
Chapter 20: The Evolution

Chapter 20

The Evolution

"Raylight, wake up."


"Raylight, wake up!" 

A familiar voice forced me to open my pupils. And when I finally have a blurry vision, after I lost consciousness earlier. A very familiar face occupied my view.

At first, I'm still questioning who this woman was. Because if I remember it correctly, no other being is on the 100th floor aside from me and Zeus.

But as my inquision grows who this woman is. And why are we together, I notice her silky and long violet hair. And as I conclude her gentle voice, together with her long and silky violet hair and small-pale face. 

"C-Chronas?" I forenamed. And just when I said that, my vision came back to normal. And just like a camera that lost its focusness, my eyes got their focus-option back and saw the beautiful face of the woman who was also the first person who offered to be her friend.

My first friend in this world smiled at me and nodded, "Yes, it's me. How are you Raylight?"

I didn't answer that question of Chronas just because I don't want to. But because I can't. due to as of the moment, I am really in a deep disorientation on how in the world I am facing Chronas right now even though she is dead already. 


I let my vision turn 360-degrees to the place where I was for quick surveillance. And when I only saw an endless white ambiance of the whole place. I tried not to cry and stood up from lying in Chronas' legs as I concluded the answer in my head on how I met her even though she is dead already.

I stare at her hopelessly, and still not permitting myself not to cry, "C-Chronas, tell me. Am I dead already? And where are we now? Is this heaven?" my voice becomes broken as I ask that to the beautiful woman who is just staring at me.

Though, she breaks our eye contact and the mood when she let out a lady-laugh while covering her small mouth using her hand that can be compared to a soap because of its silkiness.

My brow creased, "Chronas, why are you laughing?! I'm serious here. Tell me already, am I dead? And how is it even possible?! Did I get poisoned too from my battle with Zeus?!" I raise my voice in annoyance to this woman who never changes at all who still finds her joy in my misery.

Chronas stops her laughter when she sees me grumpy and annoyed already. She also lifted herself to the ground. Looked at me and smiled warmly.

 "Just like what I thought, you're still the naive monster I met in the dungeon. Two-years have already passed and you're still the same, Monster. It's good to know," She said with a tone of at ease. Like, she is happy to see me just like the same she met me.

Though, I just sulk and cross my arms in my chest. And give her a silent treatment as a punishment of laughing at me earlier. Though, after a minute of silence, and Chronas just let me play alone to my game of silence.

I heaved a sigh, "S-So tell me already, Chronas... am I really dead now...?" the sadness in my system escapes in my mouth as I ask that question. Though, that sadness became anger when I heard again this woman by my side laugh again on my question.

I faced her miserably and looked at her in pissed, "Chronas, really?" I ask sarcastically because I can't find any rightful word to say on this woman who really enjoys watching me in my lowest.

Chronas did not really stop laughing. I gave up already on receiving an answer from her. And just frustratedly sit again on the ground while brainstorming on how on earth- Livettia I died. 

'Does the lightning of Zeus have some deadly poison on it, that when you get hit by it, the poison will go to your blood streams and attack your cardiac and make it congestive until the opponent dies from suffocation? But if that really is the case, does it sound so overpowered?! Like how in the universe a lightning can have a poison on it that when you get hit by it, the only choice you have is to be a crispy fried being instantly or die in the poison painfully if you survive?! Who really created this world? It sucks.'

"Fucking unfair," I growl like a baby in the mid-air as I accept already that I really die due of poison in the lightning.

Hence fort, when I was ready to cry my eyeballs out and complain to the universe on why they create, such a being like Zeus who have indomitable strength and a cheating poison side effect. Chronas sat beside me.

"You're not dead, silly." She announced.

My head automatically goes to her. I grab her two shoulders and make her face me.

"Say that again." I spoke fastly that my lungs in my body are stressed.

"I said you're not dead," She obeyed. Though, my trust issue from this woman is at a climax. "Ok, last one Chronas, say that to me again so I can believe you. Just last one-"

She laughed. I glared at her. "Chronas! Be serious for once! And tell me again I'm not dead!"

As I say that. The latter just did the opposite. She laughs again and again. That makes me feel depressed again.

I let go her shoulder and cross my arms again, "Fuck it." I curse in the air in frustration and just let Chronas enjoy my misery.

And when she finally stop laughing, "You are really stupid aren't you, Monster?" She mocks me in a very offensive way in my lowest state.

I slowly face her, "Chronas, can you just tell me where the door in the underworld is? Because I will voluntarily go down there rather than to be with you here and hear your mockering forever! Thank you." I made my sarcasm so obvious in every bit of my words to make her feel that her taunting and teasing is not helping me out.

She shrugged and let her upper body fall to the ground while her arms were in the anterior part of her neck.

"Sorry tell Monster, but there is no entrance here to the underworld. And you gonna keep your patience with you because you will be trapped here for a while with me," She said so coolly that I almost forgot that I don't know where we are.

"Where are we anyway?" I changed our subject. And the woman instantly replied to me.

"In my consciousness." 

I face her automatically and finally lost all the rationality in my system, "Are you really fucking with me right now, Chronas?! Can't you be serious for once?!" I bursted out because she thinks that this is funny. Then for me it is not. 

Nevertheless, when I met the dark-violet eyes of Chronas seriously looking at me…

"I'm telling the truth, Raylight. Right now, you're inside of my consciousness that's why you are able to see me even though I'm already dead," She added while not breaking our eye contact.

I let out a heavy sigh again, as I believe what she was saying because I met those serious eyes before her. And when her eyes are expressed that way, there is no in hell that she is not serious.

I also let my body rest in the ground beside her and let my two hands rest in my long stomach as I stared at the pure white skies that I think is endless.

"Then, can you tell me why I am here inside your consciousness Chronas?" I probe. And it takes about a minute for Chronas to answer it.

"Simply, because you finally reach the state where you have a high chance of winning against me." 

My brows creased, "I don't get what you are saying." 


"Can you just explain thoroughly and simple so I can understand, Grand Mom?" I fought back and that made her laugh. I also find myself smiling too in our set up, where we both stare at nothingness while not facing each other at the same time. 

It is so relaxing and therapeutic.

"Well, to put simply, why you are here is because you finally reach the requirement for you to access this place. And the requirement, I set it up, that the only time you can access this place is when you are strong enough to defeat me. And finally, after playing with death numerous times inside of Zeus Dungeon for years. You finally surpass me, Raylight. Congratulations.'' Even though I am not facing Chronas right now, I can feel that she is smiling widely while delivering those messages to me. And I can't also hide the extreme happiness in me as the person who I look up and admire validates my hardship. It was really a fulfilling feeling.

And as she said that, I also now can remember that before I finally lost my consciousness. The system said that I am in the process of evolving and I will be in a deep slumber for a while. And it also activates my title: [The Will of Chronas] which may be the reason why I am here in Chronas conciousness.

So to be precise. I am not dead. I am just stupid like Chronas said for not realizing things. And if Chronas' saying is true that I will stock here for the meantime as my real body is in the state of evolution. I guess I will just seize the moment I am with her and make our conversation productive.

'Yeah... that will do.'

"Thank you, Chronas. This milestone will not be possible without you, so I really thank you," I replied after a moment of silence.

She laughs again, "Then, what will I do now? Should I cry because my first disciple surpass me now?" 

Now I am the one who filled the place with my laugh, "No, Chronas. You should said you're welcome right now."

After I said that, we laugh together loudly. And fill this empty place by our happiness.

"Then you're welcome, Raylight." She followed. I shrugged. And let the defining silence again swallow us.

Though, when minutes passed, I spoke up, "Chronas can I ask you some things?" my voice became serious. And I know without looking, Chronas' face became serious too.

"Drop it."

"Who are you?"

To Be Continued...

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