
The Real Truth

Erlong: what...what are you saying?

Arashi: you know exactly what i'm saying.

Erlong: tell me, what happened?

Arashi: i met armor, dad's old friend. He told me about dad's true identity and he also told me that you knew all along.

Erlong: armor told you? Well, he's lying.

Arashi: why do you think that?

Erlong: armor is a big liar, everything he says is not true and-

Arashi: drop the act, mom! Just answer my damn question!!

Erlong: don't raise your voice at me, i'm your mother!

Arashi: i don't care, you lied to me all these years! You made me believe that dad was just a human, but, really...he is not a human!

Erlong: ....

Arashi: well? Why are you so quiet?

Erlong: fine, you want the truth? Here it is.

Arashi: finally.

Erlong: yes, your father was a hunter, the greatest hero. It's true, your father is a demon, but, he has a heart of a human. Before i married your father, i knew nothing about his true identity. Your father first told me all this when you were in my stomach, i was 8 months pregnant. Yeah, a few months before his death. He died because of his betrayal paratabai, fugo otosuki. I didn't wanna tell you, because of one reason...your father.

Arashi: wha...what do you mean, mom?

Erlong: before your father drew his last breath, he told me to make sure you didn't know about his true identity till you're ready.

Arashi: how am i supposed to know, if i'm ready or not?

Erlong: your father said "when the time finally comes, armor will tell him the truth". So yeah, you're ready now.

Arashi: mom, i'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-

Erlong: it's okay, you were just mad at me for not telling you the truth.

Arashi: no, i wasn't-

Erlong: shh...it's okay.

Arashi: i think, i know what to do now.

Erlong: meaning?

Arashi: i have to join the hunters and avenge dad's death!

Erlong: that's great, now you're thinking straight.

Arashi: i've gotta go, mom.

Erlong: wait, do you know where you're going?

Arashi: hehehe...nope.

Erlong: haih...go the mountain of vigorous, there you will see a mansion. That's where the hunters are, good luck.

Arashi: okay! Thanks, mom!

Erlong: (chuckles) xiao gang, xiao gang, looks like our son really is just like you. Always so naive...

[After An Hour, Arashi Reached The Hunters Mansion]

Arashi: armor sir, there's something i have to say!

Armor: boy, what are you doing here?

Arashi: i want to finish what my dad started, so...i will take his place in the twelve hunters as the new dark hunter.