
Chapter Eight:Plans


A/N:If I were to make an ATG FanFic combined with some aspects of DxD. Should I use the 3rd POV way of speaking or not?


The God's Shrine, or as Amaterasu liked to call it, The Red Temple, was divided into 3 rooms.

The middle room was the largest and served as the Main room where Amaterasu and Okami would often lay down and rest or sleep.

The left room of the Temple was made for Amaterasu's first subordinate, Muzaka. The right room of the Temple was made for storing Amaterasu's treasures, even though there wasn't any precious items inside the room, Amaterasu still kept it empty just in case.






Muzaka and his Master were currently discussing the plan that Amaterasu suggested.

"I will repeat it one more time..." Amaterasu retold his plans to Muzaka. His plan was to conviced the humans, who were near the newly build land that Amaterasu made, to join his domain. Of course, they would be offered protection in return.

The title "God of Fire" was sure to help in gaining more citizens for Amaterasu's future domain. The Land would then be divided into 4 parts with roads that were placed like this(±).

The southern road(_) would be connected to the 2 territories beside the domain. The vertical road(|) would lead to the Red Temple. The horizontal road(–) would serve as a passage way towards the other parts of the domain, and can even be an extra road used for trading with the territories beside it.

The Northern Part would be the Red Temple a.k.a The God's Shrine.

The Upper Left Corner would be Ramiris's Labyrinth.

The Upper Right Corner would be Muzaka's Red Light District.

The Lower Right Corner would be the housing and some Inns for travelers.

The Lower Left Corner would be filled with stores and serve as a Market Place.

While the Southern Part would be extra houses for residents.

The author almost forgot the mention the guild that might be established in Amaterasu's domain. Although it was still far from the creation of the future Freedom Guild, Amaterasu would rather have a brance of the guild in his domain and let the main headquarters be made in the future kingdom of Brumund, since it in the middle of most territories.

Plus, he would also make the Freedom Academy be in Brumund Kingdom beside the HQ of the guild, instead of putting it in his domain.

Although it may not look like much, just imagine the Island below the Ice Continent connected with the future Ingracia Kingdom. Although the Ingracia Kingdom would not exist anymore, since it would be replaced by Amaterasu's Domain.

(A/N:It might be confusing but hell I don't knwo how to do world building and just used pure Imagination. Anyway Imagine the Ingracia Kingdom connected to the Island above it since Amaterasu created an artificial land there. For better imagining Here's the Image----->)

Muzaka listened attentively to his Master's plan, and asked. "So what will be the name of this Kingdom/Territory/Domain, Master?"

Amatersu though for a while before answering. "Hmm..I'll think about it"

(A/N:Do you have any ideas? If so please chat in the comments--->)

Thus, the creation of a new Domain has begun.


The beautiful sky blue haired woman, named Velzard, was currently having tea with the crinson haired Demon Lord, known as Guy Crimson.

She her teacup down as she asked. "Did you see what he did?"

"Oh? What Amaterasu did?" Guy responded with a question of his own.

"Are you not going to ask him about this? Creating an artificial land, that connects his original territory with the Main Continent?"

Guy responded calmly by saying. "You do know the pact he has with Veldanava right?"

"Yes I do" Velzard stated as she took anothee sip from her tea.

"Balance between all races. Such a thing is impossible to achieve.." Guy Crimson paused for a bit before continuing. "..I talked to him about it once, and you know what he said?"

"....." Velzard was silent as she waited for Guy's explanation.

"That guy said "Balance? As long as there is One capable Male, and One willing Female, then I do not mind massacring them myself. Well, I wouldn't do that though" Hahaha! I can't help but laugh at his statement" Guy Crimson said.

"He does have a point" Velzard remarked.

Guy Crimson looked as her and said. "It doesn't end there though"


"He also told me "If my job is truly maintaining the balance of all races then I would have to be "True Neutral", which is impossible no matter what anyone says. "True Neutral" is just a term, no matter how neutral you say you are, you will eventually end up in one side or another". That statement made it clear that he isn't siding with Rudra" Guy stated with a smile.

"I don't know how you remember these things, but Rudra. Rudra, that guy has Velgrynd on his side. It would be bit troublesome if she were to join the war, well, we have "him" though" Velzard said with a slight shrug at the last part.

"That is True, in fact, its making me quite jelous hehehe" Guy Crimson said as he added. "I don't mind him expanding his domain. Its been long overdue if I do say so myself"

"Jealous, huh. Indeed I too am quite jealous of his power" Velzard commented.


A/N:Confusing? I tried my best to write it though....Uwah! My head hurts.
