
The beginning of the end

Regina was five old when an incident occurred , The most devastating incident of her life so as she thought . She didn't know what more was ahead of her . Her father was a mafia leader , He had many enemies so Regina's mother was scared that something might happen to her precious daughter . So one day Regina's mother took the decision of her life which she never wanted to take ,she was going to leave their house as it was no longer safe . She packed her and Regina's stuffs and was about to leave when she was shot. Oh! mother cried Regina as she got pulled away from her dead mothers body . She was being dragged by two Men with guns in their hands . She struggled very hard to get away from them but she couldn't as those men were too powerful and she was just a child .

She was unconscious for a while and when she woke up she started screaming as she saw a dark room filled with children who had there hands cut off or some wounded . "foot steps were coming form the walls of the room" The noise got louder and louder . Regina was so scared that she passed out, when she woke up she saw the same two men who brought her there they were laughing and making a very creepy face. They were divided into groups one for the selling of drugs the second one for begging and the third one for pick pocketing. They got special training to do all those stuff and if any one messed up they would be kept in the basement with no food for two days .

After few years she was a sixteen year old girl who was now a definition of a perfect criminal . She along with some of her friends for a long time now was planning a trap for Mr.Gilbert aka the the person who kidnapped her a long time ago and the killer of her mother . But Mr.Gilbert finds out their plan.

Find out what happens next............................

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khushimahatcreators' thoughts