
The New Grand Era

Every Event Happens with a cause I will soon see the cause of this event once I've become the strongest at level max. And I will reach The Heavens

Chalisha_Van12 · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2. This Idea was always going to be bad

James and Keith find themselves some shelter from nightfall, in an abandoned farm house shed

The shed was quit large and most of the building's infrastructure was quite intact, like the plunging never reached the shed

In the shed they found numerous bundles of hay bay and some apples stored right there. They also found a cabinet with only two cans of backed beans and three disposable water bottles

"Hey start the fire and I'll start drying the apples...and plus don't forget you owe me that explanation..." Kieth stares down at James as he fiercely said those world's immitting some sort of supremacy

"You do remember that I have over 10,000xps right..." James replies cunningly

The two give each other death glares and eventually just disband and get to their respective work position

James gathered some wood from the shed's basement

The basement was very small and a large aora of disgust filled the room. It was the smell of a hundred corpses placed in one place

"I wonder the stuff that happened down here..."

Kieth collected all the twenty apples dried a dozen of them and placed the rest in his backpack ready for an adventure after the break of dawn

The fire was set and the two got some wooden stools and stared at the backed beans been heated by the fire

"Hmm that's odd the flames are very cool this time..." Said James staring at the flames the exact same way here stared into Keith's soul

'This guy is either diranged or he has some loose screws...'thought Keith

"Oh yeah I owe you an explanation right..."

"Hmm..oh yeah..."

The two glared at each other and James opened his mouth and started explaining

He told Keith that he was given a task by his dad to find the Grand Mediator Order in Denver. And as he was on his mission he stumbled upon a house in the ruins and tried to scavenge it but to his an awareness his head got hit by a balling ball that fell from a top shelf

He further said that he lost most of his memory and has to reach the Grand Mediator Order in order for him to regain his memory and figure out what his mission was before he lost his memory

Kieth payed close attention to James' story but gave him a look of dissatisfaction after the explanation

"Bro that still doesn't explain how you got into that slim fruit demon's mouth..."

"Well as I was reading the book my dad gave me to find a map to the Grand Mediator Order the slim spawned right behind me and got me..." He says with a low chuckle

'Of course yould be vulnerable like that in the middle of a street...so even though you have emense power danger is everywhere...'thought Keith

"Well I guess you have to get your memory back...but wait how does the book your dad gave you know that yould lose your memory..." He asks with a discombobulated facial expression

"Oh one of my dad's abilities is that he can see into the future...but I don't really know by how far..." Chuckle chuckle

"Ah okay then I guess your mission is to find your memory back in Colorado Denver, all the way from New York Albany...with the amount of demons in Ohio, Indiana and Kansas good luck..." He says with a satisfied composure

"Wait what if I hire you to excort me...I'll pay in ..." Keith interrupts James'reply

"I can escort you...but I don't need your money for it...I fill like we've met before I don't really know where...but I can never make my friends pay for anything..."

James heart skipped a beat after Keith had said those warm words and began to tear up, this was annoying Keith but James continued and finally stood up and got closer to Keith

Keith tried his best to resist and get away from James but James outmaneuvers Keith and hugs him

"You can stop now James..."he says anoyed by the over expression of emotions James was displaying

James scontinues still

"Not yet just wait until the brand are ready...and plus it looks really weird right now and I don't really know how to get out of this position..."

".....?!?" Keith

".....?!?" James

The two lay in the same position until the beans is not just ready but overclocked

After the meal was eaten the two slept on the hay bays about four metres away from each other

James stared at the ceiling as he slowly lost consciousness and fell asleep. Keith on the other hand stared at the shed entrance just incase a demon or scavenger would get in

'The dude so powerful that he just sleeps without even keeping watch...well I will sore and reach such heights to be able to sleep without the worry of attack one day....then I'll bring you back just you wait...'

Kieth looked set and determined for a gaol that in his current stage seemed infact was impossible to achieve at his age

Morning broke out and the two began Thier journey to Denver.

Most of the streets, roads houses and bio diversity of th country was savagely destroyed by the demons and what was left of the world didn't seem to be the world anymore

The two traveled for almost eight hours without rest on foot till they reached a destroyed garage and began scavenging

"This place looks worthy of our expertees maybe we can find a working car and lessen our travel load..." Said Kieth with an applifted smile

"Bro your imagination runs willed their is no way we will find a car still intact in their..." He said with a disappointed expression

"Want to bet on it..."

The two fist bumped and walked towards to garage. What they didn't notice was that the junk piles surrounding the place seems to be in the shape of a large unclimbable wall

The two circled the wall for two hours before reaching its gates heavily guarded by huge buff men at the top and bottom of the wall

"Wait is this a city..." Kieht asks one of the buff gaurds with an uplifted facial expression

After all the metals and other things they had scavenge would pack a huge some of XPS and to add they could buy some more food and drink for their long adventure

James didn't seem to be at ease with the city just by the look of the gaurds it seemed very sketchy

"I have a bad feeling about this..." James exclaimed to Keith

"Just follow me don't be to scared James..." He also exclaimed with a grim on his face

The two where allowed through and entered into a large market filled with stalls of various goods and supplies

The stalls ranged from food, drink, water, clothing, cosmetics, electronics and so on. The stall merchants all looked shady and Thier goods didn't look very appealing to keith

"Let's keep going down and see more stuff they might be something interesting you know..." Keith said to James' while pointing at what seemed to be the city's castle

James was disgusted at the immoral things some of the people in the city where what some people and just nodded his head at Keith's request

The two walked along the stalls being stared down by the people in the city lick they where some sort of enemy

Keith felt the presence of a very dark Aora roaming the streets and the castle they headed to

James moved extra cautious following Kieth from behind.


The two blacked out and gained consciousness in a torture prison with chains bound on their hands and legs. They were both in their underwear

The prison they where in was the inner most prison cell of the prison. They woke up and found themselves bound in an ability sealing spell drawn on the ceiy

"Just follow me...here we are prison..." He looked at Keith with a satisfied face

"And how is this amusing to you..."

James bursts into laughter and joy

Kieth also starts laughing

The two laugh at each other for a long time then some castle gaurds appear and hit the two on their heads with metalic baseball bats

The two fall to the ground and begging moaning

An old man dressed in a white apron appears with some more gaurds and stares at the two

"So it's this two men here that wanted to come in my city and kidnapp my beloved daughter..." He stares at them as if they had committed some sort of emense crime in the city.

The gaurds all looked at the two disgustedly and began sharpening Thier torture equipment

Keith and James did not look at any level of worried or terrified by the scene

"I have a little energy left I don't really know how to use it though..." James whispers at Kieth

Keith stares at the three gaurds by the door, the two gaurds sharpening Thier torture equipment and the four with the white apron man and comes up with a plan

"James when I say go you break the wall on our left and ran..."

"Okay just say go..."

The gaurds finish their sharpening and with evil grims on their faces approach Kieth and James

The first gaurds picks a large axe and the second picks a nut cracker

As they drew nearer and nearer James never lost composure and Kieth didn't lose faith in James


James broke the chains in an instant and kicked one of the gaurds through the wall and the other towards the old man

He then rans out of the castle into the city as fast as he can. He disappeared from the eye of the city guards

The remaining gaurds look at Kieth and begin laughing

" Looks like your friend left you boy and now you're going to die here all alone..."

Kieth stares right into the old man's eyes and shock fear in the old man

"So you get pleasure torturing new travels in your city...and give fake excuses as to why they are evil...you sick bastard your the reason this planet was condemned..."

The old man does not seem to have that much fear and draws out a sword from the guards sheath

"You will beg for mercy or meet your demise boy..." He glared at Keith getting closer to him

He puts the sword by the base of kieths neck and Kieth bursts into laughter

"I am an immortal and the man that ran is a demigod...I don't think showing me that will stop me from coming back or that other guy from coming back...my ability is never die...and my spiritual ability is reach for the heavens..."


After Keith finished saying that. Both him and the old man where twenty metres above the castle and falling

The old man began crying and begging for mercy. The old man and Kieth reached close to the ground and the old man had shit his pants


"Woah what a nimrod...." Keith couldn't help it but laugh at the old man

The old man and Keith never left the castle prison but where in an illusion that Kieth had made. Although the illusion wasn't real the old man had actually shit his pants

He ordered the gaurds to exicute Kieth immediately as he ran back

The guards drawer Thier weapons and charges at Kieth

"Forbidden technique...Blade of the gods!!!..." James jumped in the room dressed in his previous clothing and slashed his blade

His blade sliced the entire castle and all the guards in half and later lit an explosion that destroyed everything in the background

Keith just stared in shock and awe at the amount of destructive power James had achieved.

He stared closer and noticed that a mountain behind the castle was also sliced in half

James shot keith and the two ran out of the city to a shed that James had found and placed all Thier belongings

"Wait what time did you find all this..." Keith stares at the equipment in shock

" Well those nimrods left them in the next room so I picked them all up and ran here..."

The two stare at each other for a minute

Keith got into his clothing and wore his baggage

"Let us never speak of this to anyone...okay..."

"No problem but next time when I say it seems sketchy we don't go in right...."

"There will never be a next time of this sort..."

Convinced by Keith's response James happily follows him

The two recontinue their adventure

My second chapter hope you like it if it's not that interestimg planes fill me in

Chalisha_Van12creators' thoughts