

an advanced humanoid alien from a far away from civilization tries to bring the earth to their galaxy using their wormhole suction technology but the process became failure and earth become placed into a different galaxy where spirit-based beings live and a world having different laws

Mister_Maniac · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Mind Map

"mind map what's that "

as he closed his eyes all the things around 150-meter radiance comes into his mind

many white figures and black figures came into his mind as he observed in the next room a white figure has killed a woman and devouring her brain

in the ground a black figure killed a white one a took the white round ball from its head put it in its mouth, and a white figure is coming in his direction

"white and black figures is that zombie"

as he tried to use the analytical skill while on the mind map but nothing happened as it was futile

as he looked around the room for any weapon type object

the first thing he saw was the walking stick dean used he took that into his hand it was lightweight

"it's not enough, I need something stronger"

he said it to himself

as his eye stuck into the safe he saw a hockey bat

It was one of the mementoes gave by the former hockey national captain to the collage

"it's good"

and he waited beside the door for the white zombie

as the white zombie crossed the door he used the hockey bat and hit the zombie on the head as the zombie fell on the floor analysis has popped up in his mind

species: half spirit(evolvable)

status: alive

energy:bio-energy, spirit energy

spirit: white spirit-hafling

he once again hit the head of the zombie again this time it had died

he once again searched the room and found a screwdriver using that he made a hole in the zombies head and found a white ball he used the analyse skill on it

Type: white spirit core

there was nothing else so he put some force on the core then the core shattered and energy has come out of it and absorbed into the body

Name: Zayin Krish

species: Human

Body: Spirit Body(First stage)

Energy:Bioenergy, Spiritual(non-element)

Strength: 10(10)

Agility: 10 (10)

Vitality: 9(10)

Stamina:8/ (10)

Spirit: 19(12)

Endurance: 10 (10)


Spirit Analysis (1st stage-low tier -evolvable)

Mind map ( 1st stage)

his spirit has increased the maximum capacity of spirit has increased from 10 to 12. his spirit is now 19 it's due to the extra energy absorption from the spirit

after absorbing the extra 2 spirit his spirit has not changed from 19 to 21 that means it's the current spirit limit

he now has one hockey bat and screwdriver to survive here that's not enough he didn't have any physical skills apart from the mental skills

if I can reach the kitchen there will be some knife or machete

he once again used the Mind map the 150 meters radius become clear in his mind again in the next room he saw one black zombie and a white zombie fighting and the black zombie is at disadvantage, he made his way to the next room and waited for the opportunity the moment white zombie killed the black zombie he used the hockey bat to smack the head of a white zombie.

the white liquid spattered the room, by using the screwdriver he took the white and black spirit core

instead of cracking it with the hands this time he put the tiny white ball into his mouth

Strength: 11(11)

Spirit: 19(13)

this time his spirit has increased by 1 and his strength also increased by 1 point

then he put the black ball into the month

Stamina:9/ (11)

Spirit: 19(13)


Rock hard (elemental skill) efficiency -60%

this time he had obtained skill and he used the skill on his hand immediately his hand become rock has hard but his spirit has become 18 instead of 19, earlier he had used Mind map and analysis skill but it didn't reduce his spirit but using the elemental skill will consume the spirit. and the efficiency of the skill is only 60 per cent.

by using the mind map he made his way through the kitchen, in the way he again killed two zombies

and Spirit core only increased his used spirit

when he reached the kitchen he again faced a black zombie but it was much stronger than the earlier one he has to use rock hard skill on his entire body and consume many spirits points the core of that black zombie has increased his strength one point and agility by two-point

Strength: 10)2(12)

Agility: 12 (12)

Zayin entered the kitchen using a mind map he found the knife in the cupboard. he searched the kitchen and filled his backpack with some food supplies

when he reached the corridor, he found 3 peoples fighting with a group of zombies.it is Jones he was one of the top athletes in the college, he has absorbed some strength-based skills, he able to fight hand to hand with the zombies very easily

behind him was Two girls I remember seeing them but I didn't recollect their names, they are twins one of them is using some restrictive type skills so zombies are unable to attack them together, and another one is using healing skills and heal the wounds on Jones so he can fight again

when zayin used the mind map he saw a flow of zombies to this area, the fight has attracted the zombies, he ran near to them and said

" hey more d zombies are coming to this are leave here quickly"

and I ran. to the store area, behind me those 3 are also running, due restriction skill of the girl they can restrict the speed of zombies

we ran into the store and closed the door

"thank you"

one of the girls said

"I am Riya"

"I am Priya"

they introduced

"I am zayin"

and he looked into Jones's face

he was very tired, zayin opened his backpack and took a packet of biscuit that he collected from the kitchen and offered it to him and after used analysis skill on him

Name: Jones

species: Human

Strength: 20(20)

Agility: 10 (10)

Vitality: 3(10)


Spirit: 4(10)


Super punch

metal hand