
The new horizon

Trevor committed suicide to end his sufferings and pain. Only to realize that he got transmigrated to another world and the first thing he saw after opening his eyes was a woman lying dead beside him. "Dear God, do you want me to go through another suicide again? Do you hate me so much?" Trevor said as he thought he would be accused of murder. But soon he realized that the world he was in had different rules. Take a walk with Trevor, as he rises above everyone else and takes control of his own destiny.  ------- This is a [Game of Thrones] X [Star Wars] fan-fic. It will be a little slow burn but I will try to go through all the lore and stories of both the books. Hope you will enjoy it. Sorry - I am still trying to make the conversation parts more acceptable and funny so bear me with this.

thelightedghost · TV
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19 Chs

Slow down

Gawen after finishing his drawings went straight to his father to tell him about his new idea. Before he started he needed the approval of his father because he wasn't sure how this would work out as he didn't know the local customs.

His father was busy talking with Maester Wolkan and discussing the recent attack when Gawen showed up with the drawings. When Gawen explained what the hook was and how it could be used, all of them were surprised. Even Erena, who had been following his brother since morning.

"Wouldn't it hurt the horse if we attach a metal shoe or whatever you are calling this?" Robett asked after hearing the total plan of the business model that his son came up with.

"Father, I bought a horse today who was limping. We can use my horseshoe equipment and follow the instructions that I wrote down. If the horse is able to walk and run perfectly after a few days we can start working on it." Gawen said with conviction.

Robett looked at Maestar Wolkan who nodded his head as he approved such a radical idea of using shoes on horses. Robett then proceeded to call the trusted blacksmith who worked under the House of Glover.

Robett allowed Gawen to take the lead in this as it was his plan from the start and if this business model worked it would help him gain a reputation in the House. The blacksmith was surprised by this radical plan of Gawen but since the Lord had ordered him to entertain the idea.

He called Endrew. The boy who helps him at his forge.

Since the whole drawing looked simple and small, he was sure the helper of his forge would be able to easily craft this. Gawen could see that the blacksmith didn't really care of his plan and he thought that this whole idea would fail but he didn't care.

This would just allow him to gain a blacksmith under his own wing as he was sure that this would be quite popular. In addition to doing business he needed trusted men under him, who would be loyal to him.

And this would be his start.

And thus the wheels turned and the horseshoe was ready by the end of the day.

"Thank you Endrew for your hard work today in making the 4 horseshoe. I will pay you after you trim the hooves tomorrow and place them on it." Gawen said.

"It's my honor Young lord to work for you. I promise I will complete the work and make you proud." Endrew said. Gawen smiled at Endrew's over enthusiasm. Though he knew he was getting it just because he was the son of Robett, this would be the start in earning the loyalty of a few good men under him.

After the new hooves were ready, they were scheduled to be installed the next morning as Gawen felt it was an intricate process and needed proper guidance. Thinking of all this he finally reached his solar. But when he entered he saw his mother looking at him with angry eyes.

"Uhh..mother... Did I do something wrong?" Gawen asked sheepishly. He couldn't think of anything that might have angered her.

"You just woke up in good health today. And you have started working? And making deals with low level people? Why? Is there less money for you to spend? Do you need more money that you want to go and start earning?" Sybelle asked. Gawen was stupefied listening to this.

It seemed like all his life he had been free-loading on his parents' money quite often. And it seemed his mother was the enabler of it.

No wonder the previous him went to whore house and picked a girl to fuck later. This guy didn't have any sense of independence.

A spoiled brat.

Truth to be told, it wasn't entirely Sybelle's fault that she was angry. Gawen since childhood saw the struggles he had to face due to low income in the family and thus he had brainwashed himself thinking money would solve everything. So he was fiercely money minded.

He wasn't greedy per se, but he would never let any income source go out of his hands. It was because of his sense of independence and money-making mind that he decided to work upon the idea which he was hit by when he saw the horse in pain. He didn't even care at that point that this small change in him would welcome the wrath of his mother.

"Mother.. I am sorry... I just didn't want to live on my father's money..." Gawen replied, trying to explain to her.

"Stop with your jokes. You lost your memory.. Not your personality... If you want more money, tell me. I didn't marry a Lord so that my son has to start going to the forest to get his food. I don't want you to be involved in these kinds of shady deals ever again."

"These aren't shady deals. It will make the horses live longer and perform better." Gawen protested.

"I don't care. You will stop this by tomorrow. I don't want to see you dealing with those low level pigs again." Sybelle roared as she furiously left the room. She actually asked Robett to stop this new venture of Gawen but surprisingly he refused as he too thought Gawen's idea might be really helpful. Thus, all she could do was come to Gawen's solar and berate him to ease her anger.

Sybelle didn't want her son to work with low lying men and get his hands dirty. He wanted his son to live and die like a Lord and face no dangers all his life. That is why she was so much shaken when Gawen was on the verge of death.

She loved his son to death.

"We are at an impasse. Seems like tomorrow I will have to have a conversation with my father to remedy this situation. Oh shit.. Did I just turn myself into Shakespeare using those fancy words? Oh great Shakespeare and the great English writers, please stop your blessings on me!!! If I start using more fancy words in front of people I will be termed as a southerner."