
The new Demon God

William Dongery is invoked by the Demon God, to become his Hero, but to his surprise he ends up asking for his power and rank. William must adapt to his role as Demon God and must handle the war between Gods and Demons that has haunted for millennia.

Losty147 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

It's time to have fun "Prologue"

Hello William Dongery, I've been waiting for you"

Said a voice, coming from ahead of me.

I could see nothing but darkness, until I felt a pinch in my body.

After I felt that, I could see a room fit for a king.

The room was quite shiny, the columns, the throne, almost everything was composed of gold and jewels.

In the middle of the room there were some carpets that boasted divinity. They led to a throne of what appeared to be obsidian in the room, on which sat an old man who was covered with an aura of terror.

The old man wore an elegant suit and highlighted his bloodthirsty red eyes.

This old man looked like a human, but obviously he was not, his smell and presence seemed or was that of a true God.

The old man rose from his throne

"William will explain to you why I have summoned you here. You see I am Ingarud the Demon God. I have summoned you, to become my summoned Hero, hey...! Why the suffering face?"

As the old man spoke I could feel my body slowly tearing apart and I felt my soul escaping from my body.

What the hell is this old man?

I thought for a moment.

"I see your body is too fragile, just like your soul, I will give you the power of a Demon King, so you can talk quietly."

The old man snapped his fingers and as he did so my body began to feel powerful, just as my soul felt like it could destroy the world with a move.

"W-What are you old man?"

I said that to the old man, as I found myself in awe of my new power.

The old man began to laugh

"Forgive me, it's just that no one addressed me by any name other than Lord Ingarud or Demon God in a long time."

This old man reminded me of an old man who worked at the nearby coffee shop.

"So you're the Demon God, are you like the devil?"

"That's right I am the Demon God. What you know as devil is a bug compared to me, maybe some lower ranked demon has gone to your world so maybe that's what you know as Devil."

The old man after saying that started to pour himself in a cup what could be wine or blood, as I got curious to know what it was I asked.

"Excuse me old man, what is that?"

"Don't worry I'm not a vampire, it's wine do you want some?"

Should I accept? Surely it's expensive wine, if he didn't lie to me.

"One glass won't hurt."

When I accepted a glass, the glass appeared in my hand and I took a sip of the wine.

"You weren't lying it's wine... and it's good."

I praised the wine, as I spoke I was drinking the glass, which was not emptying.

"William, it's time to talk why I have summoned you."

"I agree."

I answered sincerely, to know the reason why I was here.

How good this wine is, it's quite addictive, I hope I can drink it often, I couldn't stop thinking that.

The old man snapped his fingers and formed a meeting table in the middle of the room and invited me to sit down.

When I sat down the old man sat down and began to project some images in my mind.

"You see the Gods control the angels and I control the demon kings, in your world there are quite a few stories that are so I imagine you get the idea."

"Yes! I get the idea, even though I could only read books like that, my life wasn't easy at all."

My life sucked.

"I know, you suffered a lot of injustice, that's why I summoned you. You see angels have the power to summon people from different worlds to whom they give a power or weapon they want, but that is limited by some rules, the most important is that it doesn't exceed or be a threat to an angel or God."

As he speaks he projected images of adventurers and magical powers, plus some beautiful Angels and Goddess.

"William if you want I can stop projecting those things."

I became a little alarmed that he seemed to be able to read my mind, but I calmed down.

"No need to keep explaining."

I hope there are women like that in this place.

"We Demons never summoned any heroes, until 10 years ago, but none were on the level of an angel."

"Were they all weak?"

I asked to get an idea of what the previous ones were capable of.

"Not all were powerful, for humans. Some are still alive out there."

Was I summoned to this world, to wander the world? Well better than my other life will be

Upon reflection I felt more motivated.

"Calm down William, as angels do, I will grant you the power you want, but without limits!"

"No limits?"

I asked motivated.

"Exactly without any limits and stop drinking so much wine you'll get drunk."

Without noticing I was still drinking wine, surely I would have drunk 5 L, an oversight of mine for not seeing the glass go down, fortunately I didn't even feel dizzy.

"Sorry, I hadn't noticed."

I left the glass on the table and I was thinking about what I was going to order.

I always wanted to be the strongest, so I should ask for something strong, but he said there are no limits, so maybe I can get that....

"Well if there are no limits there is something I want."

Interestedly hearing what the old man had said he got up from the table and asked excitedly.

"What do you want, tell me what you want, tell me!"

He looked demented, it reminded me of stories where you lose your mind and stop thinking.

"I desire rank and power from you."

The old man was surprised to hear my request and smiled.

"If you desire my rank and power you'll have to kill me! Are you sure you can?

"No, I'm sure I won't be able to, but at least I'll have some fun in my fucking life!"

Hearing what I said the God smiled happily, as if he had found something he had been looking for for a long time.

"You just want to have some fun?! I'll do something special for being you, we'll fight under a contract the loser will die. It will be a competition, the first one to hit the other's chest 3 times wins. what do you say."

As I went back to drinking again, I said:

"But won't I be in a disadvantageous position? Let's do something we'll both have the same conditions? oh can't you?"

With a confident, wine-stained smile I said.

"Of course I can we will now begin the showdown and something else before the battle GIVE ME THE DAMN CUP!"

As he said that, the cup disappeared from my hand, surely he had made it disappear.

The old man snapped his fingers and we instantly found ourselves in a desolate combat arena.

"This battle will be without an audience, I'd rather not worry anyone."

The old man, looked quite excited, probably because it was the first time in a long time that he felt like he might die.

"Don't worry One question what happens if I die?"

My curiosity had piqued.


Instantly what I asked answered my question.

I see so I must give my all in this situation.

"Okay when do we start?"

"We'll start right away, remember 3 hits to the chest and you lose."

"Shall we begin?"

Asked the God, who has to say I didn't know if he was having an orgasm or was excited or maybe both, but I don't really care much about the truth.

"Let's dance."

When I said that, the God started fighting. He can block his punches just like he can block mine.

To tell you the truth I never knew how to fight very well, but before this battle I could feel as if I knew how to fight since I was born.

As we exchanged blows, without hitting the important things, we began to strike up a conversation.


"I don't think I'll win, I thought I told you, I'm just fighting to feel like I'm alive for the first time. I promise you that if I win I will make this world a playground of fun."

After saying that the God started laughing and looking at me like someone weird.

"You are someone weird, But!...."

After saying that to me the god was able to punch himself in the torso pushing me 3 meters back and finished speaking saying.

"You lack experience."

Of course I lack experience, I've never fought before!.... huh?

What the hell, I-I'm spitting blood... that son of a bitch gave me a good punch.

"Do you regret William challenging me?"

God exclaimed with a confident smile.

"Do you think I lost, it really hurt, that punch.... I must have four or seven broken ribs for sure, this is exciting!"

The god at my words said.

"Actually it's all ribs, but thanks to the power I gave you you should be able to move without many restrictions."

All ribs?!

It really doesn't feel like that, but I have to get serious.

"I see, time to get serious Ready for the second half?"

I asked the old man with the intention of going all out.

"But of course I'm ready! "

I'm really screwed! - I said to myself.

"Here I go!"

After saying that I lunged at the old man, as expected he was able to dodge all my punches.

"This is getting boring, prove to me that you are worthy."

What does this old man think he is...he obviously has the upper hand, but I will not give up so easily.

After an exchange of blows the God grabbed my arms.

What the fuck! I must get loose fast! I can't move, I'm holding on tight!

As I thought of something the God began to smile a smile of victory.

"Too bad it looks like you can't do anything."

What does that old man think he is, to say that. Think of something William... I know!

The moment I got ready to kick him, the God began to pull my left arm to such an extent that he tore it off like a leaf.


I screamed at the God, who had let go of me, as I tried to cover the wound with my remaining hand.

"Hahaha, this is so much fun give it up or I'll make you suffer a lot more."

T-this hurts a lot, I'm losing consciousness, but can't give up if this is going to be my last moment of life I'll enjoy it to the fullest!


After saying that I lunged at the god, but he dodged me and I fell to the ground.

"Surrender you can't do anything, just let me finish this quickly."

After saying that the Old Man approached me, who was lying on the ground, he turned me and charged a fist towards me.

With all my might I tried to block the fist with my right hand, but as I tried that, my one hand flew through the air, like fragments of flesh and I received a fist to the torso.

"I held back, I can't kill you until I land the three blows, otherwise I will lose."

I was on the floor bleeding to death, no strength and I could barely see the old man, but I tried to get up given the circumstances, I don't want to die....

"You already died you know, summoning power steals souls from hell".

What does this old man say, Old man if you can read my mind tell me more.

I stayed on the floor without trying to get up.

"It's okay, I will try to tell everything before you die. You died and were sent to hell the only place humans go, you see what we know as paradise is exclusive to angels and Gods and we demons have no place to go when we die only the void."

While he was telling me all that he was getting closer to me, to give the last blow, but....


The old man had healed my mortal wounds in less than a second and regenerated my lost parts.

"Why old man?"

As I stood up, I asked the old man.

" You've proven to have a future as a Demon God, besides I don't have much left."

What do you mean you don't have much left?

"You see I only have 5 years left to live and all my heirs were killed."

The old man said that with a saddened face.

"By whom?"

I asked although the answer was quite logical

"By the Heroes who summoned the angels, they were only children when that happened."

They have no moral sense those angels or heroes.

The old man snapped his fingers and pulled me next to him into the room where we were and we went to sit at the same table as a moment ago.

"Well, you've proven you have a future, you must sign this sheet, it's a contract if you don't like something you can change it later."

The old man had handed me a sheet, which was a contract.

The old man had given me a contract that said:

By this contract you are accepting the title of Demon God, you shall protect the race of demons, you shall die to leave this title, you shall not love any God, you shall possess all property of the former Demon God, you respect these terms and only the Demon God can alter this contract.

I was not really lying about being able to alter the terms.

I signed it and handed it to the old man.

"William, take care of this world, I am no longer fit to continue, when I am done go to the door and wait for someone he will help you and instruct you with everything and something else it might take a little while to receive my power completely, in a few days you should have all my power.

Once he finished speaking, the old man signed the contract and began to fade away.

"Well old man, this is goodbye, I promise to bring future to the demons and I hope to be as strong as you."

I said that to the old man, so that he would leave this world in peace, although he really hesitated to do anything.

"William, no, Demon God you will have a long road ahead of you, but don't forget you will have companions and remember beware of the faceless ones."

Once he finished saying that I nodded my head and the old man disappeared.

I wish he would have told me about the faceless ones, I thought.

When he finished disappearing I headed for the biggest door there was and when I opened it I was met by an old man, who introduced himself.

"Welcome Demon God, from now on I am your servant Adel Winterry, but you may call me Adel."

He introduced himself with a happy smile, but there was some sadness showing in that smile.

"Adel what is your role in all of this?"

"My god, I am His Majesty's steward and aide."

It feels awkward to be called God.

"You may call me sir, Adel."

"It would be my pleasure."

After that little introduction of Adel, he led me to my quarters.