
Chapter 1. The Cadets arrival

Sir the new cadets just arrive," said a sergeant. "Good I would be the one training the cadets," said a warrant officer. "Welcome to G.A also know as Galatic Authority. We specialize in a special type of military. We are the ones that keep things in order in the Galaxy. Those are the words I heard after finishing my training and being sent off to one of the facilities that G.A has been a month after. Hi, I'm a private 1st piper in the 1st platoon and I got very lucky to get in G.A not a lot of people get only like 150 get in a year and I was one of those lucky people. I made some friends during my time in G.A some of them sound and look friendly to me. Here in G.A, we got 3 councils members that I know of Esu, Firerext, and Ultra they are the one that keeps things in order in G.A.When people ask me who are we and what we do I just simply say "we are space marines mostly but way advance for the earth so we just go to outer space and keep things in order" that's the only thing I can think of. Sometimes I go off and fight in some battles that we sometimes have some of our men are really good fighters and mostly none of them get badly injure but the are some that do but this time was very sad and devastating that what I saw.