with a whisper.

"Goodnight." Smiling he heard the line go dead.