
Shane's Skills

Shane has 4 main Skills, since Shane has 2 different charactiristics, The red is DAMAGE MODE, The blue is MAGICAL DAMAGE.

1st Skill: Rough Splendid, deals 250 total damage(increases per level and item bought) it changes its ultimate called "Scenic Roar.

2nd Skill: Crush Soar, deals 300 total magic damage(increases per level and item bought) it changes its ultimate called "Phoenix Surge"

3rd Skill: Run Rush, Shane gives +30 movement to your nearby allies, slows -40 nearby enemies and Shane deals +50 movement, Shane uses this to escape from enemies or chase enemies.

4th Skill:

•Scenic Roar- Her ult deals 650 total damage and 350 magical damage, Shane will use her 1st characteristic,turned into a metalic like women immune to any skills and basic attacks, and uses her Metal scepter to stun all nearby enemies that is inside her range.

•Scenic Roar- Her ult deals 800 total magical damage and stuns her enemy, Shane uses her second characteristic, Shane releases a black color aura and looks lika a goddess look,and throws a bomb smoke that deals 300+ magical damage.


Hey guys! I tried thinking and Imagining some skills, So Shane is planned to be Lunox's sister from different mother, that's why Shane compares to Lunox's identity. Thank you for your appreciation guys :>> please vote.