
Chapter Seven:Transfer


After Amaterasu asked Ramiris his question...

"Hahahaha!! You don't even know that!?" Ramiris laughed at him.

(This Fairy...) Amaterasu was a little angered by his sister's answer.

"Hey!" Amaterasu called out the laughing fairy.

"H-huh? Brother don't look at me like that!" Ramiris shrank after seeing her brother's piercing gaze.

"Then answer it properly" Amaterasu demanded.

"O-okay! okay! sheesh! Anyway, the answer to that question is...." Ramiris continued to explain to her brother about his question on why Okami has yet to learn human speech.

She told him that, as a spiritual entity created by Amaterasu's magicules. Okami has not gained an ego yet, and is probably more tamed compared to other monsters since Amaterasu took care of Okami for 5 years before they went to sleep.

Ramiris told him that it was either because Okami slept for all these years, that he didn't get the chance to develop a proper ego and learn how to speak.

(A/N:These are just my theories that I invented so you might not find how or why in the Fandom)

Either they wait for Okami to fully develop his ego, or they transfer Okami's spiritual body into a Homunculus and teach him how to speak, since the Homunculus would have proper human vocal chords.

"I see.." Amaterasu stated, as he rubbed his hands on his chin with a thoughtful expression.

(If he transfers into a homunculus body, would Okami be able to transform back?) Amaterasu wondered.

Eventually he asked that question to Ramiris, and she responded with.

"Of course! He can!" Ramiris stated, she was quite happy she could help her brother once in a while.

(Then that settles it!)

"Okami how do you feel gaining a secondary body" Amaterasu asked Okami, who responded with a joyful "Wof!"






After having some small talk with Ramiris, Amaterasu noticed that his sister was planning something, based on hallway that was emptied by her subordinate spirits when they were having their conversation.

"You're moving?" Amaterasu asked.

Ramiris responded with a "Yes!"

"Where to?"

"To the south of the newly established Sarion Dynasty!" Ramiris exclaimed as she pointed towards the south, or to wherever it was she was pointing at.

"Hmm?" Ramiris noticed her brother's thoughtful expression, and waited for him to talk.

(I don't know if this could workd but its worth the shot!) Amaterasu thought.

"Why don't you transfer near my place instead" Amaterasu stated.

"Huh? Why?" His sister asked as she tilted her small head.






After explaining the things he had planned, Ramiris eventually agreed with him.

"Ok! So pack all your stuff cause you're coming with me!"

Thus, Ramiris and her subordinate spirits finished their jobs and went with Amaterasu.


"Greetings Master and Lady Ramiris" The two siblings were greeted by Muzaka as they appeared in the Red Templs, via Amaterasu's [Pyroportation]

"Huh? Isn't this an Island?" Ramiris wondered, since her Labyrinth would definitely need some ground to be built on.

"Don't worry about it" Amaterasu reassured her.

"Master my I ask why Lady Ramiris is here" Muzaka politely asked his Master.

"Well she's going to stay here with us!" Amaterasu said with a smile.

(Is this a part of his plan?) Muzaka wondered, as he remembered his Master's ambition of expanding his territory.

"Let's get started" Amaterasu said, as he flew towards the side of the island, that was facing the Main Continent.

(A/N:Changed Mainland to Main Continent)

Amaterasu flew in the sky, as he stretched out both his right hand towards the water and said. "[Incinerate]"

A twirling pillar of fire was shot out of Amaterasu's hand, as his sister and subordinate watched in awe.

Amaterasu's skill [Incinerate] was capable of burning even the smallest molecule of matter. Thus, the water was no exception, as it evaporated due to Amaterasu's skill.

"[Flame Wall]" 2 tall walls of extremely hot flame shot out from both sides to form a wide waterless gap in the middle of the Island and the Main Continent.

"[Flame Solidification]" The walls of Flame hardened as they held the 2 bodies of water away from each other.



The 2 bystanders couldn't help but express their amazement at the scene happening before them.

"Now then [Rock Drop]" Just because Amaterasu specialized in fire, doesn't mean he couldn't use [Earth Magic]. He used this magic to create large boulders to fill up the waterless gap.

Amaterasu landed on the ground as he stretched both his arms towards the layed out boulders, and said. "[Melt]"

The 2 solidified walls of flame, began to cover the large rocks and melt them, creating a new redish brown colored land that connected the Main Continent and the Island.

Amaterasu retracted his magic as he clapped his hands and said. "Done"

He turned his head towards the 2 onlookers behind him and saw thier awe-stricken expressions.

"Well?" Amaterasu asked with a smile.

"Incredible!" Ramiris exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

"As expected of you Master!" Muzaka also exclaimed as he bowed his head towards Amaterasu.

Amaterasu looked at his work and thought. (I'm so incredible)

"Now then Ramiris! You will put your labyrinth on the lower left side of my Temple, while I talk with Muzaka about our future plans, ok?"

"Yes! Of course!" Ramiris replied happily, as Amaterasu let out a snicker seeing his sister fly happily.


(A/N:Is it ok?)


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