
The new Iron-man

After the death of her father, Tony Stark, what did she become? Will Morgan Stark follow in her father's footsteps and become the next Iron-Man, or should I say Iron-Woman? This is how her life unfolded 12 years after her father's tragic death:

MyMiddleNameIsTea · Sci-fi
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The story.

After the death of her father, Tony Stark, what did she become? Will Morgan Stark follow in her father's footsteps and become the next Iron-Man, or should I say Iron-Woman? This is how her life unfolded 12 years after her father's tragic death:

It's now 10:15 at night and I'm trying to remake my father's suit that he wore the day he passed away. "Why won't you work, dammit!?" I shouted at my father's computer. "It's been 12 years and I can't get you to work!" I said while slamming my fist against the table in frustration. "Everyday after school I come here to try and fix you and this is how you repay me?"

Tired, I sat down on a chair and held my head in my hands. An unfamiliar feeling slowly went down my cheek, finally I realized it is a warm tear that started rolling down my cheek. "Morgan"I heard my mother call and I wiped the tear off my cheek in fear that she will ask me why I'm crying. I don't want to bring up the death of my father in front of her because losing him has made a huge impact in my mom's life and it wasn't a positive one. I went upstairs to the kitchen to help my mother set the table for our guests.


Peter Parker is 28 years old now and he's still trying to save everybody like my father did, he's also living happily with MJ who is pregnant with twins. Peter is still going through a lot since my father's passing. Stephen Strange is now 53 years old and he is still protecting the New York institute of magic but hopefully he'll pass that responsibility to someone else, someone worthy of the responsibility. Sam Wilson is holding Captain America's legacy high and I hope I can follow in his footsteps with my father. The Guardians of the Galaxy are still "guarding the galaxy" so they won't be joining us today unfortunately.

After my father's death everyone went their separate ways and that did not help my mother and I's mental state. I just wish there was a different way that he could've saved the world, but there wasn't. Every day people at my High school look at me with sadness and grief and some even question me why he sacrificed himself even though he knew the consequences and who he'll leave behind, like 'Sarah, I don't know! Even I ask myself that question every day.' When all the guests arrived we sat at the table and started eating dinner which I helped my mother prepare.


After I ate and said goodbye to all the guests I went back down to my father's workshop and I continued attempting to fix Friday. After a few hours I realized it was 4 o'clock in the morning. 'Great', I thought, 'Another sleepless night'. While connecting a few cables, which I had no clue what it's for, Friday suddenly started to talk. "Tony, is that you?" she asked.

I stood up and said to her, "No, Friday, it's his daughter. You've been inactive for 12 years." "Is there any way I can assist you, Morgan?" she asked. "Yes, do you know how my father designed his latest suit?" I asked. "Yes, do you wish to make a new suit, Morgan?" "Actually, yes I do, but I'd like to make a few changes to my father's design." I told her. "Very well then, do you wish to start immediately on your design?" "Yes." I told her. I start working on my father's design, trying to make it accustomed to my preference.

3 Hours later my mother came down the stairs with a cup of coffee. "Were you working on the computer the whole night again, honey?" she asked me. I looked at her and she already knew the answer. "Well, it's time to get ready for school." she told me. Reluctantly, I got up and said goodbye to Friday and went to get dressed. Another day of sitting in the hell hole some people call school.


After school I went home and continued working on the design. After a while I was finished and I asked "Friday" to create that version of the suit. It took about 3 hours for her to finish and she told me, "You should test it in the training area your father built." "Ok" The suit worked surprisingly perfectly and I called Peter. I said, "Peter, you need to come to my house as soon as possible, ok?" "Ok" he said. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and Peter came to the workshop where he knew I would be.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing, I just need to show you something". After saying that, I led him to the training area and told him to wait there. I came out with the suit that I designed and he watched in shock as I flew around in it and I shot a few of the targets as well. "If I train longer, will you allow me to go on missions with you?" I asked him. "It all depends on what your mother says, if she's ok with it then yes." he told me as a single teardrop rolled down his cheek, a sight not many people have seen and one my father has seen too many of. I probably remind of my father and that saddens me that so many people are still effected by his death, including me.


All of that happened a few months ago, right now I'm saving the world beside all the people who helped my father when he was alive, well those who survived...